Official petition for SOLO Rated Que

the problem is that you don’t just ask for solo queue, which is whatever.

you (not JUST YOU personally) then proceed to make demands such as getting arena titles (and consequently gear) from it, just to name one thing.

do you also want to get Mythic Castle Nathria gear from killing a little flying lizard in a Bastion world quest, including the Famed Slayer of Denathrius title while we’re at it ?


Oh come on! Sometimes, especially when talking about soloq, the main point of why people are against it, it is just because they don’t even understand what I/we are talking about. Spend like 50 more seconds in trying to understand the damn topic, and what people wrote.

I will try to simplify this as much as possible, so, if you are playing a NON-meta class like fury/unholy/sv/frost/demo and so on, you will spend much of your time in LFG , without anyone grouping you, because people will only try to play for the rating, and not for fun.
If you are playing a meta class, but you want to play a non meta comp, then a lot of people will not accept you, so, same thing I have just explained.

So you do not have the chance to play what you want/like to play in a competitive setting, because right now the state of the classes is compeltely unbalanced, and the gearing system “forces” you to play only for rating.
It is not like mop where every calss was playable and geared was not about high rating.
I don’t think it is so hard to understand.

Finally, skimishes are NOT a competitive environment, but are just a place where people who have no idea of how to play, will be grouped with random people from rank 1 people to 1200 cr people, where every arena lasts for 30 second because the more lower experienced is getting oneshotted by the most experienced one.

And for the last time, SOLOQ IS NOT FOR HAVING REWARDS, nobody wants rewards like gladiator title, conquest point or gear, it is just a WAY TO MAKE PEOPLE PLAY THE CLASS THEY WANT TO PLAY IN A COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT.

If you want to get titles/conquest cap / honor, you just go for bg/skirmish or rated arena/bg .

Introducing soloq will not hurt anyone who is not interested in playing soloq. As I said, is like having a pet battle system for PVP, that it has no impact on real PVP gearing/titles.

If you play a non meta class you will spend much of your time loosing in SoloQ.

2 things i see people not understand.

  1. Solo queue is about time. Seriously, 1 trying to find group…and that group disbands after a few games…so you take another hour searching.

2.No one said about deleting team queues anyway… If you don’t want to play solo queue…just play teams… it’s not that you’ll get better gear by joining solo. So it’s not that you lose something…Just don’t bother with it.

Other things to be said…
You have high rated ppl…streamers etc. Asking for solo queues…ppl that they can play with actually anyone they want …any time. And they support solo queues.
Yet you are coming here…and say only low rated etc. want solo queues.

You compare pve aspects…with pvp…which is invalid argument. Currently you can’t even compare m+ with raiding or arena and rbg.

You talk about toxicity…yet you are here talking about things that you don’t want (while ofc NOT AFFECTING YOUR GAMEPLAY either) …and point “low rated ppl only want this”… So, ppl ask for a game mode that will affect only those who will play it, while not taking away anything from the game…is toxic…but, your sayings are not…
Currently, any game mode has toxicity…
The amount of boosts in pvp alone is toxic…and if you are so into pvp you should know…how that affects the game actually (pvp and pve).


If you play a non meta class you will spend much of your time loosing in SoloQ.

Yeah if I am the only one playing a non-meta class, which is impossible. Moreover, you are not considereing that at some point a “soloq” meta will be created and this means that at higher rating, there will be people who are playing already meta classes war/ww/mage/ret , but at normal rating there will be the ones who play non-meta classes, which will face other non-meta classes and people that are not so good at playing meta-classes, and this will be very balanced.
And since the main point of soloq is not rating/reward, there in no reason to push rating, other than proving that you are becoming a better player to yourself.

Yolo q is an option, nobody forced you to play in it. Nobody will delete an option to play as a full team. People just don’t want to wasting their own life time for watiting in outdated LFG tool.


“SoloQ Meta” will be Rogues, Mages, Rets, WW.

Everything with absurd busted damage and good defensives, that dont need much coordination for their damage.

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Then skirmish it is. The reason they dont is there is no reward for it.

Skirmish no matchmaking. Its all vs all. And yes its not rewarded.

