Old Essence grind in 8.3 for new/returning players

Yes, Yes you do. Some of the R2s are time gated, then the rank 3s can take another 5+ weeks. That’s if you do everything you need to in a week to complete on top of everything else.

Yes you do need them to play.
My R3 essence sim is 50,150 dps.
My R2 only sim is 46,659 dps. I lose 3.5k dps in my raid just from having R2s instead of R3.
Rank 1 sim is 45,094 dps. I lose 5k dps on average vs R3.

I can’t sim no essences but I’m pretty sure it would crater a lot more with no essences.

You do need the essences to play and you need them R3 to not be pepega and benched.

As many have stated already: nobody is talking about free essences. (Since accountwide would mean they still have to be earned anyway, since nothing still means nothing accountwide)

Still no clue where you got that from.
I also dont see why you are against a different system to work better in 8.3 and for returning / new players and players.

If you can get essences from different activities (i mean all essences) most of the players wont start farming all of them. Just the ones they need through the content they like to do.

And that might be a combination of WQs / PVP and PvE instead of the forced farm of pvp or pve instead.

I dont see the harm in that and i totally dont understand why you are so against it.

Aslong as people still need to put in the effort, does it matter where it comes from?

And asking new / returning players to first deal with “old” content before they can hop into 8.3 is just downright a really bad manner and doesnt fit the social side of a mmorpg experience.

But i guess you are also one of the posters in threads like: WoW is dying. (Which it isnt, but still)

But you dont understand your own mentality and logic is helping to make sure it will die eventually because you dont want to admit a system isnt working or change a system to be more friendly and engaging.

There is no trolling or exaggration. If someone wants the items from other content, then why not other guy couldn’t do the same?

Of course they are doing difference that’s not something i disagree. I mean it is obvious. But so does higher level items. Should higher level item be account wide too?

mythic raid gear from 1 pet battle is not exageration? 4 digits iq is not exageration? ok, i lost hope in your ability in reasonable discussing. And in this topic nobody is asking that. It is about essences, so if you want to ask for the EP socketed gear from pet battles, start a new topic because here it is off.

I can kit myself out in mythic gear on week 1 of the raid and m+ opening. I have all the talents I need to make that gear effective. The essences are not immediately available and make your character irrelevant until you power them up.

In wrath, I could do a bunch of dungeons and get my previous tier in a day. I didn’t need to complete Ulduar before accessing current content. You think it’s a good idea for new players to spend weeks farming Mechagon rep?

There should be some effort to get them, but it should be doable in a day if they so choose and easy to get.

Yes that 4 digit IQ was an exaggration. But pet battles was not.

And about essences, getting r1 ones requires ntohing. You can simply get them instantly. If you want higher ranks, you should do those as well. This is what i am saying basically, less relevant alt chars is better.

You can’t, but that socket will give 0 advantage in a pet battle, essences come from world wuests but you need them for raid, see the problem?

More options to gain essences.

Still. Do. The. Work. For. An. Essence. But. On. Content. You. Like.

Its called choices. That literally is the message conveyed with the feedback.

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Been playing my Spriest since like Thursday. He’s 411 and has one rank 3 essence, one rank 2 essence. Seems about right for a 411 char and the content he’s tackling. I really, really don’t know how much faster you can gear up/acquire essences without just handing them out.

This is simply not true. Loot was way harder to come by and you couldn’t spam HCs either like you can spam M+. You could get reasonably geared and have your guild carry you in 1-2 weeks, but you would not be pulling your weight.

they also have been added to the game, while gear was Always here, as a band-aid for the bad class design this expansion, but they thought it would be fun to time gate them and put them behind random content instead of just making new quests and letting us unlock them while we level :man_shrugging:

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Just don’t bother with essences, they got added way too late to the expansion to be bothered with such a horrible grind. they might have been less annoying if they were there from the start of the expansion so people had a clear goal what to get. But adding this horrible grind when people already had a burn out from this expansion was just a nasty way to stretch the time remaining players would have to spent to get it


Somewhat you are forced by group. If you do group content you get so called social pressure. Even forums here - read how many complaining posts there are about how someone in M+ didn’t do X amount of dps, or someone somewhere did slightly less.

I, myself, have found solution on finding ‘best possible alternative’ to essences I cannot be bothered with. I do have friends and guildies, who are willing to assist me and I am luckily like that. And if I do slightly less dps because I do not have essence X is ok too, but go to a PUG and see how somehow this pressure starts mounting.

Also there’s the aspect of raiding, there you kind of are expected to have BiS, but there also none of my alts have PvP essenses, and have managed to do 95-97% logs without ‘BiS’ on HC EP on my survival hunter. So if player is willing to give their best all-around, then missing an essence shouldn’t be problem. But we cannot blame people feeling that social pressure.

This would be true for a very small percentage who do serious mythic raiding and need people’s alt chars from time to time. For those who do not do serious mythic raiding this social pressure doesn’t really exist. For main characters it may exist but who would expect the same effort for alt chars if you aren’t doing serious mythic raiding.

The social pressure is in any group. There is progression on every difficulty of the game. When someone underperforms it shows. And who wants to be a burden to their group.

So it is not Blizzard, but your in-game social circle is forcing you to do the content you despise dearly?

Maybe those people should know that alt chars aren’t second main chars, and stop expecting high requirements. And those who do not want to eb a burden should either join the group with their main chars, or if they want to join with alts then put ‘effort’ into them.

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For the record; this topic is about new/returning players. It is not about the 10’th alt. Allthough I also think it should be account wide. Probably also easier to obtain, since forcing in content people do not want to do is just plain bad. For everyone.

Oh my, so many casuals with “you want it - work for it”. Care what you wish for. Blizzard can hear you and remove LFR and normal/heroic dungeons :wink:

Oh, you don’t like it? You want it - work for it :slight_smile:

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That would be awesome. Atleastvi would have reason to try raiding again.

I think is way round- mythic raiders do not have social pressure because they do it willingly already due their mind set. If you swap to an alt - you do farm best thingsbecause you want to be meter hero, give 110% to your team and your co-players have less impact to your decisions.

While I am retired from ‘the elite end-game’ I still do “almost cutting edge with 1 to 2 day raiding” - and while I have been nagged ‘why your neck is not 70’ in past, it has been more of that “lol, Az being Az” because everyone knows that if Az goes to tank, then she is prepared to what is needed to stay alive. If i have not done something it is because I do not see the long term importance and relevance vs time invested. It is different kind of pressure. That pressure comes mainly from within and is part of mythic raider mindset. I’d even say without this self-driven pressure one shouldn’t bother mythic raiding.

However I really do mean here the middle range players and often (based on forums) casual type of player, who feels they could do without, but when they go to their M+ and do not do X amount of AoE we get someone post on forums “Of course I would leave those keys, where one player does less aoe than tank” and with wrong essences (combined with wrong traits) in M+ you do less AoE than tank.

I would tell people to not give in to social pressure, but that would be like telling Lich King that Sylvanas is a nice girl and only wanted a hug.

Common sense would say : Play game just your way, but we do know it does not always work in MMO’s and online games. You feel that expectations of other players. Veteran players may feel it less, but we cannot presume that all of us have same mental strength to say : "whatever, guys… "

New alt, and returning player can be very similar. I’d know since I’ve done both during BfA - skipped patches, and content, as well re-activated my minion accounts. They are not as much apart. But also I can share stories of my guildies, who wanted to raid, but eventually felt that if you did not start 8.2 on very start, you can skip mythic raiding as it took too long to get progression ready, even when were on farm kills. Especially on guild like mine that tends to cut healer numbers a lot and healer that stays in has to be on level.