Ode to solo shuffle

People are already unsubing and the PvP community is smaller than ever before. If it stays like this I will unsub like these who already did.

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Wouldn’t make that much difference, you’d still have long queue times for dps but I agree, that it would most likely be slightly better. 6 games back to back with the same people with extremely oppressive dampening to control the length of the Shuffle is dumb.

Higher CR doesn’t mean anything. Blizzard can influence the CR virtually any second.

I have no friends left playing this game. That’s why I prefer shuffle much more. I don’t like to go through the hassle of making new friends. Every modern game has solo q and it was time that wow finally got one to.

You can go play your 3s as much as you want. But dont advocate for blizzard to force me playing your broken meta comp all day long.

Like I said check games played over the last 24 hours and you will see that shuffle is played much much more.

But shorter because 2 healers won’t be locked in 6 games 15 min. lobby and because of it dampening wouldn’t be as high as in RSS and it wouldn’t stack so rapidly. The reason why 3s and RSS have slightly different meta is literally this. Also if dampening would be like in 3s healers would enjoy it more.

Not my fault you’re asocial. It’s your problem. I still have friends who I want to play with. Why should I be punished for your lack of social skills?

Lol you bring broken meta comps when in RSS you only have broken meta specs. Literally no difference. This argument is laughable.

you keep repeating alot that u would unsub like it is a threat or affects us somehow

you are taking dps slot in the que, there is not a single person here who cares if u sub or unsub i mean :man_shrugging:

so you dont have to keep repeat, i mean we dont care. it means less que for the rest if you do

could you unsub then? I could love to see less fury wars or dps on the ques in general

Tbh, I would probably play a bit Shuffle if it would be a normal 3v3 with random queue. I’ve played Shuffle for one day when no friends were online and I wanted to catch up with honor and conquest gear (started 4 weeks after season start) and it was such a miserable that I won’t touch the mode again (maybe at the end season for 2 days if - and only if - it’s super inflated compared to the other two brackets which hopefully won’t happen). The entire Shuffle design is 100% anti healer friendly and I can’t imagine a single person who wakes up in the morning and thinks: Do you know what I want to do today? I want to heal in some Solo Shuffle!

hello, im one of those toxic ones and i hope i could dodge people by just playing 1 round with them instead be stuck for 6 rounds with people with no hands or brains :smiley:

i saw the outcome of this in sl when i see ppl in group not using kick or something and i flame them on that and next round when theyre coming against you they are doing their hardest of finding that bind they have not used for past 2 rounds since

so its like teaching people free how to play their classes after you have lost with them and then they use it against you next

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You can still play with your friends. You mentioned not long ago that 3s is as active as shuffle? You are contradicting yourself there buddy.
Nobody is stopping you from queueing 3s.

I feel like you are just missing the Cannon fodder in 3s that consisted of no voice LFG teams that are now all in shuffle. So the only one left in 3s are coordinated teams with voice that are gatekeeping you. You just want your easy rating back that you had by farming uncoordinated LFG teams. Why should I be punished by having no other option than 3s and then face you and your coordinated team with optimal setup and voice com?

Meta specs are much more easy to deal with than meta comps. You can easily nerf meta specs just by number tuning. To nerf meta comps you need to do more than just number tuning. Look at rmp. Even when the classes alone were bad numberwise the comp was always a tier cause of synergy.

That’s absolute nonsense. Most of the teams in 3s are LFG ones.

There is literally no difference between solo queue and LFG if you allow people to queue as 2.

Yea it’s tricky, and there is probably no direction they could go that would please the whole rated pvp playerbase. One thing that is certain though, is that the current shuffle design is a total failure.

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Me unsubbing won’t make a difference and is no threat.

I am considering myself as the median pvp player. Full time working and them coming home and want to play a bit pvp. Players like me make up the majority of pvp players. Casual Andy’s. And they enjoy shuffle way more than 3s.