Plus don’t forget about unfriendly and toxic PvP community to newcomers without any experience or achi.

Forme as a warrior does nor be good thing,warrior work only with few setup hard to get those setups but for example retpal.mage ,holypal ww works with everycomp.
So again you will facw o ly this 4-5class. Its just have yo do somethi g with u derperformed classes and boomm arena is much healthier. Eaven when they nerf combust that will be instant +200rate exept mages :joy:

I mean, people just play meta classes AND META COMPS in current que so what his arguement haha

Your answer, after all my explaination, is totally pointless and you are clearly not playing a non-meta class. And again, you are talking about rewards, after I have stated multiple times that what people want is to play their class a not what meta says.

In fact…it’s not just play our class…
But…start from playing .
I don’t consider playing waiting an hour in lfg.

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Warriors work with every single comp in 3s and every single healer, and every single hybrid in 2s. pft

If you think a MMORPG without solo queue sucks don’t play it. But don’t try to force an unhealthy solo queue system.


No. Stop asking for this.

I also don’t want to be qued with 180 ilvl players who don’t have a clue about their class and expect to be carried

Go play League of Legends.

Honestly why do you even play an MMO if you don’t like the social aspects of a game?

Why people who against it think that some1 forced them to play only yolo q? :thinking: I just don’t understand this position. This is an option.


In case it isn’t painfully obvious to everyone already, there are MANY different variations of solo queue that people ask for. And “que” isn’t a word in English.

People can’t even agree amongst themselves what a solo queue should even look like, and that’s just because you’re all extremely ignorant when it comes to the subject matter. These topics are part of university courses and research & development fields you’re all trying to say you know best.

For one thing, social design in online gaming is related to social psychology and sociology (i.e. micro & macro scales), and game design itself is also part of higher education (although it tends to include more than just programming, such as the fundamentals of game philosophies and various forms of games and so on).

Yet because everyone is trying to please themselves, they’re only looking at it from their own isolated perspective. It’s truly sad.

Solo queue can work. It just requires changing the game at its core. There’s no reason why WoW classes wouldn’t be able to work like a moba, if you take out the entire leveling process and gear acquisition and borrowed powers and so on. Just a simple instant creation of fully prepared characters, some extra time setting up the UI for each class and spec, and then a lobby just like in a moba where people take turns choosing what to play. That way, you wouldn’t be locked into what you’re playing.

And before anyone tries to say “but what about filtering what to play with?! KEKOMEGATRULWUTLOL”, then you must first understand the nature of automatic matchmaking. For you to be able to filter what to play with, you need an exponential increase in the amount of people queuing as each separate thing, and even then you’d see HUGE differences between what people prefer to play with and what the supply for that demand would look like, if they don’t go with a lobby where you can choose what to play after already being matched up.

If they just copypasta a rated solo queue as is into the game, then it’s in direct conflict with the way the game locks you into what you’re playing, and becomes a California wildfire of toxic outrage caused by space lasers. (This way of putting it probably fits you better.)

As for the people saying it’s only because of the time, that isn’t exactly true. It’s not faster than premading. Just schedule a time with predetermined people to log on and play, and then you get 0 wait time.

Then there is the problem of premade exploits that has been a thing for years already, by matching the queue timing and so on, which would be exponentially exacerbated with different sizes of matchmaking pools at different ratings. Which would defeat the purpose of a solo queue in the first place.

It’s not just a “cut & dry” problem you can solve over night.

With that said though, the group finder sucks. The social design overall in the game sucks. Realm communities were an integral part of the game, which is of course gone, but the group finder lacks the structure to support social bonding properly. It’s instead being “gamified” as people like to call it, to minmax whatever they want for that moment with little to no care for that social side to it.

The game needs to bring in designs to encourage people to never need to use the group finder again for things like this. A fundamental problem with the group finder, is that people are trying to find groups way too often. In an ideal world (of Warcraft), you should only need to use it once, or at most once per season if not less.


You mean like:


the horror.

Are you scared that you will be paired with player with similar lvl of skill? Because thats how soloque works. You can still play premade?

Just make 2v2 or 5v5 soloque and let 3v3 be like now because people always saying that only 3v3 matters so wheres the issue?