N'zoth Ending Cinematic

Pretty sure the boss has a mythic only secret phase and that’s the true ending. There was something on the PTR about a phase 4 “Nzoth starts corrupting Azeroth” which wasn’t part of the heroic encounter journal.

Blizzard confirmed before that these secret phases are canon and there’s still an encrypted cutscene that wasn’t revealed yet.


Let hope once mythic gets cleared there is a secret (aka real) cutscene


Last boss of expansion, an ancient being capable to corrupt and destroy Azeroth, and then universe itself by opening the portal to the Void Domain - gets a tiny cutscene made with the game engine.
Mary Sue Allmighty Sylvanas - gets a fully rendered, 5m long cinematic about how wonderful and cool she is.


So the raid isn’t even out yet and Blizzard just decides to spoil it for everyone in EU that is waiting by posting the video on youtube … They really are in a hurry to get rid of BFA aren’t they ? XD

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personaly I felt old gods started to be little bit boring, when they where showed in our faces, in every freaking expac to some extent.

Vanilla we had 2 raids about one old god and a hole zone atleast.
tbc not so much but still the arrakoa tried to summon an old god.
wrath we had yogg saron.
cata was old go themed from start to end, due to deathwing.
mop old god again.
Wod not so much old god, exept in shadow moon atleast.
Legion, most about the burning legion, but not totaly, Azhara started to come.
BFA, pretty much everything was about the old gods

so maby it is time to put the old gods on hold and explore something else instead.


I wonder if it actually kills him. That’s a pretty big retcon if he dies.

hard to say, saw the cinematic, and it looks like he got dessintegrated, or maby sent away back to where he came from.

I guess I can see what you mean.
When you think about it, 8.2.5 was the ending of BfA with the conclusion of the war campaign and 8.3 is the continuation of 8.2.
8.2 -> 8.3 -> 8.2.5 would’ve been better order storywise.

Still, I feel no matter what the cinematic was, people would’ve find things to complain about.


So did anyone on Azeroth(apart from people living in Uldum or the Vale) even notice N’Zoth was free?

Nah… I’m sure come next expansion I’ll be asked to fetch some flowers again.


Not a single Old God we defeated lasted more than a patch. Nzoth had entire expansion buildup.
He was also the weakest out of any of the old gods.

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What a bad cinematic heck in ffxiv shadowbringers that ending scene was godly compared to this trash and they are not charging full price for the expansion and its superior in quality.


people keep saying this but it means nothing

N’Zoth is the only OG to actually be completely free, even if he was weaker while imprisoned that doesnt matter anymore

he has been completely wasted


it would be great if people actually got to experience the cinematics as they’re doing the raid instead of having it spoiled because US gets it so much earlier than EU :slight_smile: Wrathion cinematic was great and the last few bits of Ny’alotha being destroyed looked cool too, at least it didn’t completely destroy a character in the process (Sargeras) like Legion did

I played FFXIV before 8.3, the ending of ShB was amazing, fantastic cinematics.
I played SWTOR KOTET before 8.3, the ending was absolutly fantastic too.

And now, We are getting a really budget cutscene where our characters look really bad in an old motor that should be dumped and replace, in which we killed one of the biggest antagonist in some random beam of friendship.

Pathethic, seriously, pathethic tier.
Christie Golden ruined the only thing that kept me playing.


I can’t help but feel like there’s something we’re all missing here. I sincerely hope that is the case, because I share the general sentiment that this was an underwhelming ending.


It’s trailer is my total fave too :slight_smile:

then again, every expca from mop has been connected to eachother, what I meen is, maby this kind of was not ultimate ending yet eighter, but that comes in some other expac instead.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lieulbyk9I This cutscene from WoD is vastly superior to the N’zoth ending cinematic in every sense. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXKMHMQNo8IHell even MoP surpasses this with the Garrosh ending cutscene.


Just to remind everybody: This was the beginning of “Battle for Azeroth”. The very first CGI-cinematic we saw at Blizzcon. A down to earth battle with siege towers, trebuchets, archers, rifles and soldiers in plate armor.

So…so…how the freaking F did we end up with a giant tentacle monster and not one but several Dragonball Z cutscenes with the final one being us shooting a Kamehameha at mentioned tentacle monster?


so low quality for an ending cutscene

absolutely horrible. this quality they can use to show during questing but not for the finish of an expansion.

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