i’ll accept the reasoning behind it, but BoM is not actually better than horn, just FYI.
BoM might provide more raw AP depending on the class that benefits, but it doesn’t provide crit, dodge, block rate + AP.
i understand that the fact it competed with a different rune subjected it to obscurity, but to say it was never worth is not true.
hitting a buff every 2 minutes is also not hard.
shamans have to do that 4x every single fight, depending on the length sometimes multiple 4x and this is simply another can of worms i’m not going to open right now, that make me salty.
consider yourselves lucky you got 15 minutes duration on those blessings.
this an argument?
what are you, 12?
so what you meant was; “its the least rewarding/boring healer spec” and not “the worst” correct?
terminology my guy.
use the proper terminology.
ok, what are the auras they would rather have?
other than FR ofc.
give me the down low please.
you got 12 paladins and you can’t squeeze more than 1 paladin into each caster/healer group?
whats going on here bro
boomies and shadowpriest asking specifically NOT to have concentration?
am i understanding this correctly?
sanctity aura?
what, for those smite priests or what?
over concentration?
i’ll try.
they don’t need to qualify as “new to the game”.
currently existing utility spells such as windfury and salvation (alpha buff) was given to the opposite faction, and the fact these aren’t “new” does not somehow invalidate this fact.
wild strikes is just WF but better, alpha is just salvation but better.
and that’s all good, but it has to be a two-way street, not a one-way street which is currently the case.