On reporting potential erotic role-play

didn’t stop a whole generation of female Draenei, won’t stop them

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yes, yes they are

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Habbo Hotel was the big one. Every other room was openly advertised as being for online sex, and it was the primary reason people used the chatroom, which was designed for kids. It got so bad that at one point the site issued a server-wide mute on every single account to get a hold on things. Nowadays it’s a dead game, but I know that the intense grooming has all but vanished since the site was nigh forced to investigate its pandemic.

well technically all pixels are

they’re just… thicc ones? :flushed:


Habbo Hotel was a weird friggin place to begin with. I remember the pool saga. That was THE event in Habbo.

Do you want to talk about it, Mr Shapiro?


the problem with banning ERPers is that Blizzard is reactive as opposed to pro-active.

The reason why people who do it in /w don’t get banned for it is because, whose reporting it exactly?

That’s the crux of the issue. Also doesn’t stop it being vulgar and therefore reportable, just Blizzard isn’t skimming thousands upon thousands of lines of text trying to find the ERPers.

It turns out that game has a lot more creepers than we initially thought.


bass-boosted seinfeld theme


Not sure if you can report anything that’s suggestive like…

/e wiggles his eyebrows at you.

But you can report someone’s TRP or MRP if they got inappropriate content like NSFW links or a straight up and detailed description about their genitals or “assets.”

I do think GMs can read back on what they have been typing but if you report them for the right reasons first, they may look over that during their investigation and give em a more harsher ban.

I can dream.

Only four?

You at least deserve six.

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Everything you write in game, whether its whispers, party chat, Bnet chat or even in-game voice is recorded and can be retrieved at a moment’s notice. The problem is that due to the volume (and probably the way everything is archived) they need a timestamp to find the exact time when the offence occurred, evaluate the context so they don’t dish out wrong or inappropriate punishment and then check if the same player has been reported more than once.

There’s honestly nothing else I can see as a reason why in-game reports via tickets require timestamps or done via the report button. I’d be more in favor of a chat tool that simply tells the player they cant send their message because it contains vulgarity and then people dodging this by using special characters, spaces, misspellings (or using IC accents to work around the filter in the case of RP) get suspended for not adhering to the ingame code of conduct.

know your worth kings

wuh woh

relationship rp may equal erp

time to get the horny stick and bonk people

To be fair, I never use the character romance yes/no section in TRP even if it’s relevant because of people like OP.

Nuffin’ krumps my day quite like out of the blue bullying whispers that my character should “go back to goldshire” or whatever. The fervent anti-erp campaign has an ugly, hysterical backside identical to farcical trolling parody of the same and I’m not alone in seeing this.

Hell, there was a brief but intense episode of AD where these randos attacked anyone with a suggestion of body shape in their description as being “bait”. There’s a line and it’s crossed often enough.

On the flipside, the fiends trawling for a squeeze will not leave certain races alone and it ruins my enjoyment. Writing up a nice elf, draenei or undead(!) to play only to be whispered by the usual suspects makes me wish we had means to block people from much more than chatting.


Expecting people to not use mature language when the vast population of this game is 18+, has been playing for years, and use :poop: and the F word on the regular is simply unproductive if not outright madness.

Dude you have a body? Stop ERP baiting


Like all warcraft characters I am silent, emotionless and composed entirely of light possessing no corporeal form.

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I know, right? Scandalous.

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