Not getting valor points for heroics

Dont get your hopes up i made multiple tickets ingame, bug reports and forum posts.
And i repiied in every valor point post i could find to bring attention.
Seems like we are just a few… so not enough to get priority i guess.
Im gonna be behind 1060 points feels amazing.

yo i still have problem with weekly valor point i cant got 1600/1600 pls fix this …

560/1600 how i can get weekly valors this week :*((( Dungeon rewards just give justice point no more

I lost 1060 valor points last week… there was no fix for it either.

hi pls fix my Valor point im on 560/1600 :*(((( Hunry-Gehennas

so we lost valor point in this week :(? How is it possible that Reward Dungeon is reset first, then Valor points, this is very funny, please fix this

Are you sure you didn’t already EARN 1600 ?

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have the same problem…this week i have weekly maximun valor 305/1600, i think earn valor only from raids.random heroics dungeon give me juctice points.

hey.Its bugged again, can we get a reply? Is a fix coming?

Same for me. Feelsbad

I am missing 1060 Valor points from LAST week so idk… do they care? You tell me.

is this issue with freshly dinged alts?

Yes, I am sure. Weekly Reward reset time is not the same as reset valor point . Because the Valor reset time and the Weekly Reward Dungeons were 2 or 3 hours apart, during this time I did 5 dungeons and because the Valor was not reset, Valor did not give me 7 weekly rewards, and when the Valor was reset I received only 2 rewards from Dungeon Valor and since then it has not given me any valor, now I am 500/1600 and I don’t know what to do.

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me too. It’s ridiculous that the Valor Point reset time is not the same as the weekly return of hc Dungeons

Yooooooooo Blizz; this whole not fixing the Valor thing… was NOT A GOOD IDEA!
As anyone could have guessed; people are pissed and rightfully so! This game is beyond a buggy mess and should never EVER have been allowed to be released in such a poor state!

Now FIX THE DAMN VALOR! And every other damn bug in the game please.

Dont Play wow at wierd hours then ?

You bought something on vendor didnt you ?:slight_smile:

no, this week i didn’t buy anything.

You sure you didnt ?

yes…305 valor is from raid bosses