Official petition for SOLO Rated Que

No… No, that’s really not what it means. That’s what it means if everyone is starting with equal preconditions, but that’s not a thing in WoW.
What you’d get is a really weird rating placement of different classes, with fotm specs being heavily prevalent (possibly even more than now) because it’d literally be carrying the player and every round of teammates to a win.
So let’s say there’s a difference of 1% skill for every 100 rating for a “balanced” class in a solo queue, using a random numerical to represent some kind of comparative measurement for this example.
A subpar class would require 2% skill for every 100 rating (i.e. 100% more skill required than a “balanced class”), and then an OP class would require, let’s say 0.1% skill for every 100 rating (i.e. 10 times less skill required than a “balanced” class.)

It’d lead to a HORRIBLE mix of classes, even worse than now. With simple specs coming out on top, just because there’s less complexity (i.e. the skill floor is lower) that’d otherwise be holding them back which people in the group finder would abandon because of the frustration of playing with them, since they’d effectively need extra carrying from their teammates due to them being so bad and not fitting into their rating range in a fundamental level.

Not that I’d expect you to understand any of what I’ve just said, since you’re you and you barely understand words. But let’s just say “ret pala wins by default” to put it in simpler terms for you. In overwhelming numbers, more than now.

And this is not even taking into account the premade exploits via queue timing which would be exponentially worse the smaller the matchmaking pool is, just like the first months of Classic WoW demonstrated until Blizzard had to step in to literally make it harder to pull off (even smaller matchmaking pools than that can still do it though), which renders the entire concept of solo queue entirely meaningless to begin with.

And ofc, the social impact (just because your monkey brain doesn’t understand it, doesn’t mean it won’t occur), which is part of why arena tournament realms with lobby queuing to pick classes with instant creation of classes is absolutely required to reduce social exposure to these people you just messed up a game for out in the world at the queue NPC, on top of making the rating actually mean something in a solo queue since everyone would be playing with the same preconditions in such a queue.
In other words, you wouldn’t be logging into the game, you’d just queue up from the realm UI and pick the class to play in the lobby instead, which you had set up the UI for previously via an instant character-creation button.

Except that wouldn’t really be an RPG anymore. It’d just further define PvP as a mini-game within the game. The reason to reduce social exposure is because otherwise you’d get an overwhelming amount of yelling at each other just because you’d recognize each other, so the solution to that is to remove the platform for them to vent their anger out on each other. It still wouldn’t prevent it when you end up with the same person twice in a row though, after you blame that person for causing a loss before reaching a bracket you care about. Let’s say you’re 1 rating away from glad, having spent that effort to reach it, but then you end up in a losing streak with the same person on ur team over and over again, and u just don’t mesh well so you blame that other person. Remove the need to care about social consequences and you’ll go monkey lost his banana-crazy in a heartbeat.
Now imagine that 1 rating away from glad after having spent all of that time leveling a character and gearing it up and fixing the renown and conduits and so on and so forth, it’d just cause mayhem on a level you’ve never seen before, because people would be infuriated by the time require to get a character ready and to play its rating up and not be able to play anything else in case it gets nerfed for whatever reason, or if someone is “holding you back” from reaching your desired rating juuuust before you get there after all your “hard work”.

Rated solo queue CANNOT exist in the game without changing the game at its core. EVERY. SINGLE. OTHER GAME WITH SOLO QUEUE have had to go to extreme lengths to combat social toxicity online and it’s an industry-wide initiative with a lot of R&D spent on it, just because people not being aware of social repercussions and the anonymity of hidden personas online is literally messing with your head.

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Totally agree with what you’ve said here mate.

Just no im up for a soloque but without titles. If you give the soloque titles every pleb would play it instead of 2v2 and 3v3. Which leads into the problem that the participation in this brackets would be ultra low…

Oh look, another variation. You can’t even agree amongst yourselves what a solo queue should look like (soloque and que are not words in English), yet people keep demanding for their variation of solo queue to be the thing implemented, just because they’re only trying to please themselves.

Just fyi, your issue with titles becoming less meaningful would be solved with a lobby and availability to play any class/spec with instantly created characters on a tournament realm that you don’t need to gear or level or do anything before queuing, other than to set up the UI for beforehand.

That way, everyone would be playing with the same preconditions and nobody would be held back by the class they play, since they’d be able to play any class or spec for every match. Just like a moba.

