I genuinely just want them to add it to the game just to see the same people who are screeching for it now make threads on the forums how bad it actually is.
I have nothing against soloq in general but it’d be such an obvious mistake to add it in WoW that I can not believe people actually want it.
Those private servers are pvp private servers mostly played by pvp oriented people who specifically went out of their way to find a place where they can pvp on an older expac, NOT your average Joe who can’t finish a heroic dungeon and then queues up for soloq because why not, and expects to win or something and when he doesn’t he starts griefing others. C’mon now be real.
which one? because every private server that has or had it has a dead 3v3 bracket and the only reason they have it is accessibility. literally everyone hated it and would rather play real 3s if they could
AT had Soloque and people still queued ALOT of real 3s + alot of tournaments aswell ? I wont name any active ones because thats clearly against ToS but you will find my server somewhere in my post history.
In fact, every MoP server i played on (basically every single one) has better 3s queues than soloQue, just a heads up.
We have 2 new converts. I am happy we agree, soloQ has to happen. Noone watches the arena sports anymore. Why? Because noone cares. Why? Because noone plays. Why? Because there are too many barriers to entry. Noone wants to fill a job application to play arena, noone wants to check their partner out on third party websites to see if they lie about their xp. Noone likes to play with boosted people, noone likes to play against boosters and smurfers.
People just want to play the game and have some sort of fair chance. The current premade system has been destroyed by the community. The motivation is not to play the game, the motivation is to make money. Let people play the game and have fun. The game will grow again and all these other issues will become background noise.
You just create your own reasonings why pvp is dead and swear by it. Nobody plays because PvP has turned into crap. It has NOTHING to to with entry barriers or whatever you want to call it. What do you even mean by entry barriers?
The game is trash. The balancing is trash, the gearing is trash, the class design is trash and pretty much everything else is trash. This is why people are quitting or having a break or don’t queue very often. Instead of fixing the game entirely you ask for a nobrainer solution that for sure will be a solution for the boosting issue and maybe some other stuff but it’s going to destroy so much more that it’s just not worth it.
Nobody is going to have fun and nobody is going to get any enjoyment out of soloq but at least there’s no entry barrier and we don’t have such a hard time finding team mates. This is such a dumb narrative it’s almost unbelievable.
Which concept? That the game is bad and there are not enough people left to play with across all eu regions or the fact that you are blind to this and you think that soloq will fix it?
Maybe he doesn’t agree with you and still decides to play, i mean AFK, just for the LOLZ, what then? Will be back here asking for Blizz to fix this? i bet you are.
Edit: you don’t know little Joe, nobody does, hes a true mastermind, master memer, youtube celeb, the best this game has ever seen and he better have his win, if he doesn’t nobody will.
I gotta admit, i have struggle reading that or rather understanding what you mean
You mean he doesnt like it and still queues for it ?
I mean okay if he wants to play with good people exclusively he can still play rated 3v3 and if he STILL spams soloque and expects to get good teammates hes just stupid ?
Like … are you trying to troll now or whats up
Also no, there is enough crybabys like you who think soloque isnt fair. Im over it, i pushed to the highest in other soloque games its not hard.
You will be one of the hardstuck 1.5 dudes with that attitude.
Like for real, you gotta be beyond repair to think that Soloque isnt fair when in fact its the most fair system you will ever get
I think you are the troll, what makes you think that you know exactly how other people will react to going on a losing streak? What if they get carried away by emotins and start griefing others and start acting toxic?
You trow claims left and right without being able to back any of it.
So all these trash comments are not your opinion but facts??
If you dislike the game that much, why bother playing it at all?
If everything is “trash”, what could soloQ possible destroy?
I like the game, there are problems but they can be fixed. The fist major problem is the outdated LFG system. Gearing wouldn’t be such a problem if people fought people with similar gear right? It is only a problem when a gladiator is one tapping newbies right? If newbies were fighting newbies and glads glads … gearing wouldn’t matter at all, since they would be at the same level…