Now i understand the deserter frustration

i lvled a few characters through timewalking so now i got lvl 80 i geared up a bit so i thought i go back and helm the lower lvls for a smooth run bacause i got max lvl and some nice armor. i got there, and on first 2 mobs, not even a boss i got instantly killed/ one shotted. wth is this nonsence, i felt a deserter coming because if i alrready get killed on 2 trash mods i would not come far. and yes the leader yelled, HEALER!? i said yes… then i explained i used timewalk for lvling but i misunderstood it. and now i got punished for trying being nice helping ppl in a dungeon.

so basically between lvl 70 and 79 its facerolling everything and when at lvl 80 i get destroyed. i thought this made me getting easy bronze tokens but that wont happen. and who made the dicision to give the quest for the tokens at lvl 80 instead of lvl 70+ when everything is easy?

so making a mistake is 100% punishment, you cant say oke then i leave and they get a better healer instead. no i have to continue doing the torture.

Was it in Mana Tombs, early on? Shield Bash I think it’s called is rather lethal atm, the first packs can be rough.


if you want easy broze tokens you do the secrets of azeroth quests and do the 3 world bosses that are in tanaris .


Yes it was in mana tombs. I am also bassleader but because of the forum bug i dont have the same character shown on the forum. Bassleader is on pc. Warlock in from phone.

It wasn’t your fault, the scaling is doing something very wonky with that ability. From what I’ve gathered, it seems to target the closest player with a mana bar. It should be 5 yards iirc, but it’s hitting people further away. Besides that its damage has been ramped up significantly, which is most likely unintentional. If you have a melee dps with a mana bar, they’ll be the lucky ones but if not, healers seem a tasty snack next.

Some more gear may help, but I’ve seen healers complain about this who had ilvl 610 so I don’t know. Hopefully Blizzard will fix it soon.


It’s not about easy, really. It’s about scaling. Some abilities are tuned wrong, simply put. As level 77 tank I at some point got hit for 7 million. Yeah, no, not even something that should have been specially dealt with either.

The great thing about the change to the Bronze Tokens is that you no longer have to do everything.
Do what you feel is least stress and still have plenty of time to get everything before January.

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