Old Character Customization / Old Character Animations proposal

Please look at the topic above.
I don’t want to repeat this, only want Blizzard to take a look for this! (and respond to us :slight_smile: )

After years of playing WoW (and i still truly enjoy it) i feel some kind of emptiness when i’m watching old videos with old character models and animations.

I like new models which are refreshed and it is something new and looks good when moving throght new continents / zones.

In my opinion i think if people enjoying Classic WoW and Blizzard, which added a lot of new options for character customization in barber throught the years - why not bring back old character models to retail WoW? You know… as a checkbox named “Old customization” something like that and switch to palette of customization only which was available on old models (probalby without new customization features like HM Tauren horns which should be ok for me and i think for a lot of people).

What if we could see new (for example) Tauren model with old one standing close to each other? It would be interesting…

What if Druid could use old Wrath “green ball” spell animation and same with Shaman’s Lightning Bolt? Which can be easely added to the game by using glyphs. Same spell customization got Demon Hunter with Glide spell (custom few wings colours).

Blizzard currrently got all of these in Classic clients.
So if there is someone who very like old character models and animations, but don’t wan’t to switch for Classic WoW (like me, because i do not wan’t to lose and grind all my achievements, time played, mounts, reputations and etc. just because to play and once again got this “feeling” while playing favourite character - because i can combine it all in retail WoW)

Some of them (new animations) are of course great looking on new models, but old animations combined with them (new models) would not be so good idea…

Do You remember your old Orc model character casting spells?
Do You remember your old Night Elf Hunter using Gun? (without putting gun close to the eye)
Do You remember old badass Tauren model?

All of it - still available on Retail WoW.

And yes, i remeber in WoD there was and option (in probably if i remember it good - Game Menu - System - Graphics) named “Use Old Model Characters” but this was removed as fast as it was implemented in game after reworking character models and this feature only affected models from only our side/computers.

To all players who still want to “feel” this “nostalgia” playing your character which is available as race since Vanilla…
Please share your opinion!

Have a nice day to You all !


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