BIG NOOOOO, solo queues can’t work, it’s will ONLY CONQUEST FARM SPOT, we have already skirmishes and randomBG queues. Solo queue for rated will same as random but with conquest reward.

You have to remember also it will only additional RNG based win. You have to draw lots players who know what to do and additional right comp.

Big NO…

inb4 the spam of people who wants to be rewarded for getting rating in a solo queue. It’s like you’re incapable of thinking ahead.

And for the record, you clearly didn’t even read what I wrote.

Or is it that you can’t? Analphabetic is a thing.

For every new “paragraph” of yours

  • team equality (classes)
  • placement of different classes -> FOTM (classes)
  • “balanced” class (classes)
  • subpar class (classes)
  • horrible mix of classes (classes)
  • ret pala wins by defaul (classes)
  • personal exploits (LOL)
  • lobby thing (LOL)
  • poeple going mad / title-glad example (rating requirements)
  • glad example (rating requirements)
  • toxicity thing

So this is just a brief summary of what you have talked about.
So are you really sure that you didn’t talk about class unbalances, titles, rating requirements?

Just fyi PRIVATE SERVERS implement script which made soloq perfectly working without being exploited, so your conspiracy theories are really wrong.
Then this soloq thing is super good for every private servers, but yeah, for retail for some reason will not work, especially when on private servers is the main way of getting gear, while here we are basically just asking for rated skirmishes with no rewards.

Then the crazy lobby thing is 10 times more explainatory of the fact that you have no idea of what your are talking about, that you have no idea of why people want soloq and that you have no idea of what would mean creating a thing like a lobby. You are just saying that creating a soloq rated skirmishes without reward is a bad idea, but let create a tournylike realm with istacreation, lobby and more insane things, rofl.
So apart from the complexity/inefficency of your suggestion, I do not want a lobby where I can chose the class to play based on my setup. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT CHANGING MY CLASS BASED ON THE SETUP , OTHERWISE I WILL PLAY NORMAL RANKED LADDER. I want to be able to play the class I want, in a enviroment that is better than skirmishes, because when people, after 100 arena games have their right mmr, this will mean that I can play with people of the same skill. While right now in skimishes the team are not balanced at all, in fact they last for no more than 30 seconds. And on the other side I don’t want to play on ranked ladder, because if you are not playing a meta class, you will not get grouped or it will take to long for very few games. So please, understand that I DON’T WANT to play the class that I am FORCED to play, but just the one that I want really to play.

This is the reason why people want to have soloq, not for easy gear/conquest/title, but just to have a chance to play their class in a mmr-balanced environement, without caring about class balances, because rating really doesn’t matter anything in ranked soloq since you will not be able to get gear/title/conq with this rating.

For the toxicity thing, if people want to be toxic about an optional feature which doesn’t give you anything, than it their onw fault.

What it has to be underlined is that soloq on private servers has led to a rise of a lot of non-meta classes, just because people will start to play for fun and have a real chance to get into arena with an uncommon spec.

To end this comment, soloq skimishes will not hurt anyone playing it or anyone not playing it, but will only give the chance to people who cannot stay for 1h in lfg to play, because right now most of them rare not playing at all. So there is no downside to this.
This is why i really don’t understand people bashing soloq, if this is a thing that does not affect you at all, why at least you don’t want to be emphatic/understanding with other people frustrating situation?

It really isn’t.
You don’t even understand what was said. You’re just repeating random words out of context.

Your English is so fragmented it’s causing a headache just trying to read it. And it’s indicative of why you don’t understand what was said. Arrivederci, idiota.

You know that you can also admit “Ok I got all this thing wrong, I have understood the problem now” and everything will be fine right?
Btw sorry for my bad english.

Ofc like now? Atleast as non meta spec you will have chance to play. Nobody wants this in 3v3 so why you spend so much energy argumenting againts it?

Read the parenthesis that comes riiiight after that part. And then you can try reading the whole thing. I doubt you will though.

Except for the many that does. :man_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

I’ am not sure but you all seems to be not aware that meta will still a thing, you just removing social requirements. This will make another way of frustration in game, if you have luck you will in meta comp few times in row if not you gonna probably lose. You guys want more RNG things in game. Don’t expect they implement script putting you every time in meta comp with experienced ppl. I can be noob but if i have luck i will have boost to highs rating.

