Imagine people saying that Tyrande killing Brunja was a fair trade-off, and then having what she did made utterly pointless by stating that Sylvanas can get new val’kyr in the Shadowlands.
Blizz needs to get a story continuity editor in there, like yesterday!
The amount of retcons they did in the recent months borders on comical.
People see what they want to.
Exactly. I didn’t see the point in faffing around occupying anything, to kill the snake we needed to cut off the head
I guess that explains most Sylvanas fans. They see what they want to see.
Same goes for Baine, Saurfang, Thrall, which was the point I tried to make earlier.
Both sides of that coin interpret things differently and see what they want to see.
Taking something completely different. People took some comments made to mean that we would lose faction barriers or even become one. They heard what they wanted to hear. I presumed it would work the same as always where we seem to have these temporary peaceful times for various reasons, mostly to face a common foe.
Do people have to argue about Sylvanas and crabs?
Imo, Sylvanas is a baddie that never should’ve been the Warchief, and she’s a traitor to the ideals of the Horde and what it stands for. To others she isn’t.
She was the most illogical Warchief but Vol’Jin named her. Most of us were very surprised.
Certainly. I shall not dispute that. Though Sylvanas fans seem to be the easiest to spot, being so vocal and all.
I think every time the topics come up there is equal loudness from both sides.
We even have those for and against Anduin in the Alliance.
He was tricked by the Jailer that Sylvanas works for.
I can see why Blizzard thought they balanced it - like afterall horde lost UC, and technically Alliance did keep their ground on Darkshore, and we got a horde character on our kill count.
But Alliance did not destroy UC, Rastakhan was a boss fight in a raid, and cannot compared to vengeance and revenge elves have inside, and defending darkshore feels shallow in comparison.
I, as night elf (I play mainly nightelves), am not against lore moving forward - and I am not against Blizzard shifting lands (oi.e. destroying darnassus) as changing old can open door for new.
… but I feel something is a miss - that epic vengeance has not been fullfilled. It makes me, as night elf character feel empty-puny and nothing. Blame me treating this game as RPG and my characters as people in this game world and not just ‘combat raid character for epics’. And so there’s something missing from my characters story for me. While I can excuse my death knight - who is already dead, emotioneless and needing to kill to absorb souls, as otherwise her own wepapon would kill her. For her tree and elven revenge means as much horde means to Sylvanas - none.
But the druids, hunters, priests, all the other elves I have. They’d want someone to pay. And one valkyr and king rastakhan is not that payment.
So I am ok for not having darnassus as game and story has to move forward and I think its good that they dare to change things, but the story of vengeance was not there.
Well yes we know that now, but at the time we didn’t.
Can you point me to someone who argues for Baine? I’m very interested in seeing that. Even I, who am arguably one of his biggest fans, can’t defend him nor the way they’ve written him, and can only lament what could have been.
The tree is still pretty much there, however i am sure the story will bring a lot of Nigh Elves in the future. It gave them the motivation to play much bigger role in the story, to be honest Nelfs and especialy their leaders were bit to much boring.
Majordomo staghelm was more intersting character then Tyranda, even on classic.
It is certainly a good opportunity for the night elves to grow some fangs and for Tyrande to shine. Still, that’s not what’s being discussed here.
Does not change the fact that as night elf bfa feels like … like it does. Underwhelming is that word.
There is some specific Baine love but mostly it was discussions where the trio got lumped in together (Saur/Thrall/Baine). I think I’ve heard Baine is Bae more than once. I’ll have to have a dig through at some point.
Sylvanas had her hatred from the off. I remember the whole #NotMyWarchief malarky on the forums.
Well, than I have the right to speak that the alliance is pure crap, don’t I?