Not even 3 months into the expansion and It feels like it's dying

Ok but has always been like that… Some servers are well populated, some are dead… For me, i even sometimes when logging in get a message, that server is full… So ye… Far from dead.

First time I ever read it was during open beta… game was like 4 months away from being released and people were already calling it dead. :beers:

Also, most people apparently don’t understand what it really takes to permanently kill a live service game… For ex. EVE Online has <20k players online at any given moment, fewer players than a single truly full WOW realm. But nobody in their right mind would dare call it “dead”… is the playerbase smaller than it was ca 10 years ago? Absolutely. But you can always downsize infrastructure to save money and keep the game running just fine :wink:

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I heard about that aswell :D.

And that’s literally in EVERY SINGLE game. Every game has at start big popularity and then slowly drops as players finding out they don’t like it.

People has to stop saying that fr.

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Aye, or simply graduating from college and getting a job, or starting a relationship, or or or… the reasons for people to quit any game over time are endless, and often don´t even have anything to do with the game itself.

Case in point, I rarely skate-or snowboard anymore, but that´s in no way because they have bad design. it´s because I´m 48 and my knees aren´t big fans of jumping off buildings or cliffs anymore, If I wanna fly, low-impact halfpipe is all they can handle these days… :wink: :beers:

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Well said mate

Every material on AH has crashed , there’s so much Chitin on the AH people simply don’t want it.

Kaheti Slum Shark has not lost it’s value, still sells for 700-764g each. But i understand what you mean.

We are living in a huge consumer society. People haven’t patience to busy oneself with something for a longer period of time anymore.