One Evil vs. the Other

Well done, you failed your own morals, you just insulted many people with learning disabilities and handicaps. Well done, you are a muppet.


Don’t worry I am not giving you that much credit. I know you do a lot of what you do just to have fun (but I think you’re also prone to bend and step over other people as long as that makes you happy). Yours is more akin to a form of “street cunning” that has risen to a system, mostly thanks to a lot of external elements. But you managed to play your cards well and seized the opportunity, which is something a lot of people don’t do.
Of course you wouldn’t be able to do this alone. You’re not really that brilliant. And lot of people clearly like it this way. What you built was something that was there for the taking, you just exploited your resources in a better ways than others and yes, offered something others didn’t.


Unlike you my trash is in a place where it belongs… the dumpster.

Oof. What a burn

Online interactions are not rated.

There is really not much more to say, if you see someone is breaking the ToS with what you consider to be vulgar language then you report them and that’s it.

When I see the folks aggressively campaigning against people getting their virtual jollies off and crying out ‘think of the children!’ It reminds me of a quote from Stephen Fry;

“The only people obsessed with food are the anorexic and the morbidly obese.”


activates Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest and flies into the thread quickly


Yet it is fit people who campaign for healthier eating habits.

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Och laddie…Be dat, High Executor Philip Perroy, laddie?

Yeah, that quote is really accurate and totally doesn’t try to paint victims (people who had ERP or similar :poop: pushed on them in their early teens) as offenders, purely for the sake of being able to disregard all ye who disagree.



So says the PVP king of the Occulus


Not bullying doesn’t mean I have to be kind everytime about everything. These people are advocating and defending something which is reprehensible.

You may argue I am also being a dick; I am guilty of this, but I am merely expressing my own disgust for these guys while I reply to their passive aggressive posts. I am making my dislike clear but after this, I’m not going to ask the community to hate on these individuals or anything: I am asking them not to be jerks with others. There is an huge difference between this and going after people actively.

Edit. With my posts, I feel like I target a limited amount of players, rather than all those who replied, because while some may adhere and try to mass ignore or report ERPers and players they don’t like away from their group, in the end they don’t treat these people like garbage; unlike those who, instead, will do anytime they have the chance and stalk or actively offend people. There is a thin line between the two… but with the guys who don’t harass others actively I have no hard feelings.

So you’re being a self-admitted hypocrite and trying to call others hypocrites, making you one of those rare double hypocrites.


Anyway, back to your points:

  1. WoW is also a place where kids shouldn’t be getting sexually harassed or otherwise exposed to that kinda stuff. I know, crazy.
  2. The ignore function is that good. It’s literally three clicks or a bit of typing and boom, a troublemaker is forever not your problem and your feelings will pass soon enough. The human mind can handle feeling sad for a few minutes.
  3. Wouldn’t be a problem if people weren’t ERPing, would it now?

While I’m a jerk, I don’t quite lash out like you do, despite me being a

if your word is anything to go by.


You didn’t ask them not to be jerks, you called them retarded, you broke your own morals and in the process made yourself a bigger fool. You compared people choosing to be aggressive to those with conditions they cannot help. You also say you targeted a limited amount of people with your post, but by using the word “Retarded” to insult them , you also passively targeted and harassed a group of individuals who had done no wrong or ill against you.


I’m sure you can do better: I am afraid but calling his writing “retarded” doesn’t make me a monster, and neither means I am directing the insult at this guy (= I didn’t call him retarded) It simply means that what he wrote is stupid. Is it because he lacks the intelligence to write an eloquent post? I’ll leave that consideration to each and every reader in the thread. I have formulated my own opinion in that regard.

And yes, my tone of writing is definitely rude because Tehya has, by his own choice, clearly made manifest that he/she answers only to his “wit”. In his post (and with the likes), he has not-so-implicitly admitted he is going out all the way to harass people as he see fit and defended her way with passive-aggressive comments. So… Yeah. This is the only type of player I can’t be forced to like.

As for Tehya’s new points.

  1. Does not relate in any way to my reply. I always stated I agree that ERP shouldn’t take place on WoW. Also note that ‘kids’ / ‘children’ are ambiguous, for they are usually referred to both pre-teens and teens, which creates confusion. WoW is designed for teens 13+ and others above that age; not children. Then, you have to consider the number of teens actually playing on an ERP server and that don’t have an idea of what sex is: the damage is more limited than you think.
  2. Great. Please, then use your reply and the ignore function to ignore the ERP. You realize that if your answer made any sense, then the ignore function would work flawlessly against ERP and griefers aswell. Yet, that is not the case and indeed, Blizzard has made a report function because the /ignore function doesn’t work flawlessly and is very limited.
  3. How does that even relates to my point? You’re essentially telling me you’re doing this for the children but when I demand evidence that your methods won’t hurt them, you say that if they didn’t behave the way they do, they wouldn’t suffer any consequence, which is completely unrelated to my point.

