On reporting potential erotic role-play

We can be acquaintances now.

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If it’s done in private channels IIRC it’s technically not reportable. Can’t really remember though; doesn’t apply to me anyway. (Not something I do.)

If they’re doing it in /say like some of stormwind and silvermoon’s denizens, then that’s easily reportable.

Reporting because you think they might do it soon or could be doing it probably won’t work out though, unless you have concrete evidence. Pre-emptively doing it might just you in trouble for false reporting if they’re not doing that.

On a pure technicality, anything anyone does in the game whatsoever can be reported. The report isn’t so much of a “This person is guilty of bad, ban them” But more case of you ask Blizzard to take a look at whatever it is you are sending them in the report, and we are free to do so with anything we think is worth that.

If whoever checks said report thinks there is nothing wrong going on, then no one will ever know.

What they consider to be abusing the report system would be if you logged 20 separate characters/accounts to all report the same thing. But if you just send a report on whatever then its not.

A former Blizzard CM once said on stream that their current policy is that yes, ERP happens. Allegedly “far more than you’d think”. They’re unable to stop it, because people will always find a way. As long as it’s done in private channels and everyone involved is a consensual adult, they’re willing to give it a pass if they’re playing nice. Said CM shared a story involving a threeway scenario between three dwarves, and while he found it highly unusual and strange, “they weren’t hurting anyone at the time” and no action was taken. Checked their account info, and no minors were involved.

It’s when :poop: starts to deviate from those ground rules is when Blizzard starts intervening. If you’re public enough to be caught, you’re public enough to report. Personally I’d rather they stick to Discord, but what I can’t be bothered by what I can’t see.


I will say that I find it funny that someone, I can’t remember who, was accused of ERP because they were sat next to somebody else in a group and weren’t saying anything in /s or /e.

The reason for that wasn’t ERP, but rather the player needing to use the bathroom.

Report ERP, but don’t be like OP and jump the gun, jump the shark, and also jump off of his character given that it no longer seems to have a profile… :thinking:


When you screw up so hard you need to delete the character…

Hey I remember that! I think it was a kul tiran female and the other I can’t remember. Just sitting next to eachother and someone accusing them of erping. Fully clothed.

Oh no, where have I seen that before?

Someone getting not the replies they want and deciding to deleting their character they actively played on because someone could ask them questions that are uncomfortable. :thinking:



if she pees she’s a thot


I have one of my characters(I think it’s Vixí actually or my other lock) in the Garrison alot because I never bothered to remove the Hallow’s End decorations. Which makes it so my Garrison always is full of constantly respawning lvl 25 easy to kill battle pets.

It’s perfect for boosting.

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i am a squirt purist only, anything else is too much effort and i say this as someone who adores battle pets.

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I remember the days before Squirt, where if you were serious about power levelling, the suggested method was to go and spam-kill the bird pets outside of Wyrmest Temple. Due to easy to kill & close stable-master.

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dark times indeed…

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imagine leveling your pets through direct pet battles and not leveling stones . . .

cries in most of newer vital pets being level 1


That’s starting to sound mighty familiar…

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