And what’s the point to get boosted at high rating? What do you get?

If you dont get conquest/honor/rewards whats the point of soloq? I mean ofc to play etc. but you would still be forced to farm arenas/rbgs to get honor/cp and then maybe after the grind (10 hours/day cos people seem to have issues with finding ppl in lfg - time is prolly main argument in this thread) youre able to play some skirmishes yaaay. Cos if you dont farm gear first it will feel exactly the same as skirmishes. Also there is 0 chance they would implement new bracket with no rewards cos it makes no sense.

In csgo i’m supreme yet i have 10 frags and 0,5kd 60adr every game. And i would struggle even in gold nova elo. Also there are awful ppl in dia in lol for example. What i quoted is just an illusion. You can be awful and get high anyway.

Well since it doesnt matter i’m looking forward to int every game just for fun cos it wont malé you angry since rating doesnt matter anyway. :))

Idk about that what i remember is facing warr ele every game. Non meta specs (idk fire/fury/combat in wrath) were rare (it has been 10 years ago so i might not be right). Also dont forget people played wrath for like 6-8 years or something so people get bored by playing same meta stuff so in the end they play other specs just to experience something new. I’m kinda sure tbh if bfa lasted 5 more years i would definitely start playing affli for example.

Also rise of off meta specs. I can imagine how happy you would be if you got some proper holy priest + prot warr in your team against idk ret warr hpally. Must be blast.

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First of all I’m very tired of not being able to quote a part of your comment, so can you please explain how you can do that pls ^^

For what it has to do with the honor grind 10h/d , you have to do in order to que arena, thinking that this is going to be the “pain before the fun”, but it is actually not like this, because your gear will still sucks. But even after this, when you start to play arena, you only start to play arena for gear, and for this reason, at some point, people will never group you if you are not playing a meta comp.

So the all point is to have something to do with the class/spec you WANT to play, not the one you are forced to play. This is of course a consequence of this gearing system, where everyone just want to have higher rating. We are just asking for a “competitive enviroment for all the classes, not for just the meta classes”, this would create a more interactive/pleasure/healty expirience for the people who are not fotm reroller.

For the csgo/lol thing, there can be cases where people are carried, but most of the time the thing is working, or at least, there is some sort of wierd balancing, which is 10 times better than skirmishes randomness.

Well since it doesnt matter i’m looking forward to int every game just for fun cos it wont malé you angry since rating doesnt matter anyway. :))

This can be frustrating of course, but since I’m not losing anything, and such things are already happening in skimished, I wouldn’t mind. It is still 100 time better then paying for a game and spending 90% of your time in LFG.

For the war-ele thing, you are right, they were the most better performing spec for high rating, but there were still a lot of non meta spec at normal rating which had a lot of success. And as you can understand, being the top MW at 2000 cr, means a lot in a game like this. Even if as I said, all this stuff doesn’t have anything to do with cr, but mmr/cr it is just a wau to create more balanced games.

To conclude this, I wouldn’t mind facing or joining a wierd comp, since it is all random, and can happen to everyone, so it will balance by itself, and if war prot is unplayable, his rating will become lower than mine, and I will not play anymore with him.

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Its funny how those “meta setup enforcer” guys fear solo que:) i can taste thier fear, in solo que when they wont be able to play something faceroll truth will reveal, and they will be faced with fact that they are bad players lol

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That statement is short sighted. Its more that people exactly know how that would play out and that the Meta speccs are meta for a reason and would invade, even overflow SoloQ.

Even if meele cleave take their place they are still 15 years behind, one season fun means nothing compared to almost entie WoW lifetime

Era of Mages must end because following reason: low skill, boring to play against, and infestation of arena brackets with same setups which always contain mage; almost every game fight against mage, same low skill circus in holy AWC… they got their 15 years of being 200% stronger than anyone else, if they didnt get glads by now , specialy in SL s1 they NEVER will…time to nerf mauls, because this circos become boring to god and devil, clown parade of slow skill, class which even monkey from zoo can play with sucess.

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If an insult is all you can say discussing with you has no point.

I have a suggestion also:
If player leave rated soloq rbg, he will be punished with disabling of soloq for next 24 hours in any bracket.
And make 24 online hours, so timer stops if character offline.