Obligatory Daily: Arms Mastery Sucks

Yeah it is desperate for you because it proves you wrong lol.

What’s worse, it’s you yourself saying it. And you can’t even edit it out anymore since it’s quoted lol.

No we don’t, I pointed out you yourself turn out to be supporting the very “Whining” that you so adamantly blame these people for- When it suits you, that is. I just needed to show it to everyone, which I have.

No, your argument wasn’t whether it was the 1st, or the 2nd (although it unironically is 3rd in Legion Antorus), your argument was, and I quote:

And since in an earlier statement, you stated that:

…Which, by the way, in a correct link form shows that…

…Shadow priest is the 5th best dps in the last raid tier. Since mythic Antorus was also Legion’s last raid tier, and Arms warrior is on the 3rd spot (as can be seen here: https://pt.wowhead.com/antorus-dps-rankings, with numbers being provided from warcraftlogs), that shows us that your perception of “A solid spec” is at least the top five, although it probably is much higher, you are just trying to grasp for straws, but it doesn’t matter but given the very own definition of a “solid spec” by you seems to be “the top 5 dps in the last tier of an expansions raid”, given that you subscribe to the idea by linking it yourself, you have dismantled your own argument.

I didn’t claim whether the spec was better or worse or the same. You did. But before that, you stated, and I quote once again:

…Which, are not the same thing, but you state them all the same. But since Legion warrior was performing solid as per your own definition, you agree that arms was doing well and didn’t need any changes- But got them, all the same, and you agree with them, even though you berate everyone here for asking for changes to a solid spec.

It’s even worse for your argument afaik because the dps differences were smaller in Antorus, meaning that even if you did want to contest the comparison, it’d be worse for your argument.

How’s the coping going?

I only see you being wrong up there and then writing books to twist or even loose the point of the humiliating wrongful statement :laughing:

I do, now if you think that i will cycle the same question that destroied your BS tier argument again and again because you hope a miracle happens, its not my problem!

Ask yourself, i read 2-3 lines of your useless and desperate wall of text and ignored the rest. Yet here still laughing at you for another 30 mins, then i got a work call and you have to wait for your next rondakungfuFIX.

If they are so wrongful, then you will have no problem pointing out why they are wrong!

Watch out though, most of them are written by yourself!

You could cycle the same argument all I care because I already debunked it- You however are still caught completely in shambles from my revelation that you yourself contradicted yourself.

(Yet you respond to it all the same).

My analysis proves that based on your own words, you are contradicting yourself.

As in, I get to live rent-free in your head forever? Great deal.

I did point them out, just once.
Im not gonna cycle it because you are desperate.

Assuming from your desperation to outlast me, beat me and all this 12yo statements its quite the opposite.
Im still having fun proving you wrong and looking at you raging and writing books xD

You haven’t. You said, and I quote:

You also said:

…And when I point out according to your very own definition of a “solid spec”, you say that legion arms was solid- And yet, you do not call yourself a whiner for praising the changes to a spec that, according to your very own logic, didn’t need them.

So you are by your own definition a whiner.

If I am a twelve year old, doesn’t that make it worse that I am able to get my point across and run circles around you in an argument over the internet? Further, if I am writing books, it shows that you have had the displeasure of not reading many, and it shows.

I did, i prove you wrong 1 whole day now. :rofl:
Now gonna cycle again because you are desperate, once more wall of text ignored. Keep writing books :laughing:

Who would have a pleasure reading your useless wall of text based on the same BS trash tier argument only LFR heroes that cant play the game would write?

You haven’t, if you did, we wouldn’t be here.

Your argument was that the specs deal ok damage, therefore they are OK classes and people that whine just need to adapt.

And yet, when you yourself are quilty of the very same behaviour, nothing is wrong with you?

By definition you are not ignoring them since you are responding to them.

This LFR (supposedly) trash tier person had no trouble kungfu-ing your arguments down the drain. You should give me your name because it clearly doesn’t suit you lol.

Yet i had and yet we are still here. Proof is up there, despite you refuse to accept it cuz of your hurt ego.
Because i had hurt your fragile feelings about the pvp vendor back then and you came for “INTERNET REVENGE” :rofl: :rofl:

Did you remember my prophecy?
The PVP vendor whiners will be the first to whine about vendor when it comes out!
I guess you will be there with them cheerleading their river of tears!

You keep sayign the proof is up there, yet when you are called out to provide it, you fail to do so. Meanwhile, you still haven’t answered to any of the points that condemn you. Your hypocrisy shows through very well.

I didn’t even remember who you were until you brought up the pvp vendor thread where you left crying about the mean pvpers being toxic, despite being toxic yourself lol.

No, as I said, I didn’t even remember who you were before we started arguing here again.

Why would I be? The system is shaping out to look pretty good. Could be better, but it is infinitely more promising than the current one.

