Not Invited

Don’t bothered dude
I think the problem is maybe his class was underperformed and maybe this guy here was in his forum crying for changes and maybe there was some troll telling ppl why this class don’t deserve changes and maybe now he try to feel the same pleasure off trolling like the other guy.

Warrior doesn’t have any “viable” spec atm, nobody wants a Warrior except the 1 spot in raids for the groupal buff, you, on the other hand, have the best m+ tank.

You don’t have to be top tier at anything that’s a very bad thought habit from fotm players, the age of tyranny in BfA from Havoc is finally over now you have Vengeance so let other dps shine.

Undeniable fact because you say it? you’re terribly wrong thinking that other people are as stupid as you.

Yet again the only thing you know is attack the person not the argument, without even considering that this priest might not be my main character but yea you do what you gotta do :wink: Keep crying on the forum in hopes that something will happen.
Spoiler: It won’t happen :slight_smile:

I don’t even need to check your profile to know you are a below average QQ player trying to have a 3 button overpowered spec like it was back in the day.

Dreaming is free :rofl: :kissing_heart:

Count the warriors vs the Havoc DHs, you little sad (name for a female dog) -

If you honestly think that 1k dps difference is not a big deal, please for the sake of anyone that ever plays with you, stick to sub-10 keys and out of any balancing discussions


He is just trolling. Immediately disregarding, ignoring and reporting any post he has here is the best course of action.

You should read the original post rather than blindly follow brainless trolls that take everything I say out of context and have no reading comprehension.

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