Official petition for SOLO Rated Que

You said it yourself,

  1. You create a new toon (or just buy a boost).
  2. You tank your rating.

Number 1 is not so unrealistic given that leveling is so easy now. For example LoL had leveling (idk if it still has) before you could play ranked and yet alot of people did it.

Number 2 is also viable, and is very toxic, since you will have to pull somebody down with you, and is the main reason why i dislike this idee. You can call it however you want, but forcing somebody to swallow your bs or vice-versa is something that i’m against.

Effort is relative, what’s easy for you might be hard for me, and vice-versa. Don’t claim that you know what’s easy and what’s hard for thousands of other players.

I asked this before and i have yet to receive and answer, how do you match 2 players with the same goal to be on the same team? For example: i want to test some weird spec, how does the system make sure that i don’t get matched with somebody who is tryharding his a** off? I bet it would not be a pleasent experience for my healer partner who wants to win when i show up with my janky hunter build.
Resolve this problem for me i am willing to change my stance on this whole matter, untill then i remain sceptic about all of this.


then just dont play it ?


bro like whats wrong with some of you guys.

Whats up that every single one of you cant grasp the simple idea to actually











jesus christ i feel like im talking to a child like why do i even have to elaborate that

Okay let me just rephrase that for the very disabled people in here.

It’s a soloque for a side product (Arena) in the game.

You don’t have to play Arena at all and ESPECIALLY not soloque so if you disagree because you dont like it, dont play it and be quiet.

The only argument so far that SOMEWHAT hold any water is when someone whos constantly playing on higher 3s rating, has the fear of queues dying.
And most people in here if not all are 2.2k anyway so it doesnt even affect you.

God naw w/e

Other than that everything stated is just pure BS

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that’s such a dumb argument. makes me cringe everytime. every other bracket will be virtually dead and soloq will 100% be the established main bracket for pvp players as it is in every other game.

the second soloq is added, any serious pvp is going to die in no time. everything we’ve been asking for would make no difference because we ruined the one thing we enjoyed ourselves

Who said that i don’t like it? i said that i don’t find it to be fair. ITS A DIFFERENCE.

First off, youre 2.2 Its not gonna affect you in any way. Settle down and get to a rating where it would even affect you, then we could talk.

2nd, the argument that Soloque removes entry barriers and let people start with PvP (Yes, there is even people who state they would start doing PvP with soloque).

You cant know what happens at all and it can likely be the exact opposite aswell and much more people get interested in pvp

but yeah, read above. If youre playing on low/mid rating this argument doesnt even count for you at all.

god man its emberrasing how many mouthbreather come around talking about things that dont even affect them to begin with.

Whats wrong with some of you

you’re such an absolute cringelord dude. I always thought you were one of the only people with half a brain on the forums but that completely vanished the last couple of months.

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I doubt that, i think soloq will be a toxic cesspool filled with griefers, memers and twitch chat gladiators. Nobody in their right mind will take it seriously, especially the serious pvpers. I might be wrong thou…


Tell me how im wrong ?

You think your queues where most of the community play will die out ?

Because they wont unless ure stating that the game dies

explain ?

Honestly idc what you think about me but ur argument is just straight up bad.

People who actually play on a rating where this argument COULD hold any water and COULD be relevant even agree with me but somehow the people playing on the MUCH more populated MMR think otherwise

Why is not fair? People queueing for soloQ, are not making a premade so you can’t be expect to be matched with your prefered comp. If you want an exact comp with an exact gameplan each game you go do premade. If you want to play and are willing to try make the comp work whatever it is, you go soloQ.

What is more effort? Losing 3 games with an anchor or constantly making alts or forcing losses?? Hey if you want to smurf that badly that you are willing to take weeks of time to make it happen, I can live with it. If all it takes is to snap your fingers, I dislike it …

If someone is desperate to behave like that, they will. Just dont make it easy on them …

it’s easily accessibly content. that’s why it’s the main bracket in league and pretty much every other game as well.

it doesn’t matter how garbage it is it’ll end up being the main bracket in the game and it will be exactly what you describe. garbage, toxic nonsense nobody actually enjoys but everyone’s still going to play it

Have you ever thought about why solo queue is the prefered format in every other PvP game on the market?

Maybe people don’t want to send in a CV of their job, their experience, their family, their height, weight, work history, education, what car they drive, and a 10 page essay on what they bring to the team just to PLAY THE GAME.

LFG is so archaic it’s insane, imagine in Dota or League if you had to manually make a forum post, and add 4 other people manually in order to play the game.

If solo queue kills all other game modes then good riddance, the playerbase obviously chose what game mode they prefer, and if it doesn’t then what does it hurt those who want to play premade 3v3 and 2v2?


because other people might enjoy something that i dont so its bad


if it’s the prefered format then why was nobody talking about it for 10 years?

Soloque has been on a discussion for 10 years already ?

it has not. nobody cared because finding mates was easy when the game was still good

wait im genuinely curious now if youre trolling or not like …


People back in wrath were already talking about Arena soloque, hello LOL

It was just not as much needed as now *

I’m not an internet archivist, but i can guarantee you it has been a discussion for a loooong time, just because it has gotten traction lately because of youtube videos from various community figures and people like skillcapped doesn’t mean it wasn’t a thing before.

Because there is a rating attached to it, and in popular culture rating = competitiveness, you can’t argue this.
So if i queue for something competitive and my success chance is directly tied to whatever the system trows at me, in our case a pvp partner, then i am obliged to think that my partner will be of sound mind and will try to be competitive aswell. And i highly doubt that this will be the case, as i’ve seen numerous posts of people wanting soloq so they can test weird stuff out.

The moment everyone gets matched randomly and everyone has the same chance of getting a thrower on their team its fair.

Come on man i had this discussion already 20x on the Overwatch forums and a simple soloque system is as fair as it gets lol.

In fact, you being on your team even decrease the chance further to have a thrower on your team.

There you go, you are your fortune maker

This exact problem I have with LFG. This is not an argument against soloQ. It is an argument against people. Blizzard can’t fix people:)

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