I have to admit that interview made me pretty salty. With all due respect he has to do better than “the motives are different” No, that’s really not good enough. Horde players are constantly feeling like they keep having to turn on their own, it’s really alienating. You want to keep people playing then how about not telling the same story again where you have to depose your own.
To be fair part of the Story is to discover: Is Sylvanas Windrunner another Garrosh? Or is she actually a Warchief the Horde needs but don’t want?
and I’m not talking Kerrigan here.
do I approve of this discovering Sylvanas’ true intent and having the Horde turn upon itself, just because blizzard is too happy with the Alliance to make them have actual conflict?
Do I hope they let the Horde come together as one again soon so, we can have some focus on fighting our enemies and not each other?
So she’s getting redeemed? well ok then.
My boi Moridunum. Don’t stretch it. You are walking thin ice now
For all I care, Sylvanas can go develop herself in her own time, and in her own faction.
At this point, I am just so damn angry. I’ve seen the Horde being torn asunder because of Sylvanas, I’ve seen Baine being butchered as a character because of Sylvanas, and I’ve seen Vol’jin being killed off because of Sylvanas.
But you know what the worst part is? It’s that I still have to bear all these writers and developers telling me to wait it out, to sit and wait for their brilliant plot twists. To hold on until the Grand Scheme unfolds itself.
I mean, how can they be so arrogant? Their playerbase is screaming louder than Azeroth, and yet they have the audacity to suggest they are like GoT writers? People are literally angry because of the treatment their race/faction has gotten, yet Ion Hazzikostas, high and dry in his ivory tower, philosophises about how this deep and well thought-out story has been making people passionate.
And those writers have learned nothing. As is clear from the interview, the fate of Sylvanas is not about what is best for the Horde, but best for her character.
The only thing that is keeping me at the Horde, or that even keeps me from quitting, are mostly the Tauren, but also the Trolls, which I’ve been getting more interested in lately. Christ almighty, just end this trainwreck of an expansion already.
Not really. Sylvanas sent most druids and shamans to Silithus before the War of Thorns.
Back to stellaris for me.
I will be watching nobbel87 to see how this story will destroy what little is left of the horde and alliance fanbase.
At this point I just pray for Zappyboi to survive this expansion. That is literally how little I expect from the lore team. xD You hear me right, at this moment the only thing I care is survival of a single guy from cinematic.
I just brace myself for the worst and I’m ready to roll. Since Legion there was nothing but blows directly to the balls. But it’s slightly more bearable cause I have my Zandalai playable, so there is at least this little comfort.
The sad thing is, that if this expansion was only about Zandalar / Kul’Tiras/ Naga/ Pirates/ uncharted lands. It would be quite decent.
As is clear from the interview, the fate of Sylvanas is not about what is best for the Horde, but best for her character.
Hit the nail right on the head, there. I agree with everything you said, I’m angry about this too and it sucks. I don’t want to be mad at the writers, I don’t want to expect the worst in terms of story in future patches, but I do. And it honestly feels bad.
What’s keeping me going in WoW is my new love for the Tauren lore. Currently leveling one up, and the old world content and story is something I honestly find more entertaining than what the story is currently.
I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again.
May the light have mercy on our narrative. Because the devs in charge of it have learnt NOTHING. Absolutely flipping nothing.
O honestly forgot that thing was still alive to! Thats how little we get on the Alliance sid! xD
Don’t chu dare call him a “thing!” /*smacks with newspaper
He’s my boy!
Compared to the army of relevant and well build lore characters and leaders the Alliance has, memeboi is a nice touch in this story. Call me again when 60%+ of your cast dies off without being able to do something about it.
Extra: “He also notes that Garrosh’s motives were different; they were an attempt to restore a lost vision of the Horde at the expense of everything else. Sylvanas’ goals are still unclear, but Hazzikostas notes, “There will not be a trial where she is in chains. Sylvanas is not a character who would find herself in that situation … ever.” pin that sentence down and hang it above your bed or window. It means Sylvanas will not just die off like the last crazy or hard to understand horribad Warchief. Blizzard has something bigger in mind this time.
I’d trade them all in for a handfull of well written characters.
And thats something coming from someone who’s favourite character is Malfurion.
But damn Genn, Rodgers, Taylor… Those where characters written with depth as I understood where their hatred came from(not Taylor, though, he was just a dude following orders) etc. Not overpowered but just simple joe’s wanting to change the world for the better! D:<
Velen, Malfurion, Genn, Rogers, Anduin, Jaina, Tyrande, Maiev, Tess, Turalyon, Alleria, Katherine, Tandred, Taelia, Flynn, the council of Three Hammers, Gelbin, Shandris, Halford, Shaw, Vereesa and many more. Srsly you are exploding with relevant and decent characters.
Compared with Baine, Saurfang, Talanji and memeboi you have it much better.
Man, are you even reading. None of these characters have any depth with exception of the ones I mentioned before.
They’re all just superhumans without any flaws or superficial reasons because of superficial powers.
All of them have veteran status by now and most of them their own time to shine, especially now with BfA. It’s not really even half as bad as the red team.
I wonder why the red team hasn’t been eradicated yet?
Because this is a 2 factions game afterall. Blizzard won’t just throw away the key mechanics after all this time
Saurfang and Baine are Alliance plants. Zekhan is a meme. Only consistent character is Sylvanas and just like Garrosh, Cairne and Vol’jin she is up to get axed out for no reason. You should feel lucky.
Stronger than Team Blue.
That’s why Blizzard needs to have us Split and Fight each other each time.
Also I’ll say let’s give Blizz the benefit of the Doubt.
Not all of BFA is trash only the Faction WAR.