I am definitely not the only one that would quit when forced into 3s again. And I think wow cant afford losing anymore pvpers.

Can you proof that with a reliable source or is it the same “trust me bro” as with your statement to activity in 3s and shuffle?

Cause when I look at LFG tool it is dead as can be.

I’m literally the same as you. Working 9-5 and I hate shuffle because then I spend 3/4 out of my game time doing world quests waiting for RSS to pop. I literally maxed my profession and all reps besides Loam Niffen waiting for queues.

Then queue 3s. If you have a team nobody is forcing you into shuffle

yes we get that, and many people think the same, that is why people have requested soloq for over 7 years now including many high caliber streamers

this post were about the design of said soloq, which where not implemented at all like it is in other arena format games nor how it is on priva. this is not soloq what people wanted

it is 6 round format named shuffle that uses its own ruleset separated from normal arena format and so far it has divided playerbase and alienated healers, we have a problem with the mode hence

the point of the post what op said is he is not against soloq but he criticize the structure of it, designed by holinka i dont know whose idea it is but it is a huge fail like this and wont do nothing but kill the last of pvp left

nobody is saying that we dont want soloq, we are saying we dont want shuffle which is a complete different thing to the concept of soloq what many of us know playing privas etc

im a casual player too and i enjoy convenience of soloq but shuffle in retail is total garbage as a design and a mode

sady it will propably now take them another 7 years to get it into any shape that works, dont know if wow pvp has that long to wait. i dont wanna die waiting it as im pretty old :smiley:

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Well yes. I can post my Re:flex. Half of the teams were suboptimal comps (for example weakest variant of healer) or lower A tier/B tier comps like Thunder. Some of these players I saw a moment ago in LFG.

And literally above. I’m not against solo queue. I’d play it myself but if it was 1 round and I wouldn’t care if it was merged with 3s. I can win most of matches against 1500 exped premades if my healer is not inting so I can gear my alt or practice on it when my friends are offline.

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Your reflex doesn’t prove anything. Look at prime time into lfg tool. It is a ghost town compared to shadowlands seasons. And you wanna know why? Cause except a tiny fraction of players most enjoy shuffle way more than 3s. Shadowlands lfg tool wasnt a ghost town cause people had no alternative. Now we have shuffle and majority left 3s in an instant.

Same as RSS queues from 7 min. in Season 1 into 30 now.

It’s not that RSS is doing fantastic and 3s are dying. Both brackets are doing bad.

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Yes queue times in shuffle went up. That is because mmr was hard capped until this week and healing shuffle is really unsatisfying. Nobody denies that. And still shuffle is played 6x more than 3s.

You can play 3s if you enjoy it more. Nobody is stopping you from doing that. I enjoy shuffle more and am queuing shuffle.

I dont argue that they implemented it in a way that nobody asked for. Ofc it would be better in the opinion of a lot people if it were one round 3vs3 random. What I argue is that if you queue for solo q and get matched against a pre made 3s team that this would be catastrophic and the end of casual rated pvp.

Just look at bgs. Playing as random team vs a pre made of 3 to 5 players will most likely end in a total fiesta that takes place at the graveyard of the random team. It would be the same of random 3s team getting matched into a pre made rmp, walking dead, turbo, thug cleave, KFC, jungle or whatever names there are

Very much agree my brother

eeeesh I’m not so sure
The season has been quite a mess to be honest and Season 1 was in a waaaay better spot, including participation
Shuffle still had issues but nothing like this

Can’t agree the ‘design is a total failure’. I think the issues have just been massively highlighted as a result of the other issues in Season 2. For me to consider it being a total failure it would have close to no activity in and be borderline a broken game mode. I don’t think it’s quite that bad to the extreme

I have a love hate relationship with the game mode. Some games give you a hit of dopamine, you play well, you beat teams you shouldn’t, you go on win streaks
But I’m not oblivious to the wide range of issues it has
