Now give Horde the Paladin abilities

i’ll accept the reasoning behind it, but BoM is not actually better than horn, just FYI.
BoM might provide more raw AP depending on the class that benefits, but it doesn’t provide crit, dodge, block rate + AP.
i understand that the fact it competed with a different rune subjected it to obscurity, but to say it was never worth is not true.

hitting a buff every 2 minutes is also not hard.
shamans have to do that 4x every single fight, depending on the length sometimes multiple 4x and this is simply another can of worms i’m not going to open right now, that make me salty.
consider yourselves lucky you got 15 minutes duration on those blessings.

this an argument?
what are you, 12?

so what you meant was; “its the least rewarding/boring healer spec” and not “the worst” correct?
terminology my guy.
use the proper terminology.

ok, what are the auras they would rather have?
other than FR ofc.
give me the down low please.

you got 12 paladins and you can’t squeeze more than 1 paladin into each caster/healer group?
whats going on here bro

boomies and shadowpriest asking specifically NOT to have concentration?
am i understanding this correctly?

sanctity aura?
what, for those smite priests or what?

over concentration?

i’ll try.

they don’t need to qualify as “new to the game”.
currently existing utility spells such as windfury and salvation (alpha buff) was given to the opposite faction, and the fact these aren’t “new” does not somehow invalidate this fact.

wild strikes is just WF but better, alpha is just salvation but better.

and that’s all good, but it has to be a two-way street, not a one-way street which is currently the case.


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Well, not to be nit-picky but the ring runes giving weapon skill basically took away the only advantage Alliance players had over Horde. Without that, Horde racials are just outright superior in all PVE scenarios.

not entirely

  1. you got access to axe and bow racial as alliance, these were previously horde exclusive.
  2. humans have not been screwed over, you see, as opposed to i.e dwarves, a human paladin can use +25 defense rune and +6 holy hit% rune and still benefit from his weapon racials, provided he has a mace or a sword.
    humans are still able to get a unique advantage.
    same way an orc shaman can use fire/nature hit% rune + 25 def rune and still benefit from axe racial provided he uses an axe.

if you wanna talk about racials, i’m gonna open with stoneform and shadowmeld which are now proper gassed up considering some of the new stuff in SOD.

stoneform invalidates the existence of shadowpriests and envenom rogues, not to mention that its extremely useful vs warrior and feral druid.
shadowmeld is just outrageous on a hunter in every way you can imagine, definitely top tier.

in addition, there are a pair of bracers in the game which any engineer can make (cloth, leather and plate version exists) that provides you a free undead racial with double the duration but with double the cooldown as well.

Axes are typically inferior to swords (with the exception of some decent axes coming next phase in SoD; one of which wasn’t available in Classic).

Due to berserking and bloodfury, there is no way for an Alliance warrior to compete with a Horde one.

Provides nothing to DPS; except maybe helping slacker healers on Huhuran.

Provides nothing to PVE.

I’m not talking about PVP racials; Alliance have good PVP racials and absolutely garbage PVE ones.

maybe in the end-game axes are inferior, but early on, this racial is bis for weapons… this is solely due to the fact that every bis weapon is either a sword or a mace in the endgame whereas the early game all/most of the bis weapons are axes.
i doubt this issue will reoccur for SOD by the time we get to nax.

berserking is cracked, but bloodfury is a bad racial.
its suicidal to use it, and it provides very little benefit, it is in fact referred to by most people as a griefer racial, meaning only the most competent people are able to gain a slight advantage from it whereas the average andy is just gonna get himself killed.

if you read the tooltip it clearly states that it “increases BASE attack power by 25%” and not “increases attack power by 25%”.

they ought to really change this tooltip because a lot of people don’t know the difference between the two examples.
base attack power accounts for the attack power your character has WITHOUT any gear and buffs on.
so i.e battle shout does not make this racial more useful, because battle shout is not part of your characters base attack power, it is an addition to it.

basically, this racial provides the same attack power to a naked orc as it does to a bis geared orc… you wanna know how much that entails?
about 8-10 dps.

that’s 8-10 dps in return for a whopping 30 seconds -50% healing debuff.

sorry but just because its not a dps oriented racial doesn’t mean its bad.
it has its uses and they are many.
it also provides 10% armor for its duration btw, so its useful even in pve.

again, this doesn’t mean its bad or useless.

funny, because everyone i know would say the opposite.
the only exception is troll’s berserking.

