Solo Que button One: Arena
Solo Que Button Two: Rated Battlegrounds.
Arena Solo Que Runes
You will receive a personal rating based on your win lose ratio
You will que for 2v2 (double dps), 2v2 (dps tank), 2v2 (dps healer), 3v3 (healer dps dps/tank) - Reason for the random entry is so Meta classes cannot just que a single game type.
The Solo rated Score will give titles up to the Duelist Title with Elite and Gladiator remaining with premade option.
You don’t come against Meta comps
You have a chance to push with none META Classes
You are able to cap without waiting in LFG all the time
Gives something to do when your friends aren’t playing
promotes healthier balance across specializations in arena
Solo Battleground Que
Every team will be 3 healers, 6 dps, 1 tank.
Every team will be given the exact same Tank. If you join WSG and you have a Demon Hunter tank and the other has a Protection Paladin. It heavily favours the DH Team.
You will gain all titles up to Marshal. Field Marshal, Grand Marshal and Hero will remain with premade.
you will beable to play RBG regardless of whether your a meta class or not
You will always beable to play when your friends are offline
You will be given a reality good chance of winning
Maybe league is different, but the vast majority of toxicity was in the lower brackets there, master/challenger was mostly a club with 1 or 2 rotten apples that eventually are mass reported.
Can’t wait to play with all those non meta classes vs full meta team
: ^ )
Imagine getting paired with mw monk vs any other healer beacuse someone is decline in LFG and is forcing others to lose with them
Just add conquest to skirmish wins so lowrats can have their 200 ilvl without LFG cause they wont break 1,4 or 1,6 in solo either
skirmishes suck. they really are unfun and that’s exactly what the gameplay of solo queue arena would be. a clown fiesta of absurd double dps matchups without much skill involved.
yeah you’d get to queue with one button but at what price ?
do you also want a solo queue for Mythic Castle Nathria ? it’s a mmorpg, you are supposed to get friends and engage in content and that social aspect of networking with people really is the ultimate progression and journey in this game.
Soloq must be a thing, but it doesn’t have anything to do with titles/gearing/conquest cap.
This gives you a chance to play your class in a competitive setting, without being harrassed/restricted/discriminated because of your class.
Soloq is only an optional feature, that you can play when you want and when you can log only for 15-30 minutes.
Soloq is like a pet battle for pvpers, nobody cares if it is balanced, because if a class is way better than another class, you are going to lose rating that it is not related to better gear or titles, but it is just a number, which helps to create a better and more balanced arena game.
So if you lose you go vs scrubs, if you win you go vs better people, but you will not be discriminated because of your class/spec, like it is happening in rated queue, where nobody is going to group you, where you have less gear because your class is underperforming and so on.
Soloq is only a fetaure, is not mandatory, but it will finally make people play the class that they really want to play in a pseudo-competitive enviroment.
Then if you want to get gear/cap/titles, you still have to play ranked, but at least, you will have a chance to play in arena a spec which is not possible to play in ranked.
And in the next episode of “things that never happened”…
hmmmm it seems that you just want skirmishes then. why not adjust the rewards from arena skirmishes instead of bringing yet another abomination in this fine game ?
Sorry, how many PVP players play wow for the MMORPG as opposed to enjoying the pvp system, min maxing it and playing the meta???
Get real. the whole “push the direction of MMORPG” is what killed BFA and every problem with Shadowlands is based around this. Blizzard are slowly realizing this and will move more towards a Wrath style design by 9.2 and the MMORPG side will be gone. which means it’lll just be a game where you play against the computer or play against other players whether thats with or without friends. AS IT SHOULD BE
But then the epic and random battlegrounds would also have to grant conquest, as they fill the same niche as skirmishes. Would people be okay with that I wonder?
Without rating to dictate the ilvl of conquest gear, people would simply get decked in high ilvl gear by spamming skirmishes and epic/random battlegrounds, so that’s why I think that the soloque would work better for gearing up.
You gave the title " [OFFICIAL PETITION FOR SOLO RATED QUE]. Then u go on with your own ideas on how things should work inside soloq? Why do u think you represent people asking for soloQ? And wheres the petition?! where do i sign!?
and how many said players are in a guild/discord/community/raid ? how many of these players found each other in Arena Skirmish or LFR or Random Donjon Finder ? see what i am trying to say ?
i’m afraid what you’re looking for is in the direction of dota2, fortnite, league, csgo, cowadoody or whichever competitive-whatever people play nowadays. but let me ask you something : do you think people are happy about solo queue in these games ?
hint : no they are not. and btw, that social glue i talked about is what makes players of these games create teams and do well, and rest assured that it is not through solo queue that they find eachother so soloq is not the answer, it will be yet another abomination in this game.
in some games soloqueue is so bad that people go out of their way to avoid it. they create their own leagues, communities, etc. Social Glue.
There is so many people happy with soloq in dota2 for example, and there is alot of people sad that theres no soloQ in WoW as u can see. So why cant we finaly realise that people are different and want different stuff? And why cant we allow different options for different people? So you’re fighting against other people getting what they want? why? Not much different than racism tbh.
i nearly spit out my coffee from laughing at this. the way your synapses and neurons make this connection in the first place from out of nowhere actually legitimately frightens me. don’t do
i could not care less if solo queue gets implemented. i just said that skirmishes suck, and that it would be just Skirmishes 2 : Electric Boogaloo, maybe even worse because a number would be tied to it and give more reason to rage to the players, and that it won’t be the Oh So Grand experience praised by the usual drama queens on FailTube.
Worry about your own synapses and neurons dude.
You are the one obstructing our fight for what we want, instead of fighting for what u want or enjoying yourself if theres nothing u need to fight for.
U literaly say: i could not care less if solo queue gets implemented.
Yet u are here? why?