See why I say that your writing is stupid? Out of three points, one didn’t touch my replies at all and was just an embellishment. One contraddicts the very principle upon which you operate for the greater good. And the third one is unrelated to my reply.

So instead of doing the right thing and apologising for your wrongs, you instead insist you have done no wrong? and although you may have not called him “Retarded”, you insinuate that he is by saying what he has written is “Retarded”. The biggest irony here is you clear lack of spelling and grammar and yet you have the audacity to insinuate that someone else is mentally handicapped. Well done, You are not just a muppet, you are an Ironic, Arrogant Muppet.


Oh boy, I’m not allowed to like comments that amuse me now? Good to know.
Can we make some deal where I keep liking comments I like but sneak you some cheeky thumbs ups too so it’s all balanced out?

First of, any post that has a sentence dedicated to just how much more eloquent it is than any other isn’t eloquent, it’s arrogant.

  1. Whether or not they know what sex is is irrelevant. Stuff has a negative impacts on the youngsters, especially at those hormone-overdosed ages.
  2. Unfortunately, me /ignoring a creep that might cause psychological harm will not stop them from causing psychological harm. Your point was about feelings, /ignore works to preserve those ever-so-precious feelings.
    It works.
  3. Break a few eggs to make an omelette my man.

Frankly, no, no I don’t see.
Just because you don’t like my replies, and I am truly sorry to tell you this, doesn’t mean that they are irrelevant.


It’s technically wrong. I have admitted I was rude and that it wasn’t a nice thing to do. And I have recognized what I wrote was arrogant. I don’t intend to excuse with the undead cow for being rude with him however, mostly because it would be pointless and it’s not what he seeks. Aside from that, what I was pointing out was that the damage these people do (those like Tehya, here, if he is the person he seems to be) are usually way higher than the damage caused by me being slightly rude with him. However, if he promises to actually step back from his toxic attitude, I will gladly apologize. And I will see him in a different light.
As for my grammar. For some people english is their third language you know. Besides, it is also unrelated to his intelligence.

You misunderstood the point (it wasn’t intended as an accusation). But I was certain you’d misunderstand.

Can you provide an actual source for this, aside from your experience? I have been reading several articles that state otherwise.
Here is an example [edit, I can’t include links] (link removed - the article is called “Toxic Behavior in Online Games”, University of Oulo, Teemu Saarinen (author)

"Kwak et al. (2015) ventured into the area of team competition online games where players are in constant interaction throughout the gaming experience and concluded that toxic behavior greatly degrades the user experience in those settings. "
[edit - can’t place links: You can find more articles online under the voice cyberbullying and scientific articles].

So essentially you’re an hypocrite. Cool.

It’s not that they are irrelevant but that the solutions you offer, if accepted, go against the very reasons you claim to be doing God’s work by disrupting ERP. It doesn’t really require a genius to see that.

Apparently it takes a genius to see that necroing a drama thread to express his emotions sure isn’t a smart move.

Disgusted by something you just reinvigorated with ceaseless infantile
platitudes while the thread was inactive for some time now…
Virtual signalling pretentious fool, in the end you’re no better then that what you hate.

Sleep well :slight_smile:


I believe I am, and have explained why I do. I also don’t think that opinions (and those who express them) are irrelevant. Quite the opposite, I believe expressing my arguments in the way I did wasn’t formulated by others, and that’s why I bothered to post. I am not here to seek drama; but if I enter a discussion, I usually try to make sure my posts engage actively with the players involved so that they may have the chance to think about what I write, rather than just throw an opinion in the bunch. For the betterment of the people like Tehya you have to get their attention first. Either way, I already agreed that my behavior was rude and could have been avoided. Which is why I toned it down. It is something people are conveniently missing when they reply to my posts. Now, I believe I have stated my own opinion and provided my arguments, therefore I have no interest in further prosecution. Henceforth, I repeat the offer I made above:

Tehya, I’ll excuse with you for my tones. In exchange, I would like you to dampen your toxicity and harassment quirks. It is clear we could both learn one another from the online interaction. So I will extend my hand. I’m sure you’re much more than what I have seen on the forums.

And more importantly, make sure to know the age before you harass people, for they might be minors (and according to your own statements, damaging children is the worse type of damage you can do).

I enjoyed this gentlemen’s discussion thoroughly