This is not entirely accurate.

While the tooltip is correct as in Blood Fury indeed increases base attack power, not total, you understanding of what “base” attack power is, is not.

Let me explain. Base attack power is the “white” attack power if you hover over the stat in your character window. “White” attack power is calculated from base stats like strengh, agility and such. So any bonuses you get to base stats through whatever means (gear, buffs, consumes, etc…) also affect base attack power. The only thing that does NOT count towards “base” attack power is any effect that says “+ X attack power” (i.e battle shout, blessing of might and similar effect on gear)

So as you can see, Blood Fury actually DOES scale with gear, not in its entirety though.

Horde racials are absolutly cracked in PvP, hardiness alone IS the reason alone alliance dont queue in BG

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If this is true, then this shows what a joke an average alliance player is

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Says the 50 shadowmelded Hunters, Spriests, Boomkins or all the dwarfs Immune to Blind with click of a button. The HUman Male defending flags with Spy addon and Perception…

Well, all this paladin favorism made me quit SoD

This statement is just as false as your mumbojumbo horsepoo words

Alot of horde will follow this path if they dont change things for next update

using blind on dwarf :rofl:

gauge and run, literally solved matchup. but being :poop: at rogue as horde is just commonplace now is it? especially when you could literally double trinket fears from lock or the only fear that a priest got?

horde still asking for buffs when they are straightup better in both PvP and PvE shows howmuch of a joke horde players are. at this rate you dont even have to do a rotation.

back in the day there was a survey in classic why people cancelled their subs, WoTF was a valid reason back in the day. blizz knew that horde racials were far better for PvP content.

alright, i simply figured it didn’t since the dps increase was downright pathetic last i checked.

are you daft bro.
its not that people are using blind on dwarves, its that they can’t use blind on dwarves without it being instantly removed

same goes for literally any other poison, disease and bleed.
feral druids can’t do :poop: against dwarves.
shadow priest can’t do dot damage to dwarves.
envenom and any other poison such as mindnumbing and other utility/dps poisons doesn’t work on dwarves.

you are such a bum for sleeping on this racial dude.

oh yeah?
you got a source on that?
perhaps a receipt?
it wouldn’t be the first time you lie through your teeth, so forgive me for not taking your word for it.

and you know what, even if that was true (which i doubt) there are now a pair of bracers in the game (3 armor classes at that, cloth, leather and plate) that gives you a free improved wotf to stack on top of your other racials.
the only difference is that it has double the duration in return for double the cooldown.
a whopping 15 seconds of fear/sleep/charm immunity.

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True, that has never been a secret. Just as alliance racials and abilities were far better for PvE. So it was a simple choice really. Wanna have a slight edge in PvP - roll horde. Wanna focus on PvE - roll alliance. To each his own.

Gouge , its 4 seconds. Wont really make me able to reset like a full duration 10seconds blind…

Wave tactic seems to be running away, using Petri flask or Lip against any “op” ability…

Cant outrun a Dwarf paladin to reset fight.
Cant outrun a Dwarf priest to reset fight.
Cant outrun a Dwarf warrior to reset fight.
Cant outrun a Dwarf hunter to reset fight.
Cant outrun a Dwarf rogue to reset fight.

