Spam as always but please just remove deep wounds, now we are working with a debuff/buff thats limited to one target for some reason? Shouldnt warriors be able to fluidly change targets? Why do we have to do large setups to deal damage instead of being like a DH which is a better warrior design then current Arms as it doesnt need setup/debuff management, good mobility with cc and leech. Yeah DH is overtuned but generally Arms is just a shafted Essence reliant version of DH…
The good news is that Deep Wounds on the SL Alpha has been redesigned. It’s now better than the old one. That being said, that such a low bar to clear. It’s only better in comparison to the old.
Objectively it’s still bad.
A pile of with a flower on top is still a pile of
No but in all seriousness if they fix deepwounds im happy. Its such a big problem. Although anger management freezes our talent choices etc i think its at least bearable compared to deep wounds.
Haskiwashi, I’ve edited your post to remove the masked swear words. As you don’t have any previous strikes, on this occasion I’m just advising you to not use swears on the forums please, even if you add a * instead of a letter.
lol X) i dont know how poop is a swearword but sure
You didn’t say that, you said the word starting with S buddy
Im not arguing over it, its nothing xD. Just a language barrier
Both sentiments it something I agree with. The new version of DW is only less bad than the old instead of it being good.
If blizz remove deep wounds completely then only damaging ability become WW in AOE situation. Maybe with some iteration with cleave. And again arms become an AOE cripple like in legion or destro lock now. They can’t just tune up WW damage that will affect on FoB and more chain reaction will hurt whole spec… I personally think a best way to make deep wounds completely AOE stuff only with Cleave baseline. And maybe rend talent for solo target possibility to applying DW for those people who like it. Anyway current SL cleave more complex and interesting then cleave increase damage by x next WW.
Since when did mods post under your threat instead of sending a private message?
The issue is the damage buff attached to it (in the SL Alpha that is). I would have no issues with it if it was just a bleed.
They need to make the Mastary straight up just like the destro warlock, increase physical damage by Mastary% and reduce damage taken by half Mastary%.
And we should get passive leech like dhs also better mobility for Arms. We need better quality of life. I want to enjoy doing Call of arms quest solo fighting my way in mechagon or Uldum .
Its not fun not being free honor for the enemy.
Im like high gear on my arms and im straggling real hard against anything even tanks and healers but when i log on my 460 dh im like killing everything and i have equal chance of fighting back. it’s very sad I don’t want another 2 years of watching everyone enjoying world pvp and duels except me.
Can you answer on my thread please? You refusing to answer for weeks, but the problem is didn’t solved by blizzard. Thats not what I have paid for just saying.
Pls remove that mastry with something thats actualy fun to see and stack and play with FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
The pure bleed has been removed. The new version is only slightly better as it has a damage buff component while Deep Wounds is on the target. Meaning that you need to apply it in order to do full damage.
Fantasy-wise its better as people getting weaker as you hit them is kinda nice, i do however think gameplay wise warr shouldnt be around debuff management and should be able to switch targets with close to no issue.
I agree, just because it’s better it’s in no way good.
It also gives rise to some other problems that people are unaware of right now. The increased damage is based on the Mastery percentage. This means that while Arms level up their damage will actually drop as the Mastery percentage decreases with their level.
When their level stabilises and they start getting gear and stacking Mastery their damage is gonna go out of control. It also means that lower-level items are going to be upgrades over higher-level ones simply because it has Mastery.
Then there’s the odd interaction caused by the passive Rage-generation where Critical Hit, Haste, and Mastery are equally important as secondaries >.<
Too many stats are too important, haste is a must still, crit is very needed to regenerate a good amount of rage and mastery will be our new BIS dmg stat :I
Yes, and that’s the major spec problem. So there’s both a spec and a gameplay problem.
This behaviour is less appearent on the Alpha since you can make a new template character for each zone that starts with 25% mastery regardless of what level they are.
To test out my hypothesis I made a template character for the intro and leveled her as high as I could, which was 54, and in that period my Mastery fell 4% due to a combination of levels gained and gear ilvl upgrades. The 4% dmage loss, if it was only on one or two abilities it would be negligable. Since it’s 4% of my total damage it can felt.
Other characters I have tried this with have their DPS consistently go up as they level up and get better gear.
For Arms Warriors this curve is broken and there are constants dips in this curve since, of course, the damage of our abilities goes up as we level up and the Mastery is then factored in to get the total damage. This means that when our Mastery drops our DPS does as well.
Gameplay-wise it means there’s an extra hurdle before we can start doing full DPS. This hurdle is ridiculously easy to get over if you take the talent Cleave as it applies the DW debuff and there are no restrictions other than the Rage cost to use it. What I do is that I Charge, apply Cleave or Skullsplitter first and then the other, apply Overpower, does MS, on a single-target, simply because applying Cleave first increases my damage of everything else.
It creates a silly degenerate gameplay where you play the mechanics instead of playing the game.
What I would be good with was Arms getting active resource-generation, a rework of DW to only give a stacking bleed debuff, and see damage smoothed out across the board and be less spiky, because when I apply everthing at the same time my MS deals +115% damage, which is way too much.
they have that in the game, it’s called a demon hunter, literally that is the demon hunter system that you keep bringing up so how is it ok for warrior to “be a demon hunter” but not “be a feral druid”.
Anyway, as it stands anyway, the arms warrior does have plenty of active rage generation in charge, overpower, sudden death, skull splitter, collosus/warbreaker, in for the kill, avatar, deadly calm and ravager.
Because every global spent not spending rage is a global spent generating it.
Also, the “new” mastery kinda is a pointless component, because deep wounds is effectively permanent, there is therefore no point in the deep wounds requirement of the mastery.