Obligatory Daily: Arms Mastery Sucks

Your delusions strike again?
Link me what you said and how i agreed with you.
Lets see. Because all i remember is you assuming i agree with you, not me actually agreeing with.

Funny to say that when your initial answers was like:

Im just a casual player and ive said that many times, never said im better than any other player. When it comes to you though, i just said you dont play the game but instead you just whine about it.
There is a big difference here.

Imagine whining about arms you dont play and you parse 30’s with it because your mastery was top dpsing ability on recount and openly blaming others when you cant play that glorious spec like its the class fault not yours… :rofl:

See’ya next week!

Your own admissions are quoted in our previous conversations, you are free to look them up as I have provided them already.

I never pretended I am a particularly likable or nice person to you? Do you genuinely believe it is unwarranted given how you have acted on this thread?

A good attempt, but setting an arbitrary level people must reach/do in order for their opinion to count is setting up a boundary where, in order not to call yourself out for similar behaviour (aka not playing the game, which, you certainly have wasted time here as per your own words), you set up a standard that conveniently makes you in the right and others in the wrong.

A valid point, mr. Shapiro…However, it wasn’t very effective.

You yourself agreed earlier that a spec feeling good =/= how good the spec feels. Blizzard also said so. I wouldn’t care if arms was top or bottom tier, so long as it felt fun to play.

Either way, Blizzard listened to me all the same.

You provided nothing but useless arguements as someone who plays arms warrior rarely and barely knows to play the class as parsing 30’s.

With these snowflakes theories we need to change Hpriest because its healing comes from mastery and beast mastery hunters that its damage comes from pets.

The delusions continue because as you said you are desperate not to prove any point but to:

Have a good luck on that, keep trash coming and tell this guy his spec sucks with your 30’s parses:

Seeya next week

Yet you agreed with them all the same, so they clearly were useful enough to make you admit being wrong and agreeing with Blizzard’s statement.

As said, the quotes are up. You are free to look them up.

Yes, because as it turns out, classes need to be actually enjoyable to play regardless of whether they perform well or not- Which Blizzard agrees with.

I never said the spec sucks. I said it wasn’t very satisfying to play. Those are not the same thing at all. Turns out the majority of people agreed with that sentiment, hence Blizzard made the changes.

Must have told you like 30 times so far, i did not agree to any of your nonsense.
From what i see, you dont even agree with your self considering youre whining here for a spec you dont play, a spec you dont know how to play according to your green/gray parses just because you cant play the game and you focus whining about it like a child.

The glorious answer in Whats wrong with Feral druids? - #20 by Atahalni-argent-dawn

That you again came up with an excuse after 2 answers: “I ment for shadowlands” because the op said shadowlands in the last sentence of a wall text.

I mean, at this moment you are by far the biggest joke ive seen in the forums so far :rofl:

Keep up your crusade.
Its working good for you i see :rofl:

You can say whatever you want but I have your responses quoted all the same above. Your backtracking doesn’t matter. You omitted to the points, that’s what matters.

As I said, it is not my issue if you do not have reading comprehension. You have fallen over your own words throughout both arguments, thats not my issue, thats yours.

Yeah it is working for me, unlike for you.

You came to both threads blasting about “haha performance go brrrt” and then scurried off in defeat once more (as usual) when literally everyone in the thread pointed out you are wrong. Defeat’s your only legacy.

In your dreams i guess?
Because its time you said that you got the same responce.
Now if i agreed with you, quote YOUR text and then me agreeing with it below.

If you wanna play that useless game because you cant play the game WE play.

As i see, your posts getting hidden becuase you are a toxic child besides the fact each and every BS you throw is being hilariously debunked BECAUSE YOU DONT PLAY THE GAME and you dont know what youre talking about :rofl:

Everyone that is like you, whiner, not playing the game, have 0 clue about the game ETC.

In the forums
:rofl: :laughing: :joy:

No, its in the quotes for all to see. That’s real.

I have posted them above. I’ve provided the quotes before but you kept ignoring them so I informed you are free to look them up in the next comversations because I have fulfilled my part of burden of proof.

Pot calling the kettle black. Whether my posts get hidden or not I care not (as I don’t care about your posts being hidden), but again, you are crying about somebody being mean to you when you have been obnoxious from the moment you entered this and all the other threads. But its everybody elses fault, lol.

And here you are, not playing the game. As I said, keep whining about the things you dont even do yourself.

Yet we are the ones who get listened to- So what does that make you, lol?

As your emoji posts show, a recurring occurance for you.

Good, re-quote them if they are above.

Show me where i did agree with you because all i remember was me laughing at your responses that are clearly out of reality.

Its obvious…
You are here to whine, you have alot of rage within you.
Probably no friends at all, desperate for communication with human beings…
Its pretty sad, but true.

Thats what emoji’s are showing to you?
Because if you hover your mouse on them it will show you what they mean despite what your delusions think of :rofl:

As I have said, you are free to look them up by yourself since I have provided them already. I’m not going to do your work for you.

“I’m not mad you are mad”.

As I said, living rent free in your head 4 weeks straight.

Yes im gonna search 290 posts because you are bluffing.
There is no single post i agree with you.

I answer you every now and then, on the other hand you answering back max in 5 mins.
Therefore im living in your head and your claims prove it

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You can keep saying whatever you want but the quotes are up all the same.

Yet here you are thralled as a mindslave and unable to leave, just like I said.

I see zero quotes of me agreeing with you.

I know you are delusional, seriously mental and you try to prove a point to yourself in these forums but the point stands still:

You have no idea what you talk about
You are here to whine
You dont play the game

So you are a thralled mindslave that is unable to leave?
Because if you are not, leave and stop answering.
That is the highest of your intellect? :rofl:

Thankfully everybody else can see them just fine because as said, your opinion doesn’t matter because you damn yourself with your own words.

And yet I have no trouble beating you on an argument about subject you are supposed to be such an expert on- Sad!

I was the one to tell I’d watch you sulk off in defeat (again) and that seems to be just the case- After all, even after weeks of not responding to me you still come back because as said, I live rent free in your head which is very easy since there’s so much empty space.

You’re free to throw in the towel (as usual) but like you keep quoting me, you’ll always lose in the end and that’s your legacy.

Says the LFR hero who whines about arms warrior while not playing it and in the next thread says how perfect it is? :rofl:

Well… That aint gonna be that easy…
As i said, i know you have no friends and you are desperate for communication and this is the reason ill keep replying you :slight_smile:

Probably because as said the topic was about SL and in SL arms mastery is changed for the better so the only things I added were to make it perfect.

But as you yourself said, you can’t read very well.

It is very easy because I just respond and you go crazy every time I do.

I mind control you to post another reply.

He mentioned shadowlands at the end, you came up with “SL” excuse after 2 replies. Spare the trash, you are guilty :joy:

Considering you have still an issue from me since our last chat in pvp forums…
Id say is the other way around and you proved it by saying :

Keep it up!
You strong
You can doweit :joy:

You said yourself, he spoke of SL. Again, not my fault you can’t read.

There’s no issue because I’ve been right about every single thing we argued.

He wrote a book and the last sentence said shadowlands.
Your silly excuse is still silly and obvious since you came up with it after 2 replies :joy:

I guess that comes with the same delusions that “we agreed”.
You gotta stop them, they ruin your life and your already low intellect :joy:

Again, you admit yourself he said it so there’s no argument to be had. If you actually read half the posts you got you’d not fall face first over again anf again.

Also we are still waiting for the houdini argument where you prove that good performance = class is in a good state.