šŸ“° Note the consequence of Classic Burning Crusade here

Thatā€™s it. I am sure there are plenty of Goblins stocking up on Crafting materials ready for a BIG sale come 9.1. The long 9.1 takes to come, the more Materials theyā€™ll have to sell.

AH prices are going to TANK come 9.1, not go up.

Likewise, I think alot of these Goblins will be looking to trade in their Gold for Tokens when they become available again. I know alot of the Gold Making Community stocked up on tokens when they were only 160k.

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Because Iā€™m not sure I wanna come online as 9.1 hits. I didnā€™t take a hiatus for a few weeks, my hiatuses last MONTHS, years sometimes and Iā€™m never sure how the economy will look like whenever I do decide to come back.

400 - 500k seems fair for the price they ask for itā€¦

i feel like the price of the actual token should change with the inflation personallyā€¦

will never happenā€¦

just +/- 1/2Ā£ every 50k

starting from Ā£15ā€¦ maybe even Ā£10ā€¦ that would mean at the gold value the price would beā€¦ Ā£15 if starting at Ā£10ā€¦

seems much fairerā€¦ Ā£20 means the gold value would have to reach what? 350k ?

More or less yes. legion price was ok most of the time, in SL I only sold 1 token so far because of the idiotic design for mail/leather legendaries.

my only issue is that ppl are pushing to 70
because of this its very rare to get groups/invite to non bc dungeons
my belf is 51 but only saw 1 ZF/uldaman/rfk/sfk group
on stonespine is tough to find groups for brd/strat/sunken temple

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