One more Cyclone thread

if you nerf the heals, you nerf the drood = cant /no time for clone


Thank god they nerfed Rdruid on beta/TWW now Clone will not be from 25 yards but 30 yards,oh wait ?!?!
Meanwhile Static totem nerf amazing isnt it ?
And for the people that say Static is disruptive they dont have an idea how many times shamans use static meanwhile they get in the same global micro CCed and static is dead in on auto attack aka you get 0 value out of it.Thanks alot Blizzard for the great balance,i actually think Druids need to cast clone behind the piller and atleast 40 yards away,cmon what is that thing you got to be in line and only 30 yards…what a disgrace poor Rdruids again F tier
PS:Everyone says on beta that Rdruid is still the most strong healer by far!

maybe press an ability or move your character, idk


There is one thing you should know about cyclone. You cant spam cyclone in previous cyclone like mage or lock, cos cycloned target is immune to it.
So if druid better in timing his 1.4 sec cast cyclone than you with your instant chastice/fade/kick/grounding/shadowmeld/etc then the only problem there is skill issue.
And if the druid has time for this, it means that your tunnel vision mates semiafk tunneling full prehoted targets and they don’t understand what’s going on at all.
Cyclone is a normal control. Druid strong because of large delayed healing and difficulties for most of the players to find a third target without green icon named “lifebloom” in buffs row

It’s quite hilarious how druids are all “MAH CYCLONE” and then try to defend it.

I’ve played druid you know, I won most of the games due to cyclone. Not my healing. Because I could shut down the other healer from healing the kill target.

Especially disc or holy priests or holy paladin. They use a CD on someone? Cyclone them. GG, CD wasted. Cyclone needs to be nerfed into the ground.

No, it’s not. It makes people immune to damage and healing. It can’t be dispelled. It doesn’t break on any damage like other CCs like fear or poly do. It’s a completely overpowered spell to give to a healer.

Chastise has a 1 min cd, you barely have time to lower the CD on it when you have to heal. It’s also a holy only ability. Disc doesn’t have chastise.

Why would you fade something that can be spammed instead of something that you can avoid that has a CD?


Yes, of course, everyone plays nelf. How silly of me to forget that.

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Dude if you’re getting spam cloned by a rdruid in a 3v3/shuffle environment its a massive skill/positioning issue from you and your team.

Stop crying


Then stop writing posts on your DK trying to hide the fact that you’ve abused Resto Druid to 3000 in Solo Shuffle

And if you’re gonna say you didn’t abuse the hell out of everything that is mentioned in the thread

Yeah, no

It’s not exactly a skill issue getting root spammed by some guy while his NPCs are topping his teammates instead of him

It’s not a skill issue getting cloned from 30 yards when you don’t have a ranged interrupt

It’s a skill issue pretending to not be a Resto Druid main and defending your class when it is the best healer in the entire game for a possible 3rd season

Can’t wait for another season where the ONLY healer who has a CHANCE is Prevoker vs this abomination of a healer design


I’m not hiding anything, you can see the classes I play on checkpvp and getting cloned has never be a problem for me on my DK or Hunter, only when I didn’t pay enough attention to stop it → skill issue

Clone is 25 yd range, dh has an obnoxious amount of mobility and also ranged cc and meld/retreat to avoid them

Never pretended anything, and resto druid wasn’t good last season.

Almost as if its lobby/comp dependant.

Btw, I have no interest in rdruid being the best healer in shuffle. Pushing for titles is easier when you’re at the middle of the pack instead of having to pray that I don’t get my 10th pres full melee 0-6 lobby of the day.
Crying about cyclone from a rdruid is ridiculous though, you’d have a point if you said boomy/feral precog clone spam

Also, I’d love to be able to have clone uninterruptable and castable while moving like evoker but on 15sec cd. Gimme that

I’d pay to see the top rated healer mains read this and not laugh at you until they start coughing

Would you care to explain then why it was the most represented spec above 2400 in all arena brackets?

Because it wasn’t. Since I’m obviously talking about S3. You said last 3 seasons+, yet not even last 2 seasons is true

You people forget so easily it’s wild, and it’s very arenas forums that a bunch of low rated people tell an AWC rdruid how the game works. When I play dps and I get spam cloned by druid either my positioning has been bad, I didn’t pay enough attention or my team partners are bad.


Yea the clone spam is truly crazy here, the other team can’t ever play the game

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There is no need to defend it cos it absolutely normal

That is exactly what every class with control spells can do

Like a diamond trap or chastise or another hundreds of physical cc? It cant be owerpowered because it can be interrupted

This is not about cd. You see a druid, you use chastice+fear. That’s it, no cyclones. And if druid have to heal, he cant use cyclones too

Obviously, because you have problems with positioning, since the druid can freecast cyclones on you the whole game

Why didn’t you write that priest has no grounding too? Does priest have a grounding totem?

I have already realized that in your games the druid has nothing to do and no one prevents him from spamming cyclones. But against normal opponents, he can’t cast any clone on another heal for most of the game due to the competent positioning, kicks, and risk of switches or counter control.
I’ll tell you more:
all the restor druids of soloshuffle would gladly agree that cyclones could be dispelled or that it has some kind of cooldown or all that nonsense that you guys are asking for here. If only the cyclone was instant or had a bigger range.
As mentioned above, the druid calmly wins games without cyclones. A druid can use cyclones when he is already doing well and he is not risking anything.

No stuns are spammable and make targets immune. People that are chastised, kidney shot and so on can still be healed.

There’s what…? 3 abilities in the game that make targets immune:

Imprison(which has a cd and takes up a pvp talent slot)
trap(which has a cd and takes a pvp talent slot)
Cyclone (which is spammable, doesn’t take a pvp talent slot)

Kinda weird druids get the best. It should have a cd and cost a pvp talent slot.

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Just asking but, what do you mean with this?
Since it sounds extremely bad.

And instant! I completely agree. It’s too difficult to use it in a normal game, where players can use cc, kicks, los, out of range it, immune it, etc

I mean, this is an absolutely normal spell, because it can be kicked, immuned, los-ed, etc.
In comparison, for example, with instant imprison. Which you can’t do anything about.
Or chastise+fear which work the same way if your teammates don’t do anything. But as we know from the previous priest, they cant see the healer at all

Its a weird comment since it basically means anything that can be interrupted is not overpowered. Even if they would buff cyclone to 40 minutes duration it would not be overpowered because of “able to interrupt”.

What makes cyclone overpowered is the ability to negate defensives and bursts. With no CD on it. 6 sec duration. Target cant be healed. Thats it.
With the ability to buff the range on it to 30 yards, that makes it less punishing to go in for cyclones.
The longer range on it, the less punishing.

Cloning low hp kill target into leap bash healer into clone on him isnt broken at all folks,Resto druids are fine.
While you got npcs(treants) keepin your team alive with one of enemy dps in clone so he doesnt make any pressure and 2 rows of hots for a good measure,not broken at all guys,pure balance by Blizzard

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Happens on 1300 maybe

Happens on every raiting,on higher even more because better Rdruids know how to execute it better.

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no decent team will allow a rdruid to do that.

Let my ask again, why is it only a problem on low rating? Why don’t we see rdruids spam clone in AWC matches for example? Is it maybe because people are aware of their surroundings and can punish it hard?

nothing to do with how decent your team is when 1/3 is in clone and healer is about to get cloned,so you leave with 1 player that have to do something,and this one player must be in right position and have the tools to do it(some specs cant do anything to counter it).So ye thanks for admitting Rdruids are beyond broken.
AWC is another thing,you got insane players with perfect communications that dont risk anything.You cant compare it with 3s ladder