I am looking for a guild to raid with. I used to raid back in the day (tbc, wotlk and early cata), but then life got busy. Now I noticed I am able to dedicate two evenings a week to raiding. However, I need a guild. After reading up on guildtypes, I found that I am interested in a heroic raiding guild (ahead of the curve). Is anyone looking for a (fire) mage? If so, leave a message or add me on discord: @deckhand. As I am in my thirties, I am also looking for a more mature guild. I’ve got experience in the game, but I don’t want to make it a second job
Hi, we could be a good fit for you. We are a casual guild that does all content at most levels.
My Bnet is MarkBurnell#2927 and Discord is markb1511.
Here is a little more about us