Ode to solo shuffle

massive failure of a mode design wise, needs to be changed for 1 round match with regular arena ruleset or has no future

all the complaints about leavers and griefers after they lost few rounds is the result of 6 round design, even que times will shorten if they give up with this ridiculous 6 round format

all the problems are mostly caused by this stupid design they had to try invent for it and make it have different ruleset to regular arena, mostly everything is caused because they tried “invent wheel again”

normal arena is fine, normal arena has good ruleset, 1 round is fine as it prevents people starting grief each other if they get uppset about matter x

1 round design lets the staying team win if someone leaves match, just like in normal arena, it becomes a win, and you can let people stay in the group que for next if they so like or they can leave and go que into next if they so like

nobody want to be stuck for 6 rounds in bad lobby after they had to wait 40min for it

massive fail of a mode, design is godawful and could been done better with 100’s working examples out there instead of trying to invent the wheel and fail when not have the foresight to see that people start troll each other or leave if they dont like the first 2-3 rounds

fix your game, or hire ppl with brains

Yeah, barely get rewarded for playing 1 full hour, invest so much time, lobbies are full rng with people being extremely volatile, etc. It’s not fun, especially because we can’t spam rounds in order to negate bad rng in one match. If we have bad rng, guess what, game over, very hard to recover. The problem is also risky diversity. In 3v3, if you have one player being bad in exactly your round, game is lost, and even if they die, it’s just over immediately. Soloqueue RBGs would be superior in many ways. It’s similar to m+ in a way, where the waiting time is insane, and m+ is also very rng/volatile, but at least it’s rewarding once you play.

Dont bother hes 1789

Participation is definitely the biggest issue. But tbh I don’t see participation increasing without some major changes. In s1 it was the shiny new toy and free 2,4 cr for fotm specs.

Now people see it for what it is, a cesspool of toxicity and the same amount of fotm rerolling as in regular arena. Also dampening ensures no one wants to heal that. I call it a total failure because of the queue times mostly, imagine if for instance dota 2 had these queues. And this is a game that people have to pay a subscription for.

Edit: I mean healer participation here.

A problem across both brackets we can agree I’m sure

Yep. One of the many issues that gets highlighted by RSS as I said in the post above

Guess that is quite reasonable mate yeah. I’ve played what we could consider ‘Dead’ Games and they didn’t have these long queues either :confused:

I hold on to hope that the mode can be improved but the community needs to meet the changes halfway. There is NO excuse for toxicity and this is a problem with the PvP community

It makes me cringe so hard seeing some people on these forums that will pretend and bandwagon in other threads regarding toxicity , claiming they have been on the receiving end of it. Then in threads not related to toxicity , they show their true colours with name calling and general toxic comments :clown_face:

We will just have to see what S3 and 4 bring with any changes or improvements
I don’t think just auto defaulting into classic 3v3 is the answer. There was a reason why Solo was wanted and why participation was dwindling in that game mode

We should advocate for lots of additional PvP content. New BGs, gamemodes improvements, trying to get more players etc

And yes, the healer participation is upsetting

Hopefully Aug evoker can fit both DPS and healer roles

I agree with all of this brother.

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when theres decent take on shuffle or ideas of it the post gets flooded with challenger main dhs or the like with their cooked takes or people talking about healing or shuffle when they have no clue of even normal arenas or have healed pvp in their lives

no wonder nobody knows what to do with this game

pls mass report me with these idiotic challenger accounts so i dont need be in this presence

people with 10 games played with 1 class for the season talking like they know something of anything and even that on some class like dh

I’d rather have a four game where it’s caster melee healer always, mitigates really toxic counter lobbies

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Literally living in this guys head rent free :joy:

The majority of your current classes are playing at the same MMR as me
Highly embarrassing to spam challenger main when you play at challenger mains MMR :clown_face:

Entertaining Duelist Hero who seems suspiciously boosted, consistently toxic and absolutely fried

