One more Cyclone thread

Let’s look at things in a fair way.

Holy Paladin: Repentance - 15s CD
Evoker: Sleep Walk - 15s CD
Mistweaver: Song of Chi Ji - 30 second cooldown
Priest: Psychic Scream - 30 second cooldown
Shaman: Hex - 15 second cooldown

Restoration Druid: Cyclone - no cooldown, faster cast than any of the above


From spellcasters, only Mage and Warlock can spam CC without a CD - Polymorph and Fear.

Spellcasters are more inclined to have a spammable CC, which is why Moonkin should keep Cyclone without a CD.


Being completely removed from the game, crowd controlled for forever, BY A HEALER, is absolutely obnoxious.

The instant Entangling roots in Tree of Life form are the followup to the Cyclone spam.

There is absolutely no logic for a healer spec to have the best CC abilities in the entire game. If a Resto Druid wants, he can play Maim and stun you for 5 seconds - the same stun a Rogue has. Can Vortex you. Root an entire team, Mass Root, instant Tree of Life roots, 0.5 cast spammable Cyclones with Heart of the Wild, and Bash, which nobody understands why is still a 4 second stun after 98% of all other stuns in the game got nerfed back in season 1.

Fix Restoration druid before another season gets ruined.

I will remind everybody that this spec also didn’t have an immunity (Tranquility) until late Shadowlands. Now it’s borderline immortal, does the highest healing only being in competition with Preservation evoker, has failure prevention passives such as passive tree NPCs healing + auto frenzy + barkskin in stun.

Please. Fix. Resto Druid in PvP. This is a literal abomination of a healer design and is toxic to every single other healer spec.


Nerf range. Don’t remember being able to stand half way across the map to cast it before DF.


if a resto druid can do more than 1 clone every 20 seconds ur bad, go watch awc and see how many clones rdruid does


Yeah, remove healing reduction from demon hunter since they diden’t have it in sl, remove vengeful retreat immunity since they diden’t have it in sl.

Thanks - everyone who plays anything that is not a dh


Comparing apples with peas

Great thread.

While we are at it, let’s make fel eruption and prison 2s cast time on a chaos school that locks dh on every spell.

Eye beam interruptable. Glimpse and cleansed by flame either removed or reworked.

MS moved to throw glaive or something instead of AoE.

Dunno why throwing a frisbee gives you 3 rows of physical debuffs and bleeds but does magic damage?

Blood moon talent extremely busted for being a passive let’s get rid of that as well.

Remove rng from blur and let’s make it a 2m CD.

That should be good for a start probably forgot 10 other things but since we want to keep dh class in the game it’s a good start.

Oh ye and get rid of all the passive damage reductions dunno why dh needs defensive stance without the downside.

Edit: wrap it up with a Night elf racial nerf. It should have been done long time ago. It’s getting very boring.


Cyclone was fine back then when 4 points are there
A: the range is short
B: its mana intense
C: long cast time
D: HPS from Hots *include treants are low

Atm. Nothing of this 4 points is there
HPS from hots plays a roll how much a Rdruid can go for clones if he needs too be afraid of loosing too much healing for cloning

Yes other healer specs are peas compared to Rdruid

And people think Prevoker full counters Rdruid - it doesn’t

If the Rdruid roots the Pres when his teammate is low he is screwed, and if he clones Communion he is also screwed

and the other healer specs aren’t even close

oh yeah using AWC is your only counter arguement is solid

That’s like your company arguing that their CEOs get a lot of money so the rest of the employees don’t need a salary increase, just need to work more

Blows my mind that people defend cyclone


As a rdruid alt I do agree. Honestly it needs lower range, a cd or a significantly longer cast time.

Personality I’d slap a cd on it, for all specs.
Generally not a fan of spammable cc.

I’m surprised nothing’s been done to clone already. Rdruids are S-tier for a reason, their insane amounts of control.

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Well cyclone now has 30m range on rdruid now rofl. Everybody who denies that the devs have a ridiculous bias towards rdru is completely in denial.

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As i mention in previous topic of mine,Resto Druid is Blizzards favorite child.And not only in Arena PvP,M+ also.

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druid is strong because their healing is too high, you nerf their healing, they will no longer be able to clone easily

It’s now pre-patch. We’re all just level 70 twinks. Let’s see if Rdruid will still be as strong at Endgame level 80.

Lmao what?

and when im lvl 80 u say, youre not full geared, just wait for season to really start


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“they will do class changes after tourny, after awc”
for sure

And in the end priest will be the most played healer again anyway. So who cares unless it’s switched around that shamen and monk are the most played for once.

We really need Fistweaver and totem buffs

It’s not their healing that’s winning the games when they go cyclone 3x into bash/rake into rake stun/bash into root → root → root or some combination of it. And then when you finally get in range of the kill target/CC cycle is over, the druid cyclones them so you can’t heal them.

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