In my initial posts there are several links with statistics that prove you more than wrong. Actually prove your word is more than a joke between the LFR heroes :stuck_out_tongue:

Now if you think ill keep cycling around it just because you lost an argument, i told you already 10 times i-will-not. :grin:

There we go, your fragile ego that has hurt gets revealed lol
No i reported them, they took their time off and i left :slight_smile:

Drae already whined about the vendor FYI.
When its beta or even live they will shed river of tears, then you will be cheerleading them as you did before :wink:

They don’t, because as I have said multiple times, I never made an argument against them. You are mixing apples with oranges.

Class being good =/= Class performs well in raid. You yourself say so about Legion arms warriors.

You can tell me a 100 times that the earth is flat but it isn’t.

What did he mean by this?

Also how do you know they got banned? Because if you do, discussing player account action is against the rules.

Why would I care about somebody else’s whining? They are not me.

I already said I am happy with the system, so you’ve got that wrong. Either way, tyhe only one soiling their pants and crying here is you.

You are crying that everyone is out to get you and against you.
You are crying that everyone is being mean to you.
You are crying that everyone (including me) is wrong and trash tier player.

Gee I wonder, what if the problem wasn’t with them but yourself?

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Once more, you did not me.
Now that i look logs:
Mid tier,trash tier = changed for the best

How bad can you be? :rofl:
You dont even know wth are you talking for, they gave them n2 best dps TOP MELEE DPS and they whine, you found your self supporting them because i hurt your fragile feeling back then with vendor.

Rest of the useless wall of text ignored.

Take another hillarious Debunk of your trash theories and wait for your next RONDAKUNGFU FIX until i return from the work call. :rofl:

The logs are here:

Which logs do you think people will take: The ones verified during relevant time by WoWhead (an actual wow news site), or the ones brought up out of spite because they lost an argument?

Further, even as I said should you come to disregard the logs (which you said you wouldn’t but did all the same), it doesnt matter because the dps differences in mythic antorus were far smaller than they were for mythic nyalotha- So what your statement is does is actually the complete opposite of saying my stats are wrong: They just prove me more right.

You can, as said, keep stating that the earth is flat but it isn’t.

Work call as in “Baaah I can’t argue against you, I’ll come back later!”. If you can’t even read posts, I doubt anybody would hire you.

Truly a wasteman post.

Here’s an advice: if you are going to state that you’re going to do X, do it instead of backing down on your words: It makes your stance weak.

You still trying? You are so desperate :rofl:

The logs i linked you was before the season over, i dont know how fresh are the wowhead logs, but to enlight you because youre absolutely clueless once more, warcraftlogs is the official logs source not wowhead and the actual pic from wowhead IS from another timeline of warcraftlogs :joy:

Both sources state how BAD arms warrior was and look how good it became, but whiners will always be whiners!

Dude, youre such a desperate meme machine :rofl: :rofl:

…I have a secret I will let you on.

Would you look at that. It’s from official site, with current time.

What was that advice you gave me about reading again?

As said, even if you do contest the validity of the data, arms was more than viable by your own terms- Especially since the damage parse is much smaller than it is in Nyalotha.

And even if you said that it isn’t, you yourself agreed that all classes are viable- And arms clearly was and is, so it doesn’t matter what you say.

Are you sure you’re not talking of yourself in 3rd person?

I have a secret for you…
Besides the multiple times stated that you are blind, its 95th percentile. I had max.
Also in both logs arms is bottom tier.

Why you argue?
It was bottom tier, its top tier. Improvement.

Absolutely… At this point im 100% sure you are desperate meme machine that cant read. Also dont understand logs lol

Imagine linking logs from wowhead instead of warcraftlogs :rofl: :rofl:

You didn’t state anything about percentiles or tiers. You said that a spec needs to be viable- Which arms was, by your own admission.

You didn’t say “aha but your class needs to be x percentile to be comsidered viable”, no, you just said it has to be viable. Which it was.

I never argued against whether it was top or bottom tier. I argued that arms was, by your own admission as you have said in your own quotes, viable, and as such you yourself have said in quotes that if a class is so, demanding changes to them is whining- Which shows your hypocrisy.

The logs are from warcraftlogs. They sre just presented in the official news site of WoW.

If you seriously think anyone is gonna believe your idea over an official site you are gonna be disappointed.

Ignore Ronda and report for trolling.

You both are ruining this post.


We said again you are blind but you can see percentiles on top, i dont need to state it lol

Warcraftlogs is the official logs site and that pic of yours is from warcraft logs.
What are you smoking man? Must be seriously strong stuff :joy:

Arms warrior mastery should be changed tbh it doesn’t feel right, it feels like you are doing damage but it doesn’t. If you play low keys you will do less and less damage, i have a paladin friend and we did +11 and 15+. In 11+ he out dps’ed me by far and in +15 we did similar dps im talking about overall dps and same dung ofc. Also when i do old raids my dps is just dosen’t work doing mythic BoD you will do like the worst dps possible i think because your whole play style is bleed and tom rage spender stuff both contribute to low dps output for anything That’s not a high end contant which i feel like this need to change, ik most of these stuff dosen’t matter and maybe anything bellow +15 and mythic raiding dosen’t matter but this shows you that the Mastary dosen’t work.
Please don’t hate me i just wanted to say something about this Mastary i don’t want another 2 years of the same experience.