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Why would I be a Trump fan? What a weird assumption to make? You get some right wallies on the weekends…

Well coming from you says it all a person who gets all bent out of shape over a weekend and even Asmong said “ive been banned” so yeah enjoy the echo chamber you build :slight_smile:

Echo chamber? The conversation ended 4 hours ago and you brought it up again. Maybe it was you who wanted to yap your trap? There is a distinct definintion between a ban and a suspension. Doesnt matter what asmonbald said.

Do you need the last word to validate yourself to make things feel nice for you if so i will let you have it so you can go sleep and to bed without being upset.

I am not upset at all. You chose to bring a dead conversation back to life. Deal with it however you want. You still cant counter my argument, so now you are trying to end it without making yourself feel silly. Trump fan. Echo chamber. What are you blabbering about?

I think you are else you would have let it drop by now and would not have got so upset in the first place its ok to be wrong at time’s you know but i can tell you are a very angry person and i shall let you go.
Only silly person here is the one that keeps responding to me :frowning:

It was dropped. Then you came along and started talking nonsense. I thought you said you were going to let me have the last word, but here you are still replying to me. I think you came here for an argument. You want to tell me what happened?

I see now you are trying to project you are the alpha male and if i do not let you have last word you will be keep on posting back all night :slight_smile: well i have lots of coffee so carry on.

And thats the second time you said you would stop and you are still here. Not a man of your word are you?

Well you seem in a chatty mood and have issues to deal with so i will keep you company as you really hunger for last word

No. You still dont get it. The conversation ended. You decided to revive it. Couldnt counter my argument, so you resort to calling me a trump fan, being an alpha male and somehow stuck in an echo chamber. Maybe put that coffee down and go to bed. Caffeine at night time is not a good combo.

There is no argument just a cosy late night chat , you seem to look at things in a very black and white manner . If you call this an argument then you have never met my ex wife :slight_smile:

Sorry for late reply busy doing things in game at same time.

I can’t say i’m surprised at this point. It’s activision skeleton staff keeping the game afloat, all the talented devs have left years ago. This is to be expected going forward.

I dont think they have a say anymore since Microsoft bought out blizzard last year ?

It’s still the same staff, they’re just working for Microsoft now. My point is, this kind of move is the standard going forward it has been for years now, the people who made this game great left expansions ago. People need to expect this rather than be outraged.

Once people come to terms with that it becomes like water off a ducks back.

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What i mean is , its blizzard staff as they never had acti staff there just acti in control of them as far as im aware unless you have data to say otherwise.

I gave in to the temptation. :sauropod:

It was 1.6M gold at the rates I bought the Tokens at.

I will be wincing for a while every time I look at my Altoholic gold totals. but I barely spend gold anyway, and I won’t be regretting missing the opportunity.

I’m not jumping for joy, but I have no buyer’s remorse. :slight_smile:


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