Whilst Arthas was enemy of both factions Garrosh was the absolute enemy of Alliance, other than that he only despised some races among Horde ranks and treated them as second class citizen. How can you compare a Villain to a Horde Warchief? Nonsense.
Because Garrosh changed from Warchief to Villain. That’s why. The same way as Arthas changed from Crownprince of the Alliance to Lichking.
Arthas helped you to conquer Lordaeron but Garrosh nuked Alliance cities.
That would be so ehm"sweet"? I can vote for Baine ,but only over his dead body , he would be handy undead messenger/quest giver for our last warchief.
I’ll agree that every interesting character we get gets either booed out of the Horde or killed and we are left with … Baine. But hopefully things will improve, so instead of pulling my handkerchief and start weeping… like other people… I’d rather wait and see what happens and if it gets worse, well, there are always other games I could waste my time on.
Thank you, you made my point.
If your iq is around 50 yes I do
You think the loss of yone city is worse then destroying e few kingdoms and condemning the inhabitants into an unlife of slavery?
Arthas did not conquer Lorderon for the horde, he killed the inhabitans and resurrected them as his minions. They broke free and later joined the horde. If anyone had a right to kill Arthas it was Sylvanas, and maybe Lor’themar. But in first place Slyvanas.
Thank you for agreeing with me then.I never said he conquered the Lordaeron for the Horde, I said he helped which means he paved the way by destroying an established Alliance Capital.
But horde did not conquer Lorderon, Lorderon joined the horde.
This is really a question of “What is the Horde supposed to be?”
Is it, as it was before WoW and during Garroshs reign, a savage group of warriors vying for conquest and bloodshed?
Is it, as portrayed in Classic-WotLK, a pragmatic alliance of loosely associated races bonding together to face common threats?
Is it, as portrayed now, simply the Alliance in a red coating? Just with different races, but similar ideas of “honor” and “peace”.
For me, the Horde works best as a pragmatic and less “moral” counterpart to the Alliance. When there is a forest of enchanted trees, the Alliance sees something beautiful to preserve. The Horde sees it as fuel for their expansion.
You got the impression he wanted to discuss something?
The term you are thinking is “Silver Fox”, “Cougars” is an exclusively female term
What about Loth? Etrigg? Rexxar? The other Horde heroes you’re conveniently omitting for the sake of argument.
It was still early
I laughed loudly when I saw Cougar (Khadgar) a few hours ago rofl…
Why all the angst? It’s a fictional backstory that has no real relevance as to questing/levelling and is there purely to add some fluff to the pixels we push around on the screen as we kill other pixels. Many people on here take a mere computer game WAY too seriously.
I thought Dadgar is already established as his nickname because of his terrible dad jokes.
ZOMBAINE warchief is comming, no way
Zombaine script: Sylva… ehm so sorry ,pardon me Earth Mother gave us all an important task.