One day I’ll be free from living in that head of yours
Kind Regards
The Challenger Main DH





you think we play the same game or that you are same as me? u dont even play the game

do everyone a favor and stop spamming every post on how great the game is that you dont even personally play or have no clue off

i dont have your years of challenger exp on retail as ive played mostly on privas after tbc, the sl I come into retail I did better than you, played lfg with people that got 1800 rounds played on 1600 rating and i try my best to get duelists with them on various classes and I did

you didnt even manage do that much, you are pathetic that you even talk so much like you know anything of this game on every post some complete wrong take

everyone knows you love shuffle. we know why you do

even on this mode you so like you have played 1 dh and on 1400, meanwhile im playing vs r1 people on 1800-1900mmr normal arenas with multiple characters as dps and as healer and you have 0 played in there

I have more in shuffle and the normal arenas than you just in 2 months, propably more than in your entire lifetime

the numbers dont lie, even if your delusional mind do

That’s a theme around here. Don’t worry lol. It doesn’t stop from the forums. These people are legit talking about you daily, and all you did was cough.

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You know you’ve made an impression when that’s the case ! :joy:

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Let me politely educate you

Not all of my chars are visible on Check PvP
I hold multiple accounts , with some different names other than Slinks , despite that being my main sobriquet since Cata

Look at the Screenshots you sent
Infact here , let me assist you

Do you see the numbers in the middle or do I need to read them out for you my friend?
I’ve hit 1700 MMR a few weeks ago , despite it being a disgusting caster meta that sent me straight back down
Note your warlock is only 100 rating above this mmr, and it’s been DISGUSTINGLY strong for season2

This is literally within what 100 or 200 mmr of what you play at in Soloshuffle?

Challenger main this, Challenger main that
Riddle me something

If I am so bad at the game
Why do we play at the SAME MMR

You’ve been spamming threads for the last few days waffling absolute rubbish from all the things that have happened in your games

OMG GUYS! Resto shaman didn’t link what a Clown
Omg guys , I was on Mage and outskilled the world 1v9 on Blades edge :poop: and won against a bunch of challengers!

Please please notice me

You’ve hit your PEAK rating in Ranked solo Shuffle - A game mode you have been bashing for weeks crying about acting like a child with behavioral issues

When are you going to have some personal growth and not be so mindlessly toxic?

im really r1 I just have it on my other account, trust me bro

nobody believes this

prove that you play the game right now and anyone might even take your spam on forums seriously

right now you look like a joke telling people with more exp than you that you are same as them, peope who actually play the game and you dont

If your average CR across your characters are 1450
And my current CR is 1450

And your CR is 1800-1900 in the other brackets (which I don’t play)

What do you think this means?

Funny how you had NOTHING to say about the rest of my post isn’t it Aly?

Can you wake up tomorrow without putting the usual make up on do you think? :clown_face:

And no , I’m not linking any of my other accounts with their characters on
Why should I ? So you can accuse me of being boosted in previous seasons or?

Your whole WoW profile is on private on here
Why is that? Did someone go through your account and roast you?


this is me


this is you

i dont see same nor i see we playing the same game

infact i dont even see you playing the game at all

this is all i see, i dont care read half of what you say nor i do, i focus on what matters and what i can see proof of

Spamming the same thing while dodging my bigger post isn’t doing you any favours my friend

Don’t throw stones …

Time to visit an opticians

Perhaps your vision needs checking and a general health check?
Hope your okay though !
I know Shuffle has really been getting to you

what i do see is that you are someone who thinks more of themselves but dont actually play the game, instead spends alot of time on forum telling everyone about the game you do not play

maybe you should go play the game little and then come tell people about the game


again this is you here

Some of my characters are missing from that on this account
It doesn’t share all the data and I haven’t limited any of the sharing data from it
It isn’t always 100% accurate for reference

Bit more free education for you tonight

good job at coming spam challenger main nonsense on a post tho that for once actually were of some value once on this section of forum

this is why i keep people like you ignored and i have no intention to look through all anyone likes of you would say after the nonsense ive seen so far, your hobby might be this forum. for majority and the rest it is playing the game

your just a socialite, you hold no value hence im not interested on what you have to say

muting this post theres too much random bg talking