Now give Horde the Paladin abilities

With the upcoming patch you give Paladins another of the Shaman abilities, but 2 in1…

Would like to see Shaman:
Tank shaman: Remove the internal cd on Lightningshield procs, (like holy shield)

Stragiskin totem updated to grant ontop of Str & Agi Devotion Aura
Tranquil Air totem updated to grant ontop of Threat- Concentration Aura

Manaspring totem to grant 40mp5 (Equal to Wisdom buff) &
Healing Stream totem reworked to both be placed as 1.

Springtwist totem” could be the new name.
Grants 40 mana every 5 seconds. Have a chance to heal friendly players within 40yards for 74 and grant Mana each time they hit or cast a spell on a target. Paladin 2 setbonus should be implemented into the totem.
(2) Set : Increases the chance for allies to trigger your Judgement of Light or Judgement of Wisdom to 70%.

Rogue Poison:
Atrophic Poison
Should now also reduce the targets STR & Agi by 15% ontop of the reduced attackpower. Like Vindication debuff for horde. (Or add it to all Rogue Poisons)

Rogue tank:
Unfair Advantage Should hit ALL targets in melee range with 0sec internal cd (Like holy shield).

Shuriken Toss add: “Cause a high amount of threat”

Fan of Knives add: “Cause a high amount of threat”

Cheat Death should be a new book ability for rogues so we dont get 1shot if unlucky avoidance on bosses. (weaker version of the paladins permanently 20% reduced dmg below 35% hp)


they already showed they can add extra effects to totems via the new shield “boon” effects, so yeah at this point they gotta compensate shaman players with something since they’ve given alliance (paladin/druid) our whole toolkit while basically giving nothing in return.
100 yards on totems baseline also seems par for the course at this point, everyone else gets it, so shaman should get it too. full stop.

and lets not forget they also gave paladin tremor totem aura (again, a superior version of tremor totem).

decoy totem and alpha buff which both require rune slots (they in fact compete for the same rune slot) is all we’ve seen in return for giving up some of the best utility (wf, str, agi, tremor) in the game which is a horrible trade.

hunter being given kings buff a mega “who cares” as well, paladin’s are thanking their lucky stars they aren’t being forced into the prot tree to get the buff (and also have 1 blessing less to spam during raid) so in a way, hunter being given kings is a buff to paladins.

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It’s a crying shaman…


No, im a Rogue.
Feels abit unfair Paladins get every single spell in the game while we Horde get NOTHING in return.


Said the Millionaire to the Beggar

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Devotion aura : ≈ 1k armor.
Blessing of Sanctuary : 48 Reduced damage taken(BETTER than Stoneskin wich gives 30 and cant be used due Str totem),
Vindication debuff : -15% str and agi on targets.
Its VERY unfair in PVE specially.
Horde tanks take an average ≈20% more dmg than Alliance tanks due to this.

Concentration Aura : 35% chance of ignoring spell interruption when damaged.
Judge of wisdom/light : 70% chance to restore 74hp/mana EACH attack/spell.

You paladins are the Beggars and got everything you asked for so far.
Time to give Horde some love. Blizzard hello!?


Wtt all this pve bobs stuff for instant proc holy light and infinite mana like shammy boyz.


you mean instant proc FLASH of light.
shaman can’t get instant healing wave procs, we can only get instant lesser healing wave procs (i assume you mean maelstrom/powersurge).

as far as your infinite mana goes, you’ve already had that. its called seal/judgement of the martyr.
does what shamanistic rage does in regards to mana regeneration, but without having that pesky 1 minute cooldown.
oh, and ofc you have blessing of wisdom on top of that.

wanna trade that for our mana spring totem perhaps?

think you’ve had enough already.
time for blizzard to address some other classes next patch, you’ve had far more attention dedicated to your class than you have any right to, and you’re literally getting a free legendary in phase 5 so please like, stop being a goblin.