L2p wave.

why do bears then find success? i wonder, oh maybe they outlast people with armor values against dwarves before they drop sub 30%
warriors still find success even if rend is stoneformed, told you before but hey you didnt bother reading that.

nobody ever plays assassination rogue in PvP, if you do gg no re.

oh no anyways one RNG stun can change the entire fight, but you wouldn’t dare mention that, rather die to dwarves in silence than admitting this.

it’s not sleeping on this racial when horde racials always have been better in PvP compared to niche alliance “pvp” racials.

use it once against any fear class, unequip and use normal bracers from a ST quest line.
give those to an UD player and he had 3 ways to break out of fears, 4 if warrior UD. totally balanced against alliance players which have limited to 0 fear breaks.

god you are awful if you don’t talent into imp gauge in PvP, no wonder why you have been a free kill for literally a majority of people. it’s a 5.5s incap on a 10s CD (9s if 4pc of R10 gear)

could if you actually bothered getting imp gauge, literally mandatory in PvP dimwit.
L2p clown, currently you are a free kill just like nitrometroll.

Try restealth in 5.5 seconds dumb dwarf. You need 6seconds to even drop combat.
You are the clown if anyone.

If these paladin buffs as of now on PTR go live, you can actually kill people without your babble

again you just stand behind the target while gauge is up or attempt to make distance with sprint and reset? god you are truly the biggest turd alive pretending to know rogue stuff.
Or even LoS players? ever thought about using brain that you clearly lack everytime?
Seriously you would be better off playing a warrior than a rogue considering brute forcing as rogue aint working

again you just stand behind the target while gauge is up or attempt to make distance with sprint and reset?

So you mean the target will use his Arrows on keyboard to stear change his direction when im behind him? Not everyone keyturning at 2024 Wave, you’re using old 2004 pvp tactics.

Or even LoS players?

Tell me one place you can LOS in this game except a House building?
Mountains, trees, hills, rocks and most walls you can just shot through.

Sprint away from:

  • Hunters Serpent sting - Wave response: Use Heart of Noxxion trinket.
  • Paladins Pony/Repeteance - wave response: Use Flask of Petri
  • Priests DoT - wave response: use Restorative Potion
    Warriors Bleed and charge - wave response: Use Luffa trinket.
  • Rogue vs rogue usually bleed to keep enemy rogue from resetting, but cant vs dwarfs. Wave response: Limited Invulnerability Potion

Seriously you would be better off playing a warrior than a rogue considering brute forcing as rogue aint working

Only class you can brute force anything and anyone with in this game is Paladins

If you wanna learn or discuss something about this game, find another thread.
This thread is about the paladin overtuned class that needs nerfing

Horde needs some of the paladin abilities in return for all you cried to get welfare Shaman abilities.

  • Shaman need Bubble and Bop
  • Shaman need pet, that is up permanently.
  • Shaman need Reckoning
  • Shaman need 0sec internal cd on Lightning shield
  • Shaman need 50% reduce damage taken ability
  • Shaman need Vindication debuff
  • Shaman need 20% less damage taken below 35% hp
  • Shaman need Devotion Aura, Concentration Aura.
  • Shaman need Judge of Light / Wisdom
  • Shaman needs higher mp5 on totem and healing.

I heard dwarf brains is the size of a goldfish , specially Paladin Dwarfs.

I feel ashamed to admit this, but i tried a Shockadin heal build at PTR.
6/8 t2 Healset
3/5 ZG Set

Steady 6000-9000 Healing Per Second if 5 mobs.
Consecration alone heal 1-1,3k each party member+beacon target every second. +Holy shock 3k crit dmg & heals ontop of that. Steady 1500dps while healing.
Guarded by the Light rune on boot -50% reduce healing but 5% mana every 3sec, doesnt affect this shock and cons on healing others.
Combat healer never going oom.

Only 1 Enemy target, healing is around 3000 Healing per second.

Ally meta going 1 Shockadin and faceroll content.

This Season of Paladin is :poop:

Blizzard fixing this or gonna release this joke live?

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