On reporting potential erotic role-play

I’ve actually not played goblins often, more trolls when I’ve been Horde. I got a vulpera mage atm at 50 but I’ve not rped her.

If OP has seen those ERP-ers emote, must’ve been in public anyway, so don’t see why not just report them and see what happens.

Surely they’ll take some action.

If it’s private, no issue imo.

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Just don’t do it at all in a game directed towards children

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Not really. By Blizzard’s standards using their chat system to send inappropriate, abusive or extreme descriptions of gore and erotic content is a reportable offence. This applies in every case.

If it’s between two consenting adult individuals then there’s not much to action though, unless one of them goes crazy and reports themselves and the other person for misconduct.

Now if one of the players was a minor and their legal guardian or the player themselves realized they are being groomed then it’s a completely different story.

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places and communities like goldshire generate an uncomfortable amount of green sadly

Could it truly be this simple?

I’m just a bystander, but it seems to me like you’re all in disagreement about how to handle this topic.

A chunk of you think ERP is fine, if done in private.
Others think it has no place in the game, in any way whatsoever.
And there are some of you who (whom?) argue that teenagers, (13+), are no longer innocent, and don’t need to be safeguarded in the way the community believes they should be.

I have no idea how this should be handled, frankly. I don’t even have an opinion on this one to share. But I keep seeing this thread a lot, this kind of dialogue a lot, and by now it seems to me like we should all agree to disagree and just focus on watching over our own communities. Because right now, someone says, ‘Well I think,’ and then someone goes, ‘not really,’ but then another guy goes, ‘well actually,’ and it goes around and around like that with no foreseeable end.

And I don’t mean to be a complete stooge by pointing something so obvious like this out, but it’s not like the people who are messaging people in Stormwind with unsolicited messages are sat here on the forums reading any of this.


Ultimately though, what we think individually is irrelevant. The rules are there pretty cut and dry as posted above.

And those rules are part of the big popup thing each person who plays WoW have to admit that they agree to in order to even boot up the game past the main menu.


The merit of a forum is to have discussions though. “Well I think” and “well actually” are perfectly fine to carry on said discussions because there’s always a chance that misconceptions get corrected, obsolete information gets revealed and people’s wrong opinions change for the better.

I’m not even sure what you’re trying to do with your post tbh, people are self-governing their communities with or without this thread or your own input.

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Incidentally, I think the rules you posted are there to stop people from harassing each other, and the language pertains exactly to that. Not to stop ERP happening between two consenting adults, (note I say ‘adults.’) I think you’ve wire-framed the context of the rules you posted to suit your own agenda, Vixi, with all due respect.

I agree; I agree, Kharrion. My post is pretty much fodder. But when I see the same discussions being made over and over, day after day, I can’t help but be the one to point out this is a bit of a circle-jerk/echo chamber by now, because there’s no advancement happening in this conversation in any way whatsoever. It’s just going around in circles. If my post is an example of that, that might be why.


What context do you want/need to:

“When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

as is any obscene or disruptive language.”

I litterally jusy copy-pasted directly from the link.

I think those rules are there to stop people from harassing one another.
You think those rules are there to stop people from ERP’ing with one another.

That’s as simply as I can put it.

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I honestly don’t mind it. It helps bring the ERP apologists out of the woodwork and I can refresh my list of people I should be avoiding ingame.

In regards to what Vixi noted:

### Communication

When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions.

The whole point of this clause is that it disregards context. We as players are prohibited from using vulgar or offensive language in-game on the chat, LFG or voice chat and doing otherwise is a reportable offence. The only consent that exists is that the players slagging each other off won’t report one another, not that niether party are offended by the language being used.

As a consequence, if I consented to taking some social RP to party chat without knowing what’s about to happen (maybe I expected that things will fade to black), go AFK to make tea and then return to 4 paragraphs of smut typed out by the other party member, I am fully in the right to report the person.

I’d be fully in the right doing so under any and all circumstances with the only problem being putting my own account on the line if I played along or responded in an equally vulgar manner.


Both can be simultaneously true. No, I don’t think those rules were written with ERP prevention in mind, but a blanket ban on vulgar content would very much cover sexual content between two players, consensual or not. People have been banned for ERP in the past; not specifically because it was ERP, but because it comes under vulgar language.

It shouldn’t have to be handled by a community policing itself, especially when we have a lot of evidence that Blizzard doesn’t always (if ever) act on these rules in recent years. The only solution would be Blizzard stepping up their moderation/revamping their report system, which is something unlikely to happen.

If you see the conversation as circular, that’s because it is, because none of can achieve anything until Blizzard decides they give a damn about the fact almost every person who has been on AD since they were young has at least one grooming story. The issue isn’t always the two adults in a partnership ERPing alone; it’s the fact that grooming can and does happen, and Blizzard does next to nothing about it.


I never said that.

I think those rules are there and written in the way they are to keep the game accessible to everyone and to make sure people follow the rules.

But I also think that since it specifically says any kind of communication, it also doesnt excuse people for example role-playing(As I have brought up in previous discussions when people have said that its fine to use homophobic or racist slurs in rp because its “RP” and not actually them out of character saying it.)

My only point/opinion is that we have the rules written clear as day, and we are meant to follow them. Period.

Regardless of what someone thinks or does in-game. That also covers RP.

And ERP, since I doubt anyone can & or will ERP without graphical words. Which are by themselves not allowed in any context period.

TL:DR, my only opinion is basically: Follow the rules. They are there, no one is excused to not obey them for any reason, RP or not. It’s not(Or shouldn’t) be difficult either for people.

Of course you are. I don’t disagree. I think anyone who sends unsolicited erotic messages to anyone should be reported.

What I meant was, and I think where we’re having difficulties communicating, is that if two 18+ individuals have given their consent, and are ERP’ing in a very private space (/p, garrison, dungeons), I have a very hard time believing these rules would ever be applied to them (spontaneously or otherwise.) Which, seems to be what Vivi was suggesting: that all ERP is wrong/forbidden/against the ToS. (Please correct me if I’m wrong.) Because I think even if screenshots were sent, and you had a competent GM sit the case, the rules would not be interpreted in the way you’re letting on, due to the circumstances of the individuals I just described.

I totally, totally agree. Front to back. I’ve always believed Argent Dawn should have a GM sit in on the server and at least moderately police the community, for better or worse.

Sad truth.

I never said it did.

— As you guys can see, we don’t disagree. My point with my comment wasn’t meant to be interpreted beyond what it was: debating about it is great for catharsis, but the problem still exists, and there’s no point driving ourselves into an upset about it, because it isn’t about to go away, sadly. I don’t like seeing everyone argue. It tugs at my empathy, honestly, because I love this server to bits. And seeing this thread keep popping up, and us being divided because of it, troubles me a little.

Of everything in this thread, the revalation that people erp in minecraft feels like an absolute KO punch in the gut, what the ,

I definitely remember that being a thing in Minecraft

16 year old me was as surprised and weirded out as you are, rest assured


aren’t they just, blocks? I-


Blizzard GMs sighing in relief after u add “In Minecraft?” to the end of ur lewd whisper