OFFICIAL (edit) HC rules and suggestions

I was thinking how unfair a 1 dungeon run rule would be in case you dc and your pc burns down and you can’t come back for days, so the system marks you as “done” and won’t let you enter anymore even though you haven’t killed or looted more than 5% of that dungeon.

Then it came to me… let the system collect all our statistics, and give us a meta score based on how HC we are. The more we want to challenge ourselves, the higher our score goes.

This meta score profile would be public and have stuff in it like:

  • reach level 10, 20… 50, 60 without equipping any epic / blue / green items. Title reward: The Colorblind.
    How cool would that be to see someone at 50+ in all white gear doing this challenge??
  • dungeon run counter, reach level 60 without entering any dungeon! Title reward: The Grinder or Claustrophobic
  • never join a party title reward: The lone wolf
  • never use a hearthstone (teleports, portals, moonglade druid and such allowed) title reward: The Ambulophile and a acc wide special hearthstone that has a 1 min cd.

As for the meta score, every time you enter a dungeon you lose like 1 point per your char level. Every time you equip a green item you lose 1, blue 2, epic 3 points.
And you start with like 10k points. The higher your score when you hit lvl 60, the higher your rank on the ladder.

This is the kinda stuff that you need, this is what gets people going! Push it to the limit, have insane challenges.

Most of bonus rules is something for players to pick and likely won’t be managed by Blizzard. You would need the addon for that.

And people that “have instane challenges” die early :wink:

Completely forgot because it’s been a given in my head for a long time…

ofc I mean OFFICIAL hc when it comes out.

I doubt Blizzard will limit it to “self-found” or “solo play” or some convoluted scoring system. At a minimum, they will give the one-life and use the addon for more if you want and at best they will have few options to choose from the start.

Blizzard have endorsed your post? Wow, that’s great.

Love this!

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If ur pc burns down, start over dont frown

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