Ok I regret my words

Well I almost played through the whole legion maybe had a few months break, it was that good. Bfa was so good that I forgot to renew my sub for like a year and to this day I log in and sometimes I just sit in og for like 5 min and log off because there is nothing to do.

I think that’s true, I knew a lot of wow players in my office but legion eventually made them leave completely and most never really came back, it is the first expansion that made me quit for a year.
It had huge promise but the funnelling of people into areas they never usually played killed it for so many at the time,I wonder if it,s coincidence that that a lot of the original blizzard team had left or were leaving

It has MoP status for me.

It was good, but no wotlk/BC

Certainly better than the other expansions though

To me, it was one of the trash expansions. Only bfa is definitely worse than legion. Legion wrecked classes with some really poor class design, it did the most pruning damage of the 3 prune expansions.
It brought some of the worst systems ever brought in the game, like legiondaries, ap farming, titanforging.
It made pvp much worse than before.

All in all, it was one of the expansions I had no fun playing, so no to me it’s the opposite of the holy grail.

m+ was cool and satisfying in legion because you could swap gear each pull / boss and had legendaries to use too… it was a good expansion with lots of negatives but could have been worse. I think besides titanforging and legendary rng… tomb of sargeras difficulty was the worst of it all… not saying it was “difficult” but some people made it difficult by simply being too… to do mechanics or soak :face_with_head_bandage:

The reason people look back at it so very fondly is because BFA is a MASSIVE downgrade from Legion.
I remember wanting to pull my hair out so many times although i can’t remember to what…However Legion was by far way better than BFA.

It was not much better than BfA.

Gotta say, it was my third favorite expansion overall and yes also counting vanilla.

  1. Wrath of the Lich King
  2. Mists of Pandaria
  3. Legion

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