Old Essence grind in 8.3 for new/returning players

Ok let’s aay that pressure exist, but what if LFR people would also feel that pressure in a fairly easy content? Or those who just keep doing m+10 or normal raids? This isn’t reasonable.

This could be reasonable only for those who do serious mythic raiding. ı dont think Blizzard should turn everything welfare jsut because other people who are doing relatively easier content can not deal with that ‘pressure’.

As a casual i would support that %100. Also reduce mythic+ rewards, it is throwing welfare gear at people right now. First 2-3 bosses of a raid should always be the gate keepers; they should be extremely complex and require the utmost communication between players, so 3/8 pugs wouldn’t happen.

Yeah, i would support that %100.

I do not think they should turn things in welfare. I personally only think they should ‘hand out’ the R1s with lesser effort on alts. Character progresison is essential part of any RPG. I feel they could slightly reduce requirements on alts. or give some farmable tokens or resources you can collect on main and allocate on alts.

Yes something like that can happen. After sometime passes, i don’t know how much time that would be… requirements can be reduced for getting or upgrading them for alt chars. But not like hoa requirements reducing each week ofc.

But just making them account wide, or getting them from mythic+ spam is a no.

Just excuses i want XYZ guys but i do nto want put effort/work for it give it to me!

Honestly, you’re not wrong. CoF is by far the very best one for almost every player who just want something that works all around (pvp, open world, solo content) and it also doesnt require alot of work with the current artifact power knowledge scale. Then if iris is supposed to be the better one then its even easier than CoF because you just get it upon completing any time 7+.

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