Now give Horde the Paladin abilities

absolutely love how you flat out ignored

this part.

dismissed wavé.

wrong again but what do we expect from a troll? Try brute forcing a chicken, it wont work.

except that paladin isn’t overtuned compared to shamans which have been not adjusted correctly since p2. But your :poop: gameplay on rogue believes that paladins are OP (lol).

good troll lol, need to buff your overtuned hero class even harder to dominate the content even harder than alliance. the average horde jokster right here.

heard horde players had no brain to be found, seems like I was right.

blatantly lying and exaggerating is all you can do? pathetic mudhut people

lol, you won the buff trade and still ask for more, greedy players will always stay greedy.

still searching, was a time ago i saw it, but believe what you want :rofl:

Paladins get more windfury feeling than shamans at this point . 4 hits guaranteed by twsisting with the tier bonus is so retarded + they get to enjoy windfury too. Whoever says devs favors horde should be shamed.


always the shamans and/or horde players with the garbage takes, literally having to be melee for that to even occur, meanwhile shamans basically duplicate their spells on a 50% chance and with half the damage.

overload is not windfury.

you honestly deserve being labled with words that are usually reserved for mentally handicapped people.

the fact you have the gall to call someone out for a “garbage take” while giving the absolute most paladin brain garbage take of all time is just blowing my mind.

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That is a troll reply mr :poop::poop::poop::poop: pala

The title of this thread should be: “Now give shamans the paladin abilities big cooldowns, conflicting runes and healing reductions” :rofl:

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nice try but enhancement tho