Now the horde is pure crap

After this expansion and the intentionally boosting the Alliance we can say that there is literally no horde.

  1. At the moment there is no even warchief
  2. Most of the most significant and main characters are dead and they “try” to introduce some new one like Queen Tally but not very successful:
  • Sylvanas is dead (this is not HER)
  • Varok died
  • Vol Jin
    Literally we have only Thrall and this mediocre crap Baine (no soul can be…).
  1. There is no story for the horde. Everything is a total mess. There is no direction only SOAP operas and drama. Pardon, its epiiiiiiiiiccccccc. +ness.

We don’t need a Warchief, for now we’re getting a council of sorts.

What’s wrong with Talanji? She’s pretty cool and so was her story. Looking forward to seeing more.

There are still plenty of Horde leaders around.

What are you trying to discuss?!


What I am trying to discuss is that now when Sylvanas dies we literally will be without any prominent hero apart of Thrall. Alliance has plenty of examples: Jaina, Anduin, Cougar (Kathgar), Malfa … we have only Thrall as old character that has impact and how to say it aura of a big thing. Everything else is dead.

Talanji is a cool character but there is no emotional attachment that has Jaina for example. I remember Jaina from WC III. Now her story sounded more mature and even complete.

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Well this is a change from the "alliance is dead’ topics

Also do Baine and Lor’themar not excist for you?


Horde still got plenty of prominent figures out there, sure they’re not around since WC3 or anything but do they have to be? Atleast we’re getting some new ones instead of constantly being stuck with the same old.

Yeah that’s because she’s still quite new, as Jaina once was too.

  1. They have the bee mount.

True. I am sure Thrall and Jaina can make a new one or Lor’themar and Thalyssra can conjure you a new baby chief soon

a strong contender for a warchief position

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Dont worry, our queen will be back after Shadowlands :slight_smile:
Dark Lady watch over us.


For Blizzard 9 months is pretty quick let’s be honest :grin:

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actually more than enough time irl to land it right at the SL launch.
Baby Thrall would be adorable


Hippo too! And our recolors of the two mounts the ugly mounts ! + they canonically won the warfronts .


rofl, Horde attacked Alliance zones and Alliance defended them. Does it mean we won? Worthless offscreen defence victories.


SO much wrong with your OP I don’t even know where to start

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I do not think something is wrong and usually OP cannot be wrong. Always horde has corrupted warchief, always he/she needs to die, always so big drama and everyone cries.

Where is the epic part then ? Even in the quest line for Baine they told us: it is not the first time we fight corrupted warchief.

It is actually an honored tradition of the Horde!

It goes all the way back to Orgrim Mak’gora-ing Blackhand and has since been reiterated in numerous ways. Even in WC3, Grom and his guys had to juice up on demon blood and fight Thrall, because a unified Horde just doesn’t sit right.

Horde fighting itself is one of the most recycled storylines in Warcraft. And if the first few times wasn’t enough, well… you can be sure it’ll happen again.


Oh god how beautiful your Void Elf looks, with this Mog🔮


Horde warchief can’t die every expansion if there’s no more warchiefs. Smart move.


It’s actually weird that Arathi was considered Alliance before BfA because it was obviously more u der Horde control before.

But the whole council can die :wink:

I’m a cool dark elf yea :smirk:Your mog looks yummy as well :yum: