Time will tell- I should hope so. After all, your argument was that they do not listen to people when CLEARLY the spec is doing well- When, in fact, fire mage, the most top spec atm, got the minor tweaks with the bracers effect becoming baseline.
Yes, we are confirmed to be getting changes- We just don’t know what yet.
Your argument was that because forums represent such a minor presence, nobody cares. That was your argument, not mine. And clearly you are wrong. Blizzard does listen- Meaning that our view can’t be minor, because if it was, we wouldn’t be listened to.
They changed the previous Legion iteration too, why wouldn’t they change it this time too? Legion mastery was perfectly functional, as is the current mastery, yet it was changed all the same because people didn’t like it.
To reply you got to read, so the statement falls on itself.
Well you backed off last time in defeat, this time will be no different. You’ve lost already, all I just need to do is outlast you- Which I have done before too. I have all the time in the world, you do not.
So you think after alpha they will implement such a big change for 10 people that dont play the game but just whine? Good, lets see.
You are still blind because its stated twice.
You are blind again because already told you this was not because your influential text made me back up, just because the 3 pvp dudes there where ultra toxic and flamming, reported and left.
Oh my, you really have mental problems
I know whining in the forums is your occupation plus your gaming time but, that does not say too much
Did you know people play this game in many different ways? We have life outside of world of warcraft. Some dont have time to spam dungeons for 24/7 etc. Do you play all things in bfa? Fast look at armory tells with honor lvl you have you dont even play pvp in this game. Why should i run pve content that i dont like in patch that is worst in wow history? There is other things you can do than just run “bfa content”. Why do you care if we “whine” about mastery that most of warriors dont like? Go ingame and ask from them “do you like mastery on warrior?” I think you have never played warrior so why do you bother to be in here? Did we ask for damage buff? No. Did we ask to move damage from deep wounds to other abilitys so they have more meaning? Yes. What are you so afraid of warriors when you need to come here and tell how things should be even when you clearly dont even play the class nor spec arms?
You’d be making an intellectually dishonest argument if you think that just 10 people wabt a change. Ctrl + f on arms mastery issues on these forums alone showcase that the mastery has been disliked by a wide margin of people since pre-patch.
Doesn’t make it any less wrong.
“Ultra flaming and toxic” lmao, ironic isn’t it? Besides, shouldnt you just have adapted and overcome it? Not sulk away in defeat.
I mean, you who supposedly think I am not playing the game are also here not playing the game- So you have managed to clown yourself only further.
I’d like to thank both Rondakunfu and Athaniel. Your discussion might have been pointless but i commend Athaniel for at least trying to convince a troll. At least the post is stuck right in front of blizzards face because of all the messages.
I’ve come to see the Mastery: Deep Wounds as a consequence of CS/Warbreaker existing. It’s a fix no one really want to a problem that Blizzard created themselves.
CS/Warbreaker increase damage taken by 30%. So if MS does 100 damage and the DW afterward does another 100 damage over 4 seconds. Then with CS/Warbreaker this increases to 130 instantly and 130 over 4 seconds. Without the DW then it would be 260 damage instantly and that’s the kind of burst every 45 seconds that most Classes can only dream of.
My conclusion is that to get M: DW to go away CS/Warbreaker has to go away as well. Both of which imo could easily be done. They were introduced in Legion as a way to reduce the damage of MS as MS without them being applied hit like getting slapped with a fish, which caused the issue of Arms DPS dropping like a rock of they had to switch targets.
There is a logical mistake in your statement.
It would not be 260 burst at once, it would be still 130, because that another 130 coming right now from DW would be split among other skills like MS, Execute, Slam, Overpower, Rend…
What we are talking about is class fantasy. We have one bleed, called REND, which should be enough. We want to load heave frontal DMG, especially we do only physicall no magical dmg at all. We want better options with mobility and CC (Storm bolt baseline, in talents choose: stun with Charge or double charge or shock weave).
DW makes huge dmg, is probably good for PVE content to tick some DMG constantly, but basically it’s not fun class fantasy for arms, and results in low low low dmg from MS, Execute and rest, making Arms more like a DOT BOT, instead master of arms.
You are literally arguing that the DPS of MS would be halved if DW was removed. If DW is removed or returned to what it once were then the damage has to go somewhere and the damage from DW is so high that the Abilities you mention would do insane damage, which would be increased 30% and % increases always gives more the higher the base is.
Also Execute has it’s own DW attached to it so that damage would be returned to Execute or Execute will end up doing no damage at all, which is the issue right now. The Front-Loaded damage of Execute is so low right now that people say that is barely tickles.
Your argumental style is the epitome of “everyone wants change and no one wants to change.” This is a case of kill your darlings and just like BoP has to go for Ret Paladins to get the things that they need, Arms needs to lose CS/Warbreaker to get the things it needs, which is primarely the Mastery: Deep WOunds.
Well even if they are 100(not really), they still are the -1%
Im following the forum rules, they didnt.
Mankind has over 2000 years now that started to understand that civilized conversation is everything, if this 3 people are actually devolving human race that is not my problem
So explain:
Why did Blizzard change arms mastery from Legion to BFA? After all, if you count just the forums as “Minority opinion”, there shouldn’t have been any case to do that- Especially since arms was in a very good spot performance wise
The same question could be adapted to the recent mage, warlock and shaman changes on alpha. Or indeed most changes in the history of the game. And the Shadow Priest outcry for changes certainly has been larger than any of those, yet you for some reason cling onto the idea that those people are in the minority- When, the historical data clearly disagrees with you.
Also -1% is impossible because that’d mean that there are a negative amount of people.
The said posters have been posting and are still posting and certainly didn’t break any more rules than you or I have.
My question wasn’t whether it is more effective, less effective or as effective as current mastery.
My question was that, if as you so adamantly claim, we represent such a feeble minority (such as the equilevant examples I have given), why has Blizzard changed perfectly functional specs for the whims of so few if you by your own admission state that the game is developed with the majority in mind?
Unironically your admittance that they changed it is enough to already talk yourself in the bag, but I’ll let you explain it all the same.
Remember, it’s your own words. You yourself said that people like us represent such a tiny minority, so why does Blizzard make changes according to them? Because both you and I know Blizzard doesn’t make changes based on the whims and wishes of the few, they make them because many people ask, if anything.
Which goes to prove that your assumption that we are somehow a tiny tiny group whose opinions have never been stated before on these forums and beyond unworkable.
No, below 1% would be anything between 1 and 0 %, but if you go to negative you’d have to actually reduce the number of people- And I for example am very much alive so that’s not the case either.
I don’t need to go back and read anything about it- You were the one to bring up the past thread and what I have supposedly said to you, therefore the burden of proof is on you. You made that claim. Your words, not mine.
The irony of this statement surely doesn’t go past your head?
According to your very own words, there is no reason to do any changes to a spec if it is doing already solid in the game. And as we both know, arms was perhaps one of the most solid specs especially in raids but also in m+ in Legion.
Your arguments are, and let me remind you:
So no, according to your very own words and indeed the whole statement throughout this thread, that can’t be the case. You yourself said that making changes when a class is doing well is dumb- And yet, here you are, praising it, several posts later.
You are making the claim, therefore the burden of proof is on you. I remember you getting your rear handed to you (as you are now), and you leaving away in shambles, blaming others for being toxic while being one yourself lol.
If you can’t take the heat, don’t start none.
The irony is that you are telling that to me me, when you yourself are doing the exact same thing- You are replying to me, after all.
As said, if you can’t take it, you can always just rise the white flag like before. You already have practice of that so it should be common practice by now.
That wasn’t your argument, your argument was that if a spec was doing solid, it shouldn’t get changes. It was.
You don’t get to back down from your own statements in retrospect, sorry.
I work too, but I still manage to keep you in thrall. As I have said, I live rent-free in your head. A mythic raider defeated by a non-mythic raider, lol.
The man has admitted that hes trolling. Its no use replying anymore, i admire and am grateful for your dedication for the subject but its just “feeding the troll” to reply to him anymore. Arcana did a good summary on the mindset of people like our little monk here.
It was your argument.
My argument was and is: Dont try to change something that works as good as arms and still stands.
Where exactly did you defeat?
When you got logs proving arms is a masterpiece?
When you got rio page showing priest healers are great?
When you got proof shadow is amazing?
When you got proof that 15k arms warriors play the game instead of whine?
When you pulled your own eyes up there why it was changed AKA for the best it is now?
Im only seeing you more and more humiliated in each every post you make but im sure you already got used to being like this
Nobody said a word about whether it was doing worse or better or equal as now. You yourself said that a class that is doing well does not need changes. You said that. Not me, nobody else, you.
Yet they did change it, despite when it was, according to your very own definition, a solid spec, and as you have said throughout in this thread, asking for changes on an already functioning spec is dumb and whiny- And yet, you defend it.
It doesn’t matter what you meant to convey, it matters what you -did- state, and these statements contradict on a fundamental level. You tripped on your own words. You, who told that I have a goldfish memory. Ironic isn’t it.
Just now, I made you contradict the very fundamental point we started this argument on.
So yeah, I took the whole cake.
What do you mean by masterpiece? If you mean that I denied that arms was a solid spec as a dps spec in raids or m+, please find a quote where I say that- Because I haven’t.
Quote where I said that priest healers are bad in raids- In fact, I remember my very first response to you stating that they are in fact great raid healers. The m+ situation however is a proof of a case, seeing as how few people play priest healers in m+ keys overall. Those are just raw participation numbers. And since I also stated that I think you can literally make any spec work in any situtation in the current game, I haven’t lost that one either. I wasn’t arguing whether you can’t make a spec work in the current game, I was arguing that the said classes/specs are problematic, which they are.
You went into this argument with the performance view, I went with whether a class is in a good state or not- And as you now have agreed yourself in your contradicting statements, just because a class is doing solid doesn’t mean it doesn’t warrant changes, as is what exactly happened with arms warrior from Legion to BFA.
Please define again what is “amazing”? Because I said that shadow isn’t good because of the fundamental flaws in its design and borrowed power systems, not because it can’t deal damage- It can.
I never made the argument, as I pointed out. You yourself said those words, not me.
If you keep repeating that mantra every night you go to sleep maybe it will come true- But so far, I have dismantled every single one of your arguments by showing that the very cases you deny exist and dont happen happen frequently, and even a case you yourself said shouldn’t happen did and you praise it.
Already stopped reading because you way over the “desperate” zone now.
We say things once, if we cycle our conversations we devolve like your pvp buddies in the other threat.
That was your definition, i didnt run back logs to see its state.
For sure it was not n2 dps, now its top tier. AKA change happend for the best. Live with it.
The rest of the book you wrote, i really dont hate myself as much as you do yours to sit down and read.
After all facts of you being hilariously proven wrong are up there.
Live with this too