Time will tell- I should hope so. After all, your argument was that they do not listen to people when CLEARLY the spec is doing well- When, in fact, fire mage, the most top spec atm, got the minor tweaks with the bracers effect becoming baseline.
Yes, we are confirmed to be getting changes- We just don’t know what yet.
Your argument was that because forums represent such a minor presence, nobody cares. That was your argument, not mine. And clearly you are wrong. Blizzard does listen- Meaning that our view can’t be minor, because if it was, we wouldn’t be listened to.
They changed the previous Legion iteration too, why wouldn’t they change it this time too? Legion mastery was perfectly functional, as is the current mastery, yet it was changed all the same because people didn’t like it.
To reply you got to read, so the statement falls on itself.
Well you backed off last time in defeat, this time will be no different. You’ve lost already, all I just need to do is outlast you- Which I have done before too. I have all the time in the world, you do not.