Season 2, or a rotation of the instances should have happened 2 months ago.
We are quite sick of playing the same raids and instances over and over at this point.
Rotate them quicker, a new instance every two weeks or something.
You are bleeding players. We don’t want a new isle or a new ring, we want more challenging content.
But I wasn’t around to play 2 months ago, as I was busy enjoying life.
So I’m happy there was enough time for me to do Season 1 over Xmas.
I’ll see you in another 6 months for doing Season 2.
Dont worry, im sure your buddies will resub once season 2 begins. Taking a break once in a while is healthy.
that would have made s1 last 2 months only not very logical is it now
From what ive seen there not much interest for s2. All my friends have stated they wouldn’t be coming back for the “goblin patch” and 1 of the two guilds I’m part of have announced there is no plans to raid next season as most of them don’t want to play at all.
I haven’t even finished the story yet. I’m glad that they’re not moving on faster as that would make me feel like I need to hurry through the content and have less time for other stuff (both in and outside the game)
It feels like players today have forgotten how to chill, take it slow, and really savor the experience.
When an expansion drops, it’s like everyone’s snorted a line of Kajamite. They’re zooming through zones, rushing to max level, blazing through Mythic+ dungeons, and grinding out item levels at breakneck speed. But seriously—what’s the rush?
And no doubt, when the Undermine content patch arrives, the same thing will happen. Players will snort another line of Kajamite, dive headfirst into the sweaty, greasy grind, and within a few weeks—maybe a month—they’ll already be hounding Blizzard for the next content patch.
Love this.
I went slow this time around and I also went full blown casual dad with not a lot of time to play.
This pace works for me.
But looks glacial to others it seems
Some people are still working towards their goals but also please, tell me which other game out there releases brand new content every two weeks?
You’re in la la land.
rotate mate, there are what, about a hundred instances that could be playable, right now we are stuck with the same 8, and its quite boring.
You are in the Reception of Zootopia Land…
According to raider io data only, M+ saw a staggering 70% drop in players. That says something, even if we factor in that a good chunk of them left after they got what they wanted. Also, the challenging content is already there, it’s called high M+ keys /Mythic raid. Whether you like it or not, that’s a different question
Playerbases usually torn apart.
One want more content faster, other want content slower.
Since more casual players play the game and probably paying alot more than the other side, blizzard take the gate-keeping, slower content release version.
This usually happens before near end of seasons, since most people already reached what they wanted, and simple no point to do m+ anymore. You gonna trash your current gear soon enough.
Exactly, it is the casuals who pay for the bills on this project.
That is why I have enough time for achievements
thank you my casual friends
Indeed, finding the right pace for patch cycles is key. I think the sweet spot lies in a release every 12 to 16 weeks (3 to 4 months).
Any faster, and players might feel rushed or overwhelmed, struggling to keep up. Any slower, and they can get restless and disengaged, itching for something new to do.
I’ve heard Blizzard has floated the idea of 8-week release cycles, but I think that would only worsen the problem. It could create a situation where more players become reliant on that “Kajamite hit,” constantly chasing the next release. Eventually, even an 8-week cycle might start to feel slow, leading to demands for even faster content delivery. 
I suppose it all boils down to philosophy: would you rather be drip-fed smaller updates—little but often—or have mega content drops delivered less frequently? Personally, I’m more in favor of the latter.
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we’re 5 months into the first season
dungeon rotation likely wouldn’t have done as much as ilvl reward buff related to seasonal switch
Your friends are probably just done for the season and thats it.
4 months and 4 days, or even less if you look at M+ specific. Let’s not exaggerate.
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True forgot season doesn’t start on launch
Still I feel like people started to ‘be done’ longer then 3 weeks ago, I’ve been for 4-5 atm
Well, yeah, perhaps that’s the case - as it is almost every season.
The normalized data from Week 16 (M+) was on-par with DF S2 and DF S3 (which some here claim were vastly superior to this season…). At the very least it’s not something TWW specific. Nonetheless, it may require attention.
(and the raid stats for W17 are exceeding the same point of the season in DF S2 and DF S3, while slightly below DF S1).
That’s what my expectation is atleast, its late enough in the season that there will be dropoff until next season which brings back new rewards.
Being done isn’t the same for everyone either ofc. Some might simply have reached a cap they set for themselves (mine was 619 cause no resliable source of gilded crests) and simply go ok see you next season.
At the very least, to me that would make a lot more sense then OP’s ‘because the dungeons didn’t rotate 2 months ago’
And good that TWW is performing better then DF, I remember liking S1 of DF but also felt like in the newer seasons they didn’t do enough storywise and it also caused a dip in content participation to me, so I can see why TWW would be doing better then DF too.