Now Available on the Shop: The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur Mount

So true.

(Well Boby is gone but it’s the same thing.)

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At this point just add an official Blizzard Mythic raid, M+, Gladiator title/mount boosts in shop. Also add every legacy item, plus all the mounts which exists in the game.

This argument grinds my gears, so here comes a rant. It’s not wrong at all, not even in principle, but it’s effectively giving a free pass to the elephant in the room: poor upper management and game design.

Nobody told upper management to allocate any positions, money, time, and resources to making outrageously expensive store mounts instead of QA and programmers. They decided to do that of other own accord.

So why did they decide to do it? Because they cared more about making a quick buck than they cared about celebrating the legacy of this game.

Grummz, whatever you may think of him he has an important voice in this context since he created the game they’re celebrating, was outright shocked at this and the extent to which this celebration doesn’t actually celebrate the MMO - we can’t see each other! Where is everybody?! HELLO?!?! :stuck_out_tongue:

He was at a loss for words, which is saying something. I’m not sure if it’s easier to put him at a loss for words or Trump. He just said “inflation hits hard”. Heh- yeah. That’s it. Inflation. Not a team who doesn’t know what an MMO is being told by upper management to farm dollars via transmogs and mounts. Of course not.

That’s the elephant in the room.

The bugs aren’t honestly that bad - there’s some nasty scaling bugs (hint: stop scaling) but 99% is just broken game mechanics. Just straight up it’s not an MMO, and the artists who were working on this are testing it as if it is.

And you know, all the bugs with the new talents - they added over 400 passive talents and procs for this expansion plus overhauled several trees as well, adding even more. I’m honestly shocked it works at all. It’s still a bad idea though.

Now, the thing that’s going to happen immediately after this post is I am going to be told “if you don’t like it don’t play it”, which I think misses the point of all this which is that there’s this game hidden underneath that I really do like, and I still like hard dungeons, but these things I’m liking are not actually MMO activities. They’re co-op activities. I loved the MMO, but I know it’s dead and gone and I would never play retail as an MMO.

And that’s not so great and all but I can have fun at least, but this is an MMO centric event. These are mount-offs, world bosses, etc. They rely exclusively on MMO features to function, and when they in particular don’t work properly an event like this just plain breaks. That’s that elephant again - keeps showing up. They’re trying to celebrate an MMO like an MMO inside a game they transformed into not being an MMO that was that MMO. It’s impossible to understate how crazy this is, but I’ll tell you one thing: It’s NOT the team who made this event’s fault. It’s anybody but their fault.


I hope she replied “zug zug”

Does it come with the next top tier priced expansion “Midnight” for free?

What a bloody rip-off Blizzard! Seriously this is as bad as the last one of which I do not have and nor would I get this scam mount either all this is you using an event that is a massive milestone of the game’s history and all you as a firm can do is think about how to make even more money off your players.

I’ve been with this game for 16 years seen some of the nasty :poop: in the way of scandals that have gone on with you on a corporate level and stuck with this game through them and my relationship/pull with WoW has been always an escape and a means to get away from this kind of in my view horrible greed and narcissism that your company seems to have taken to heart and let’s face it the buyout from MS was never going to change you and this is the biggest indicator of this it would have been more acceptable maybe if it was half the price it currently is but even then I would be unlikely to purchase.

Blizzard you are a disgrace you’re never going to change because you are so set in your ways it shows with this kind of crap proves that as a company the so-called change you have tried to put forwards is not happening it is just a huge facade a bad joke because we all know deep down you are only interested in fleecing customers of money with this kind of obvious cash grabs it’s so pathetically obvious it’s not even funny.

Like I have been ever since I discovered the original one existed too late to get it. I’m glad they found a way for people to get one, but wish they’d done it some other way so it’s not only the more affluent players who can buy it.

I meant to type that. OMG!

Well spotted