One Evil vs. the Other

Typical street cunning reply…


Activates Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest and flies out of the thread for the night.

I wouldn’t consider this a gentleman’s discussion. Needless to say, I believe you guys are on another level. Neither I dislike you.

Why would you promote anti-bullying and safe space atmosphere’s and then instantly make another post getting mad and start calling people retarded, trash, have double standards and then state you’re a massive hypocrite as well LOL

What is the end game of the blue dragonflight here?


I prefer the term realist.

How does /ignoring someone not work? I frankly don’t even care to read the article, because it’s a concept that literally can’t fail if it’s about the preservation of feelings.

Generally if you don’t phrase things the way you mean them, yes, you may fully expect that a misunderstanding is right on the horizon.

I’m blunt, yes, but I’d hardly call what I do harassment my man. Bit of a cheeky little low blow there, trying to at the same time be the oh so noble peacemaker while you keep attaching labels to me.

You’re kinda really bad at this safe space thing.

Indeed, but luckily kids can handle some stern words far, far better than sexual harassment and the likes.


Based on this draenei’s posts I’m now happy my kid doesnt visit the forums and reads them.


Is this the last gasp of the Draenei posters?


I accept your concession from this gilded place.

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