On "check-pvp.fr"

This site allows anyone to find anyone’s alts and all possible progress in this game. Now, I would love to hear your opinion on this matter. Is it controversial? Or even problematic?

I would like to point out there are certain groups who delight in long-term harassment of others (this concerns especially PvP players and – allegedly – people trading nude photos). Regardless of their intentions, should a player encounter someone like those, they cannot hide on any realm. I have only experienced a mild taste of this (and had to quit to game for some time because of that ) but I have friends who had to deal with hateful whispers and other forms of aggression on a daily basis for weeks.

What it does seem to be within Blizzard’s policy of API usage
But then I don’t understand why wowprogress had to shut down the alt detective thing since it basically did the same.

My opinion: It’s OK that it’s transparent. Personally, I would even remove the “display only character achievements” opion as it only encourages troll characters. But I know that I’m probably in the minority with this opinion.


It doesn’t show all your alts. Just checked and most of mine aren’t there.

If people trade nudes I’m not sure the addon has much to do with that. If you do that you’re a bit special and no amount of hiding alts is going to spare you.

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On papers it is fine. I never used it to find someone alts because I don’t really care.

Only issue I noticed some people likes to stalk too much. Instead of replying to your points they will say haha!! alt! As if it is an achivment to fill their life :woman_facepalming:


I searched my pala main and it only showed my dh main even tho i have a equally geared dk and druid (475+) and 5 other 120s allthough not geared in 8.3.

It doesn’t show all your alts. Just checked and most of mine aren’t there.

I have noticed that as well. But once you (or anybody else) search for that character who is not there, it will be automatically added to the list of your characters on that site. Forever.

The first thing that springs to mind is

I have never sought to hide my characters and you can find them on raider io, wowprogress, etc but they are not actually all listed on https://check-pvp.com/, it shows a measly 3 or so alts for me instead of my glorious 49 characters.

There have always been sites or plug ins that we could use to see alt posting. Equally there are always ways to OPT OUT. You can either opt out at a Blizzard Account level but then no third party site will work for you, for your characters. Or you can opt out with any individual site.

Any harassment I’ve had in game has been on my main and Blizzard have dealt with it. Initially you can use the ignore functions but if people go out of their way to work around that you can contact a GM and highlight those issues. After they dealt with my sexual harasser, I never heard from him again. I would love for a battlenet level of ignore to be introduced but how practical that is, I don’t know.


FYI, you can log in to the site, and explicitly hide your characters. Doing so will still allow looking up that particular character, but hidden ones will not be shown in the alts list.


Who cares.

I want to remove one or more alt(s) from my account:

It’s possible to remove alts from the characters displayed list on Check PvP. To do that, you have to :

    1. Be connected to Check PvP website (Create an account if necessary)
    1. Go to “My account” page
    1. Click on “Manage my characters”
    1. Click on “Login to Battle.net”
    1. Allow Check PvP to access your BattleTag and World of Warcraft profile. (This information is necessary to know with which character(s) you can manage)
    1. Your character list (present on Check PvP) should be appeared, just check the box “Hidden” to hide them.

I have personally used this site to look up a character who contacted me in game via whisper, it led me to a forum user name I recognised. Now since the character who contacted me did so to be rude and obnoxious, I would have to say that the site is a useful tool.

Your friends should report this to Blizzard and let them deal with it. We can’t expect everybody playing the game or using the forums to like everyone and that’s okay, we are entitled to our own opinions on people, but that’s where it should stop. I never understand why people feel the need to tell each other they dislike them, or that they have put X or Y on ignore, they then follow the person around (especially on the forums) just to be abusive or to reiterate at every opportunity that they have them on ignore, what is the purpose of this other than to try and antagonise? Such actions are not necessary and personally I think it’s easier to just ignore the person/people you don’t like and move on, nothing more needs to be said or done :slight_smile:

Whatever we feel about people in game or on the forums we all pay to play a game and have fun, I don’t understand the mindset of people who use their time to harass others.


imo its okey. personally i got nothing to hide and if someone feels the need to harass me i just screenshot it and send blizzard a ticket and let them deal with it. :woman_shrugging:


I don’t like any site using my data without my express permission and am against all of these.


You can disable API access in your battle.net account.


I have! Hopefully enough.

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As far as use of Blizz’s API - if you can do it, it’s probably fine. If Blizz doesn’t want addon creators to take certain actions, they can always change how the API works so these actions are impossible. WoW launched in the youthful days of Web 2.0 where all apis were opened to everything and everyone and we all loved it. Then Facebook came, and we all saw what can be done with API exploitation. Facebook realized they need to clamp down on what people can do using their API and so they did that. Blizz can do the same.

When I came back to WoW I went to WoW Head to check if I had a specific recipe and my profiled chars were gone. They must have deleted them when I disabled third party API calls on my account. If I want to use the WoW Head profiler I can enable it when i want.

This should be disabled by default. Alternately they could do a per site basis for permissions.

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Yeah, things should really be opt in rather than opt out. And just cos I have nothing to hide doesn’t mean I am happy to have everyone and anyone oogle


Hello. You can hide your alts if you login to the site and connect with your bttlet net account :slight_smile:

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Sadly on my server people more than often use this site with malicious intent. I had to hide my characters after my listed alts were bombarded with strange, rude whispers…

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