As the title suggests, I am in search of a Shaman race.
While the choice is highly subjective, I cant really decide.
Horde or Alliance doesnt matter really.
I hate big characters like Draenei Male or Tauren - So I wont use them, even though I love the Highmountain Tauren Totems and look - they are just too big and I have to use Noggenfogger 24/7 or you could suggest me a toy, which has almost 100% uptime and I could farm.
Male Trolls are also too big.
Kul Tirans are also very big and the slow mount animations on big chars are bad.
Zandalari also too big / height.
I rather make female characters, but for Dwarfs I am not sure.
Vulpera Racials are not good and the totems are pretty simple, otherwise I would have already a Vulpera shaman, so this is also excluded.
Male Orcs have too big shoulder armors, so rather a female for aesthetics.
So: All in all:
Draenei Female - I have already so many LF Draenei chars though…
Dwarf - well…
Maghar Orc or Orc - mmmhmhhmmmm
Goblins - very small, so vision issues like gnomes … especially annoying with stairs
Female Pandaren - cute but too much
i would do a nightelf, nightborne or worgen shaman, but that doesnt exist
Huh? Vulpera have the best looking totems by a long shot.
They look really nice. I’d go with Vulpera.
If you really can’t decide, make Trial Characters for every race.
Trial Characters start with 10 gold, and it costs 1 gold to transmog 1 item, so you can test the animations, totems and transmogs that way and figure out what you like best.
Female Orc. Orc Shaman is a Classic and have the strongest tie with wolves. You take over from Thrall being the leader of Shamans AND his weapon if you go enhancement. It’s totally meant to be.
I’m a bit confused with your post, or I might not have understood it correctly…
You say even trolls and orcs are too big, but goblins are too small…? The only in-between I can think of is Dwarves.
Based on your requirements it doesn’t seem like there is a “perfect fit”, since you have reasons not to pick any of the existing shaman race options.
I totally understand the struggle though, since I wanted to main Shaman since forever ago, but was stopped by the race options… It wasn’t until we received the Man’ari Eredar options for Draenei, that I found my “perfect race/class combo”
Since you seem to not like any of the races at all, I’d maybe go the “fantasy approach” maybe pick one based on a fantasy you think is awesome. Whether that being a Troll Witch Doctor, or a Dwarf that communes with the mountains…
So I tested the female orcs and maghar and normal are the same in animations and normal would be prefered from customization and racials.
they cast left-sided, so they are clearly lefthanded and it feels very weird to see them casting on left side, when every combat stance I would take it always left foot front.
So Orcs are also OUT.
Dwarves are also OUT. Animations bad, too bad.
Left is Panda Female or Draenei Female
… why exist no nightelf, voidelf, nightborne or worgen shaman, or better orc animation.
If all races get all classes, at some point they will it seems. Maybe wait for that, or roll another draenei for now and then switch when they introduce those