No… No, that’s really not what it means. That’s what it means if everyone is starting with equal preconditions, but that’s not a thing in WoW.
What you’d get is a really weird rating placement of different classes, with fotm specs being heavily prevalent (possibly even more than now) because it’d literally be carrying the player and every round of teammates to a win.
So let’s say there’s a difference of 1% skill for every 100 rating for a “balanced” class in a solo queue, using a random numerical to represent some kind of comparative measurement for this example.
A subpar class would require 2% skill for every 100 rating (i.e. 100% more skill required than a “balanced class”), and then an OP class would require, let’s say 0.1% skill for every 100 rating (i.e. 10 times less skill required than a “balanced” class.)
It’d lead to a HORRIBLE mix of classes, even worse than now. With simple specs coming out on top, just because there’s less complexity (i.e. the skill floor is lower) that’d otherwise be holding them back which people in the group finder would abandon because of the frustration of playing with them, since they’d effectively need extra carrying from their teammates due to them being so bad and not fitting into their rating range in a fundamental level.
Not that I’d expect you to understand any of what I’ve just said, since you’re you and you barely understand words. But let’s just say “ret pala wins by default” to put it in simpler terms for you. In overwhelming numbers, more than now.
And this is not even taking into account the premade exploits via queue timing which would be exponentially worse the smaller the matchmaking pool is, just like the first months of Classic WoW demonstrated until Blizzard had to step in to literally make it harder to pull off (even smaller matchmaking pools than that can still do it though), which renders the entire concept of solo queue entirely meaningless to begin with.
And ofc, the social impact (just because your monkey brain doesn’t understand it, doesn’t mean it won’t occur), which is part of why arena tournament realms with lobby queuing to pick classes with instant creation of classes is absolutely required to reduce social exposure to these people you just messed up a game for out in the world at the queue NPC, on top of making the rating actually mean something in a solo queue since everyone would be playing with the same preconditions in such a queue.
In other words, you wouldn’t be logging into the game, you’d just queue up from the realm UI and pick the class to play in the lobby instead, which you had set up the UI for previously via an instant character-creation button.
Except that wouldn’t really be an RPG anymore. It’d just further define PvP as a mini-game within the game. The reason to reduce social exposure is because otherwise you’d get an overwhelming amount of yelling at each other just because you’d recognize each other, so the solution to that is to remove the platform for them to vent their anger out on each other. It still wouldn’t prevent it when you end up with the same person twice in a row though, after you blame that person for causing a loss before reaching a bracket you care about. Let’s say you’re 1 rating away from glad, having spent that effort to reach it, but then you end up in a losing streak with the same person on ur team over and over again, and u just don’t mesh well so you blame that other person. Remove the need to care about social consequences and you’ll go monkey lost his banana-crazy in a heartbeat.
Now imagine that 1 rating away from glad after having spent all of that time leveling a character and gearing it up and fixing the renown and conduits and so on and so forth, it’d just cause mayhem on a level you’ve never seen before, because people would be infuriated by the time require to get a character ready and to play its rating up and not be able to play anything else in case it gets nerfed for whatever reason, or if someone is “holding you back” from reaching your desired rating juuuust before you get there after all your “hard work”.
Rated solo queue CANNOT exist in the game without changing the game at its core. EVERY. SINGLE. OTHER GAME WITH SOLO QUEUE have had to go to extreme lengths to combat social toxicity online and it’s an industry-wide initiative with a lot of R&D spent on it, just because people not being aware of social repercussions and the anonymity of hidden personas online is literally messing with your head.