It turned out to be quite the eventful Tuesday evening from what I was brought attention to, but not on a positive note. Usually I have avoided to give much attention to these “debates” as they rarely ever amount to anything good but this one has kept me somewhat bothered and I, much like many others on this forum, want to express my opinion on why.
To narrow in on the point, a post was made with documented evidence of certain cases of ERP made in public. I’m not going to defend the poor decision to engage in ERP in public in any way, and I’m aware of and agree to the arguement that to witness that as someone underage can cause damage, wether it be individual incidents or cases like Goldshire.
So could the promotion of a festival based almost entirely on the consumption of alcohol - which in a large amount of countries is not permitted under the age of 18 - which has been staged completely as something that is nothing more than amusement. I’m sure that those that suffer from alcoholism, or someone that is around an alcoholic, would agree to this, right? Or what about those that write out extreme, graphical violence to the point of detail that you would never see in any form of media beneath the age of 18 as well?
My point is that I saw repeated use of the “PG12 arguement”, which has grown old, but there are fewer voices of the other issue that came with this thread. What about those that the documented evidence were of?
Names were put on display on the forum in addition to the acts of these “culprits”, and what good has that amounted to? Yet another subject that is not permitted in the ToS; naming and shaming. Yes, someone made the poor decision to ERP in public - and that was dredged up now (though some seem to have been up to or over a year old evidence). Is this truly alright? Is it morally just to fan the flames of a witch-hunt that is more likely to do more damage to individuals and their guild(s) than deal with the issue itself?
Because it is just that; a witch-hunt. Someone has been designated that they, potentially, could ERP and so they have been followed consistently in an attempt to provide evidence of the “crime” - and now they have been ousted and left out to figuratively burn - the reputation of these individuals and their guild(s). Another term that I would use to connotate that is cyber-bullying; which is very real. You may believe you have made this post to simply oust them, ruin their reputation and that will be that. Has there been put any consideration into how they could be excluded from RP in the future? Or the whispers that other players could send them to drive it further?
The bottom line is and I saw this done before, do not believe that one act justifies the other. If you see ERP in public then report it through the report system. Send a ticket to a GM if you have a need for a conversation and/or affirmation, then move on with your lives. We are better than this, even on the Argent Dawn forums. Come together to create a positive experience together; not these cesspits of negativity and bullying.
Oh, and a Merry Christmas to you all and I do mean that in the least sarcastic way possible.