Obtaining Rank 3 Essences on Alts

Most likely none. But some people have different characters for pvp and pve and this helps them to get essences they need across those characters.

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Makes the eyes BoA so we can send them to alts. If they don’t they are worthless on a fully rank 3’ed main

This. I could not have said it better myself.

The currency and the sources to gain said currency looks well balanced and in all honestly is exactly what i expected. I wouldnt even call it a grind as you can most likely get all the rank 3’s you need just from gearing up that alt.

Im more than happy with this solution.

You just swapped grinds.


That’s way too steep of a price for someone who only really does M+
Looking at what is required it’s like I’m expected to main my alt


So with your statement about moving forward with having cosmetics and transmogs more account wide… are there any plans to have MoP challenge sets as account wide in the future? I have all classes sets except for 3 and I would love to add those to my collection as they are one of the best, if not the best, transmog sets in game imo!
Please make this happen!! My new main is one of the ones missing the set and really bums me out :’(

try with another friend maybe. I’m very sure that 1400 is doable for everyone who puts their mind to it - waiting so long for R3 sounds painful

It is not going to happen to do more pvp. we are not getting higher rating anyway. It is not about another friend, it is about all of us never have done pvp before, and actually also not that interested outside of getting the essence. We try to win, but nope :stuck_out_tongue:

The way to obtain it is just plain wrong. Like also the one from EP (one i do not have and am not interested in, so i ‘do not care’).

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You should make this less and less deminding the more alats are added. I personally wouldn’t feel I’d achieve something if I repeated multiple times the same things on my alts. If you have more than 1 alts, because you like Physical strenth (War) magical strength (Mage), dark magical strength (Warlock), their mix like DK, etc. everyone may have different reasons for multiple alts, even this will pretty soon become exhausting not rewarding as you claim, I do understand at least and you are clear where you are come from.

Well, thumbs up for understanding this bit. Thanks.

…and after 2 weeks of reputation grinding, dear sir. DAILY reputation grinding. Don’t leave important stuff out.


you got a point, I forgot about that :smiley: been a long time since I set foot in mechagone. As soon as I got R3 I never considered doing a single daily there again

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Rank 3 is from revered now

you have pathfinder

I just did the grind with very, very few days missed, completing all activities, got me revered in about 2 weeks from dinging 120. Did it in parallel with Uldum which took about the same time for revered (but also did complete dailies + 6 bonus events).

No you don’t lol. If you’re a hardcore player and treat your alt as your new main you can get at best 2 per week without burning out.

Failed math in school, didn’t you? Doing every piece of content there is on an alt will grant you an average of 870 echoes per week.

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Dear Blizzard,
I can understand you need to get commitment from the players for their individual character progress. But I think it’s stupid to ask them to do the same in multiple characters. The idea is nice, I agree. But your approach is failing. I see a lot of my friend coming back on hype in the first days of new patch, then leaving the game because it takes too much time.

Your approach should be based on a player which doesn’t spend more than 4 hours per day, 3 days per week. If that player has to spend 4 weeks just to compete with others(getting essence, corruption item, etc…), your approach will fail. Games other than WoW doesn’t require 4 weeks to compete.

Make these character power accessible via global achievement system(which includes revered reputation req), you will have less problems. I cannot understand why you are so stubborn about it, you are ignoring the obvious.

Best Regards


I think they gave up on recruiting new blood (or even returning players), its all about milking the current playerbase for better MAU to show for.

For them, its very risky decision to allow essences to be too easily accessable. What if the MAU actually goes down? The team or guy that made that decision will hear it. They do not give a dammm about enjoyment

Thank you! the numbers seem pretty good, getting one essence a week as a baseline is what i hoped for, so the ones that are not in a rush can just get them while they catch up their cloack and rep, while the ones that want them fast can get them faster, lovely. Also you are not locked in the type of content you need to do to obtain them which was the other big problem of the essence system.

Really happy you acknowledged it, I can imagine that making this decisions is not easy, so I can kind of get why it took so long, still it should’ve come sooner.

Thank you for your response and I look forward to seeing your growth in taking in feedback and acting on it.

Regardless of the topic i greatly appreciated this post. Thanks for taking the time to thoroughly explain the update.

Imo we need more posts like that in the future to explain the philosophy behind a major change, or even smaller explanations for balance updates like you started doing mid BFA.

It would also be nice to have a detailed description of any new system released on the PTR. While the previous posts explained the system itself, they usually failed to mention the scope (which i understand may not be set in stone at that time), which really interfere with our ability to provide feedback.

For instance with corruption it would’ve been great to know early on :

  • The expected impact of the system on our performances
  • The expected number of corrupted items we’re expected to get every week
  • The expected number of different corruptions

These numbers will changer over the course of the PTR but at least we could have an overall idea of the system rather than giving half backed feedback on a WIP system.

How will different role essences work?
EG: I’m exalted with rajani and accord on my warrior, so I have the DPS essences from those factions. Will I be able to buy the healing essence using this new currency on my healer toon, or will I have to grind the rep to exalted