Oh the joy of new AH

Nice, lightless silk is now about 1 g per piece.
Before the region wide merge I could get 30-40 g per one on my low pop server.
Thank you Blizzard for leaving me on low pop server without any merge in sight, while also giving me the worst thing from a high pop server xd


It was only ever going to be good for buyers.

More competition means more competitive pricing for all.


The glyph market is also dead. Mark of the regal dredbat was going for about 10k yesterday on my server. Now its under 500g. I don’t know how people are going to fund for their monthly token.


yeah, i also dk what to do about it

And here we see the real motive. Time to bust out the cards :frowning:


With this change they basicly killed off AH. How are people going to make gold now? They want everyone to be selling boosts and buying gold tokens??


This could be in part one of the reasons - less gold more credit card transactions for monthly sub. I though believe over a 3 -6 month period things will level out again.


You are just sad you can’t scam people anymore :smiley:


problem since this morning are those baiters, no idea if they use the app for AH but they bait and buy so fast it is impossible for normal ppl to buy. This is most probably the main cause for especially cloth to go so low and I feel very sorry for those that list cloth in the split second some baiter puts the 1silver bait in. I had the feeling this would happen when they announced the AH available on the app.

You can’t list items in the mobile app.

But yeah, I noticed many people undercutting on purpose to get cheap things.

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ah ok, so no baiting from app. the speed with which the baiters work though does not seem realistic and reminds me of a certain player who during BFA used something I can not mention here to be faster than lightening while not even watching the game and work on other pc… he told me that so proudly once but he kind of disappeared after a while and a few reports. It is not pure TSM that is causing this horrific destruction for mats sellers, i am absolutely sure of that.

You do understand that each single token that gets traded for gold has been paid before for more than the price of a monthly sub?


And that’s wonderful! New players don’t have to regret to play and low pop servers and feel the need to trans only due to high AH prices and manipulations from some small seller cartel on their servers.

IMO this change brought more good than bad.


More people means more offer, but also more demand. The market will stabilize after a few days, the only real impact is for outliners, like Glyph of the Tides, which I couldn’t be more happy about.

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I wouldn’t be worried if all items were region wide… but BoEs for some reason are not region wide which is stupid


Yeah merging servers should be a prio for 10.0, it’s rediculous. Same problem mate.

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I still would.

I strongly suspect those reasons are technical and capacity. And I’m not sure it would be better.

… for botters and raiders.


Bliz get more money if players buy the tokens. If fewer buy their sub with gold then bliz lose money. For everyone buying a sub with gold there was someone who paid more than a sub for that token in the first place.

It will take a while for the economy to settle down. It will find its level eventually.
I think Bots are the main issue with lower material prices than a region wide AH.


Im confused how your matching this to motive?

If the prices are cheaper on AH, the less gold you need to get what ur after equates to less reason to buy a token.

Also, this makes people who pay for their subs with gold harder. The person who bought the token pays over the price of a sub to do that, so why would this be the motive?

Moving more people to sub based model, reduces how many purchase them which in turn reduces the gold a token is worth.

AH mats prices were under vendor price on my realm for like 6 months+. Expansion is ending, nobody raid anymore. New expansion will come and AH will be healthy again.