Not getting valor points for heroics

How do you have tier chest?

i playing 3 weeks.i have earned 2 weeks x1600 valor points =3200 - 2200 chest =1000. now i have 1305 valor with weekly limint 305/1600.

So it doesnt look like this?

NO.weekly maximum 350/1600
i got +45 valor from BH 25man


Try deleting the files inside \World of Warcraft_classic_\Cache\WDB\enUS

I did what you said but nothing changed.
when i run the game the files are recreated.

Character check 2

Blizzard give EVERY SINGLE PLAYER that logged on that week at lvl 85 THE FULL VALOR CAP! Grant it retro actively! This is the ONLY GOOD solution! Anything else you guys do will NOT be appreciated by us! I can not put this in simpler terms than this!

Sounds like this isn’t a bug, just some people doing their valor heroics before the valor cap resets.

yes . and now what should we do ?

Congratulations we did it!!!

I must be very lucky, as ive done my valor cap weekly on 2, then 3 characters since week 1 without any issue.

Yo Kaivax, since it is hard to get a response nowadays imma try it here…could you check wether the devs have acknowledged a bug regarding the 10 man lockouts ?
Right now the IDs of tons of players get busted if your raid has to switch out a single raider …when entering the substitute gets asked wether to accept the current id and he does but then gets a completely different ID from the rest of the group therefore blocking the progress of this id and the id for this week is busted…

My main Pala tank valor points are in Red for Hc and getting none while my hunter is fine


same here.


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