Now the horde is pure crap

#NotMyWarchief #PauldronsOffForSaurfang

Those were the trending hashtags at the start of BFA if I remember correctly.


Totally. While I’m pro Sylvanas (in this context) and will go down fighting her corner, and am gleeful about killing innocent Nelves - treating the game as an RPG - I would be totally fine with the Forsaken getting the shizz kicked out of them for what ‘we’ did to Teldrassil.

If I was a Nelf, I would want bloody vengeance, oceans of blood, piles of Horde dead mountains high, all that sort of stuff. I would probably want to bail on the Alliance and Anduin too, for doing nothing about it and asking us to ‘wait and be patient’.

Nelves definately need more payback, and hopefully they will get it.

I forgot about the Pauldrons thing.

Zekhan/Zappy boi got a load of love too

I hope you’re aware that those people are likely either just memeing or making a joke. I’ve yet to see anyone who thinks that Baine has been portrayed well in BfA.

Not entirely undeserved though, seeing as she:

  1. Has never been portrayed as someone who gives a damn about the Horde.

  2. Is far too controversial to lead such a wide array of races, most which have completely different moral, cultural and other views from her and the Forsaken.

Well I for one do not see boy king my king either. he is a moron. And now I think tyrande is useless moron too. Heck everyone, but Jaina seems to be useless moron on Alliance leadeship. Least the “doggo” is willing to step up. But no Boy king does not let him.

You do indeed!

I kept my pauldrons on, gawd dammit :smiling_imp:

A friend who is very anti Sylvanas has liked how Baine stood up to her throughout, questioned everything and eventually went against her.

And yes Sylvanas was a bizarre choice but we now know how she got there, more or less.

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I liked Baine too. But my opinion doesn’t count.

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The story forums and lore discords I am in hate him all and making fun that he’s an alliance character.

Why not? Even if you don’t play a side you can have an opinion on it.

Well, I can certainly agree that him standing up to her and questioning her motives and methods is a good thing. The issue was the way it has been presented, which wasn’t a very good one, as we can both agree. And from my experience, most fans share my view.

Well Saurfang, Baine and Thrall all teamed up with the Alliance against the Horde/Sylvanas.

It depends on your perspective. To me he’s a traitor. To others he’s not.

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Even mudhuts had enough from them all. They ended to respect them after Anduin walked hand in hand with Saurfang into the battle against Sylvanas.

…the horde also teamed up with the trio and the alliance against Sylvanas

Yes, with the help of the Jailer. Even her monologue in Before the Storm was retconned by that.

“Faction pride addon” Yay :+1:

However, Sylvanas being a traitor to the Horde is not some subjective perspective. It’s a hard fact that has been quite delicately emphasized for good measure.


Well I feel that if I am Alliance , there might be certain unconscious bias. Despite always playing both sides of story, my personal headcanon goes and happens in elven lands… I wouldn’t even say as alliance but 1st as druid and then as death knight I have my own sides.

It is natural that if my heart belongs to Icecrown and Lich King (despite Lich Kings mega betrayal, but death knights are trained and risen to be loyal even then), then the story that plays against that is something that I do not like. Baine stood against actions of character i do not like - so I have certain bias. 1st that I am alliance and his actions were favoring alliance in a way; and 2nd I am death knight - his actions were against character I despise.

But I cannot say if his actions were good for Horde POV. And thus I wouldn’t say my opinion matters in such lore based discussion as I am from the opposide side of fence … two fences even.

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Really? Cause looking at Sylvanas now I have no idea what I’m seeing, but looking at Baine I still see an Alliance bootlick. While Sylvanas might be all over the place now, Baine is where he always was, by Anduin’s boot.

Again, I am not arguing that Baine was presented well in BfA, as you can see from my previous comments on him and on the story forum. But stating things such as “Sylvanas burned the tree because of Saurfang/In my view she didn’t betray the Horde” is definitely seeing what you want to see.