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No one uses this, it’s not worth putting on in general

This doesn’t work on mobs, only in PVP

Again no one uses this, there are better auras to use unless it’s PVP, then it’s used. [EDIT: You might use this if your tank is a warlock but again most Warlocks won’t tank]

Pretty sure this is just for melee attacks, might be wrong

funny, this is exactly what you guys used to say about horn of lordaeron.
turns out you were wrong about that too.

absolutely incorrect.
this is the best paladin aura in any fight where there is a modicum of damage that hits anyone who isn’t the tank.
bloomin’ ell bro.

it works on spells and ranged attacks too.

Well that was because it was a chest rune and it just wasn’t worth as it also took over Might. Now that it doesn’t, yeah i’d press it every 2 minutes

Edit: Well many of our dps don’t get hit and it’s never requested. Things like Fire res aura are put on higher prio

Again, I said i might be wrong put i’m pretty sure it doesn’t.

so just to clarify; it is in fact worth, and people do use it.
also, even when it was a chest rune, you’d have holy paladins use it.

you have more than 1 paladin in your raid, surely.
ofc fire res aura is going to be top pick because its MC and it has heat levels.
besides that devotion aura is mandatory because tank go mitigate, some cases this is not even needed, but seeing as you’ll always have like 5-6 paladins anyway, might as well put it on, and the same goes for concentration.

alliance are enjoying the perk of having 100% pushback resistance when you combine this aura with certain talents.

horde cannot get this, and yes, it is in fact huge to be able to heal and cast with no pushback and while we can get up to about 70% +/- that 30% chance to get pushback makes an enormous difference.

concentration is also incredible in pvp because all your spellcasters and healers are completely immune to pushback caused by melee hits, hunters ranged machine gun fire, pets (such as brokentooth who is infamous for eternal spell pushback) and the list just goes on.

you’re eating snails if you think concentration is useless and that “nobody uses it”.

okay, so it works on all attacks, melee, ranged and spells.
read the tooltip.

If they did, they wouldn’t of used it because of the amount of time it would take to buff every single person. It was completely useless and the only reason why they had it as a place holder.

I would rather have my holy paladins healing.

I have 12 paladins in my raid and most of my casters have never requested it. They’d rather have fire res, let their paladin (if 2x paladin in caster grp) have fire res and have a 2nd fire res aura encase the 1st dies.

Yep I said it was good in pvp. Never said it wasn’t used. Just that it’s never requested. I then said it would get requested if a warlock is the tank so he can keep his channels/casts up

it stacks with every blessing other than BoM.
you know what that means?
str, agi + salvation.
also, its literally a single GCD that buffs the whole party, instantly.
its battle shout, but for str/agi.
not useless.
“placeholder” is not the correct term, not at all.

lucky for you they are perfectly capable of that.
one might say they are the best healing class in the game btw.

so you have 12 idiots who doesn’t realize the value of their auras.
why am i not surprised at all to hear that.

bro, you know what, if what i’ve said so far hasn’t convinced you of concentrations value in pve, i dunno what will.
keep sleeping on it then, jesus…

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BoM at the time when it wasn’t stackable was better because of the length of time and we needed the attack power more because the amount of Agi gear everyone had. Sorry I did forget it was a battleshout but it’s only party wide and we tend to put them in the caster grp so he can get the crit chance from the druid. At the time it was useless and it was a placeholder item.

And I love that for them, i’m so glad that we have so many paladin healers in our guild and raid groups and the fact even when paladin was one of the worst healers they stayed, they helped us and they’re being rewarded with one of the best rotations paladin healers have ever had.

I will see the value when my casters ask for it. Until then it’s not needed and there are other things that they would rather have. Just sounds like you chose the wrong faction

Well I wouldn’t call them idiots at all, I appreciate them all and I think they’re all good people and they all have good lives what is a must for my raid groups/social groups. It’s unfortunate that what I have said makes you think that way though.

Instead of finding ways to put a class down, suggest ways to bring your class up. A majority of the suggestions i’ve seen personally on these forums have never been implemented.

It has been the developers choice for how they want to bring up certain ways of play and put down other ways of play.

I understand that not having every piece of utility someone has is annoying but this is where competitiveness comes in and this is how you create sides within games. You might not believe it but the original devs made these decisions with these things in mind. The fact it’s still getting people to create an actual divide to this day is what makes this game so great. It is World of Warcraft, Horde vs Alliance

gonna have to stop you there.
you could always stack horn of lordaeron with every blessing other than BoM.
this isn’t a new aspect to the ability that was just introduced.

you could easily have a ret paladin, in a melee group, and have him use both horn + salvation, you just didn’t do that for some reason (that reason likely being MUH DEE PEE ESSS - in other words; selfish ret paladins who aren’t team players)… probably the same reason those 12 paladins in your raid don’t use concentration, cus they are just ignorant about how good it is.

okay so remind me; when was paladins ever the worst healers?
i’m gonna need some receipts on that.

ok lol, like i said; keep sleeping.

if you got 12 people and none of them are using concentration aura, like it doesn’t even occur to them, despite being abundant enough to basically have every aura active, you kinda force me to call them out as idiots, because that is idiotic.

what auras are they using besides FR and devotion?.. like are they using frost resistance aura or something?
i want to know why nobody in a group of 12 people thought that maybe concentration should be used.

that’s half your raid filled with nothing but paladins, and you can’t get every aura?
bro explain.

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you must be new around here.
every time someone makes a suggestion about “bringing up a class” (in my case, that is shaman) a million paladin players show up to defuse the ideas, and corrupt the thread and make it about paladin issues.

you don’t need to look around this forum for long to find one particular paladin who is infamous for doing this.
he has basically achieved celebrity status at this point.

peak irony.

alliance has gotten just about every good utility spell that was previously horde exclusive, such as windfury, str and agi totem, tremor (the list probably goes on but thats just off the top of my head) and the versions of these spells that alliance now have access to are SUPERIOR versions of what the horde gets, and you’re sitting here telling me this… outrageous.

i’m well aware of this, but that line has obviously been crossed long ago.
if you were to stay faithful to this philosophy, you’d have done it in phase 1 and never made runes like wild strikes, horn of lordaeron, hunter aura, decoy totem, alpha buff etc.

and seeing as this line has been crossed long ago, we’re at the point where we gotta homogenize things so it becomes fair for both sides.
-that means horde needs access to alliance stuff just like they’ve been given access to horde stuff… in this case, the paladin auras, such as concentration and devotion, and if we’re to stick true to the philosophy currently being practiced, the versions of these spells that horde receives should be SUPERIOR to what the alliance got.

consistency is important, and if you’re going to give the opposite faction better versions of our stuff, the stuff we get in return should likewise be superior.

Yeah you obviously haven’t read what i said. I’m saying you we didn’t use it because it’s a 2minute buff and we’d rather keep a 10 minute buff that is more beneficial to the group. I never said we wouldn’t use it because we couldn’t use it with other buffs. We just wanted BoM more than the Horn.

Says the person who can’t use it.

Phase 3 Paladin healers were the worst because it was so dull and had nothing to it. In terms of performance it’s been good but like I said before, they have been rewarded now with one of the best rotations they ever had.

Well no we have a group of casters that again like i’ve said, don’t want it and prefer other auras.

Well not ever paladin is in the caster group. We’d rather have paladins in grps with Druids and warriors and then the paladin healers we have with the boomie and shadow priest. Who again never have expressed them wanting concentration aura even when we’ve asked them.

We tend to have Sancurity aura, Devotion and Fire res and if there is a 4th paladin what is rare, we double up on fire res.

Sounds like a you problem, I’ll read your past threads and maybe comment if you have good ideas.

Ignore him, seem like you are giving him too much attention

Give me the relating abilities that weren’t in original wow, I never said it purely from a alliance perspective. I used to main as a rogue undead and warlock orc.

I don’t agree to this, this is why i left retail. I would rather one side be disadvantaged in different ways and have a reason to pick a faction.

Well you have got superior players