Oh no Interview with Ion

If the alternative is the worst part of MoP, I’ll take Legion any time.


“There’s been a lot of strong opinions,” says Hazzikostas, “because there are a lot of strong connections to these characters, especially on the Horde side.” Saurfang and Sylvanas, the Battle of Dazar’Alor, and Jaina’s narrative arc are all stories that the team consider successful.


Its like someone is getting high on his own farts…

EDIT (Missed Wimbert reply):

I’d understand that if you are playing Alliance. And i guess the most disillusioned Horde player would rather have zero story for the characters he likes, rather than this one.
But take the current timing and pace, and you end up having a civil war, followed by a lore void that doesn’t give room to the faction to recuperate the characters it lost, followed by another civil war, more deaths…and back again to the background to leave room to another former Alliance to save the planet.

Follow that pace, and thats how you end up without orc and troll leaders for almost 3 years. Or need to have the orc one named on twitter.
And of course, remove the last legacy of how the faction started. Feeding the story with cheap substitutes of formerly successfully built characters (Baine for Cairne), or having to scrap the bottom of the barrel for pop-culture WoW references (Lillian Voss and Saurfang as prominent characters).

If the natural progression is Destruction->Disregard->Repeat, rather they just push Destruction to the limit and start anew. The most Pyrrhic result ever.


So… the usual “they’ll do it badly and repeat their mistakes” argument? Well, they will do everything badly, so I really don’t see what that has to do with choosing one path over another.

For me the faction war is dead, raised, killed again, and the corpse has been put on strings to make it seem alive after that. There is nothing to save. In really don’t care about what happens, as long as they get rid of Sylvanas as a leader or at least reprogram her in the end, so that it at least ends.

The Azeroth story isn’t at that point yet, and could have more interesting places to go. So I would rather see more of that, thank you very much.


I already felt sorry for the Horde, but this is just RIP.

We know how Blizztards “Plottwists” and neat story telling go.

Alliance will lose their fleet, Horde will loose their will to live(as they should, I just feel sad for the players who thought they faction was saveable)…


But you have Nightborne now and my inner conspiracy tells me that that is the reason why you got them to have a stronger connection for when they introduced Azshara.

So surely most worries about taking a backseat are just based on past events.


I don’t know if you’re joking, but even if you are I am fairly sure you’re on some watchlist right now.

Open a window. Get a grip.


I am joking yes. See it as letting go some steam.

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Well not that the Alliance is in a better position with their Human overlords, but yea, I still belief Horde got the even worse end of the deal!

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If you’re genuinely getting this angry about a pulpy western high fantasy inspired by even pulpier 80’s fancy in a massively multiplayer online game, you need help tbqh.


When they are already literally pointing at a story that involves Magni and the healing of Azeroth, what can we expect? Has there been ANY relevant Horde character involved in that particular development?
What kind of Horde story is to be had there?

Magni is pushed into some kind of Khadgar 2.0 character that once again drives the neutral, overarching, world-ending threat plot.
And just like it happened with Velen, Malfurion, Khadgar,…the Horde has no say in that story.
They didn’t have one with Kiljaeden, and the motives there were a thousand times more relatable for them.

How is Blizzard going to pull the Horde down a story against, say, the Old Gods or Azeroth if the only characters remotely interested or tied with said plots have all been former/vaguely Alliance up until now in this expansion?
Are they going to shoehorn a dominant Horde character (or slightly Horde aligned) par on Magni halfway through the expansion? When they didn’t bother doing so when it was a thousand times easier?

Yeah, its not hard to see it coming. They even managed to push Brann into the G’huun experience after the raid.

But yeah, i’d understand if this is to be more or less palatable/acceptable from an Alliance perspective.


When has there been any relevant gnome player leading neutral stories? I don’t care about the Alliance, so where is my representation? Grow up, man.


Huh? Isn’t it standard that neutrality is worse than dying now? Why would you want Gelbin to become neutral?

I’m not talking races. Talking playable factions.

If the only way Blizzard writes Horde related content, is to showcase their flaws and then leave them hanging with threats that might make their players feel heroic, then they are failing hard in an MMO that supposedly sells two equally heroic casts of playable races.

Yeah, i guess if you play Alliance you’ll be rather fine with having the heroic feeling of beating the villain batted opposers, AND the overarching plot of saving the planet.
But don’t expect Horde players to not feel out of place in a narrative that makes them feel like villain fodder for the other side when they are under the spotlight, or as neglected second rank citizens to the planet saviours that the other half of players get to favour/play when out of it.

Because sure as hell everyone should be thrilled to have Cairne Lite, Cleave Memefang, when they spend the bullet of the Maleficent Banshee (that came after Orc Hitler).

Anyway, this interview was rather laughable and caught me in a rather weird mood. Its amazing how out of touch these writers are.
People will get over it, they always do.
But its rather baffling how wrapped up their rear these guys seem to be some times…

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You’re talking representation. I don’t see the difference.

No, i’m not. I’m talking story.
The message signalled here has been clear throughout these past expansions: “As Horde you are going to play the dysfunctional faction. You’ll have said aspect showcased/highlighted when you have the narrative spotlight, and be ignored when you have the chance to feel heroic”

I mean, even the interviewer notes this:

For these players, the second corrupt Warchief in under five years might suggest that the Horde they have been playing under for a decade or more is broken, and not worth defending.

And the response that followed is about “Yeah, look at Magni instead! Isn’t his story cool?”

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Yes. Your faction story is horrible. Look at stories that aren’t as horrible instead. Better than dwelling on it, when it won’t get better.

Good to know that your alternative is to give up on the possibility of a positive story featuring the faction i decided to play, and instead should focus on unrelated stories that seemingly are more tied to the side i didn’t favour…
You’ll have to excuse me if i point this fact out tho.

And you’ll have to excuse me for finding it ridiculous if that point was news to you.


Honestly I’m dreading that. I’m just waiting for them to butcher her character and it’s such a shame. I’m just waiting for the mess that’s about to hit us.

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By my beard, nice weather tonight, right?