Obligatory Daily: Arms Mastery Sucks

None of those points matter because your argument was just to adapt and overcome. It wasn’t “adapt or overcome but change at this treshhold”.

You call it aptly a trash argument and a trash walk- It suits you, you are the one who made the argument. Not me.

While your argument is outlast while stating BS and LFR hero theories, makes sense.

Also the tier is not over yet, more and more arms will delete nzoth.

True, more warriors will do the tier, but what you posted remains the same, sadly for you.

Its not my fault you said “lmao just adapt and overcome”. You got only yourself to blame for it.

even a 100% better performing and representing spec is good already. Imagine how good it will get with more and more till the end and how much more wrong you and the whiners about nothing will be :rofl:

…And this is relevant…How?

You still said “Just adapt and overcome”, so you are still guilty of the very same thing you blame everybody else about.

You can try and change the topic, try and post past it, but it’s still true.

Nobody brought up whether arms was doing better, worse or equal. You did.
Nobody brought up the numbers of participants in a content = the class is good. You did.

And then you said “Just adapt and overcome”, while saying anybody who demands changes is a whiner. You said that. Has nothing to do with numbers, those are still the words you said.

You can blame others all you want but you clowned yourself.

Arms warrior is twice as much represented so far, relevant enough.

The spec went from bad to good, i know you will keep arguing about it because you have your teenage MUH OUTLAST reasons but that doesnt mean you wont get exactly the same answer again and again :slight_smile:

Who contested that?

Oh yeah. Nobody did. It’s irrelevant.

You can give any answer you like, but it won’t change that you said that people just need to adapt and overcome. That’s your own words against yourself, not mine.

Alcohol or other substances can be very hazardous to your mental health.

You would know, speaking from your own experience?

New mastery change.
Mortal Strike, Cleave and Ravager
Bladestorm inflict Deep Wounds, dealing (60% of Attack power) Bleed damage over 12 sec and increasing the damage the enemy takes from you by 9.0%. Check wowhead


This particular comment didn’t age really well, did it?

They’re literally changing it- Despite the spec being a top tier.

You. Were. Wrong. Here’s proof, from the devs themselves. Fresh out of the oven.

I’m suprised they didn’t put deep wounds on overpower and slam.

Nope, just by reading your comments.

So the Shadow Priest changes that been done by devs are write and you + your friend in the forums are wrong according to your post? :rofl:

Literally up there, you fail to see it? Oh blind again xD

If they change something is not being changed always for the better, wf was changed to corruption for better?
SP was changed to better?

You make 0 sense as always xD

What are you even writing? You’re not making any sense.

I think you’re shaking mad from Blizzard literally proving us right and you wrong. You lost to all the players you so despise. The humiliation.

You expect me to not to, thats why i will keep replying you. You should know that by now.

Blizzard changed warrior mastery back then to bleed, but then it was not for the best right? Your logic. The FLR hero forum whiner logic :laughing:

No, I doubt you will, but alas you don’t. You had plenty of chances to do that. Look how that turned out- Blizzard literally fortnite danced over your argument.

Doesn’t matter, I won. Blizzard changed it. You lost.

Not really beacuse one of your first trash tier arguments and compplains was why blizzard changed it in the begining, also as you do know changes not happen for the best.

I know you have 0 idea how this game works but when SL hits and arms hits bottom again, you will remember how wrong and LFR hero you are :slight_smile:

What are you smoking? I never said that. In fact I like BFA’s mastery over LEgion’s, but that wasn’t being disputed. What was being disputed that you said our points wont be heard and that people just need to adapt and overcome.

And then Blizzard literally fortnite dances on top of your argument by doing exactly the opposite what you claimed.

Could you translate this into english?

Fortunately I don’t give a crap about number performance, I just care how the spec plays. Too bad you lost, maybe next time?

Its funny that you reply me with what ive said like 2 replies ago, love em when they copy you :rofl:

You did, i know you wrote a book + your “vision” and the best, but its up there.

It means, not every change is being made for the best. AKA shadow changes.
Ive also said whiners ruin specs, yet it happened.

That is why you cant play and understand how the game works. :laughing:
The reason you dont even know what logs source is and much more stated up there.